Nottingham – Wolves 13/4, odds and results

The City Ground 2 - 213-04-2024 15:00Premier League Round 33 Domare: C. Pawson Stad: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 30576
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Nottingham - Wolverhampton
Game facts and information

Match information for Nottingham -– Wolverhampton in Premier League

Starting at 15:00, the Premier League match between Nottingham and Wolverhampton was played on 13 april.

Draw between Nottingham - Wolverhampton

The game eventually ended in a tie between Nottingham - Wolverhampton, with the final score being 2 - 2. The draw means that both teams will get points, so both Nottingham and Wolverhampton can add another to their name in the Premier League table.

Odds for Nottingham - Wolverhampton

Before the match between Nottingham and Wolverhampton in Premier League, were favourites to win according to the odds. In average, the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the odds for a win.

was expected to lose against , and the best odds on as winners was found at to the odds of 0/0. The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds for winning the match.

The best bet for a draw between Nottingham and Wolverhampton was found at to the odds of . Before the match between Nottingham and Wolves, the betting companies in the list above gave the average odds of for a draw.

Point record Nottingham

During this season of Premier League, Nottingham has scored a total of 0 points in the 18 matches played at home. The team has a record of 0 points per home match in average this season.

10 points is the record for Nottingham in the 17 home games played in in %event%. This means that Nottingham has an away match average of 0,59 points per match.

Nottingham has a record this far in Premier League of 10 points in the 35 matches played during the season. In each match, the team has scored an average of 0,59.

Point record Wolverhampton

The score for Wolves in home matches this season is 0 scored points in 18 matches played at home. This means that Nottingham scores an average of 0 points per home match.

In 17 away matches, Wolves has scored a total of 19 points in Premier League So the team has an away record of 1,12 points per match.

Wolverhampton has scored 19 points in Premier League so far this season, in 35 played matches. The result means that Wolves has an average of 1,12 scored points per match.

Premier League 2023/24
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Arsenal 17132243-154118123342-133935255585-2880
2Manchester City 17125043-144117122339-183834247382-3279
3Liverpool 17133143-15421896334-213335229477-3675
4Aston Villa 18123345-25391784528-272835207873-5267
5Tottenham 17120536-24361666431-282433186967-5260
6Manchester United 1793528-25301773724-2624341661252-5154
7Newcastle 18123348-213916421026-3414341651374-5553
8West Ham 1868428-27261772828-38233513101256-6549
9Chelsea 1684435-25281755728-3420331391163-5948
10Bournemouth 1876526-26271763826-3421351391352-6048
11Wolverhampton 1883725-27271754823-2819351371548-5546
12Brighton 1676328-23271845924-34173411111252-5744
13Fulham 1892731-20291735920-3514351271651-5543
14Crystal Palace 1764728-26221846817-31183510101545-5740
15Brentford 1756627-302118421225-301435981852-6035
16Everton 1874721-18201754816-3014351281537-4834
17Nottingham 1855825-272017241117-351035791942-6230
18Luton 17431025-321518241223-451035672248-7725
19Burnley 17241117-371018351021-331435592138-7024
20Sheffield United 17241118-511018131416-46635372534-9716
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
16:00 13/4
Premier League - Grundserie
2 - 2
9/12 2023
Premier League - Grundserie
1 - 1
1/4 2023
Premier League - Grundserie
1 - 1
11/1 2023
Engelska Ligacupen - 2022/23
5 - 4 str
15/10 2022
Premier League - Grundserie
1 - 0
24/8 2021
Engelska Ligacupen - 2021/22
0 - 4
20/1 2018
EFL Championship - 2017/18
0 - 2
16/9 2017
EFL Championship - 2017/18
1 - 2
4/4 2017
EFL Championship - 2016/17
1 - 0
17/12 2016
EFL Championship - 2016/17
0 - 2
Teams stats in Premier League
Games played181735
Games won527
Games drawn549
Games lost81119
Goals for251742
Goals for per game1,391,002,47
Goals against273562
Goals against per game1,502,063,65
Goals against and for per game2,893,062,97
Games played181735
Games won8513
Games drawn347
Games lost7815
Goals for252348
Goals for per game1,391,352,82
Goals against272855
Goals against per game1,501,653,24
Goals against and for per game2,893,002,94

Points statistics for Nottingham - Wolverhampton

The results means a draw in both team's records. Over the last 5 matches, this means 0 wins, 1 draws and 4 losses for Nottingham - and 1 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses for Wolverhampton.

Both teams were awarded with points in Premier League after the draw. During the last five matches, which means a total of possible points, Nottingham has collected 1 poins ? and Wolverhampton has secured 5.

Statistics for Nottingham - Wolverhampton

Nottingham has scored 25 goals in home matches during this season of Premier League, an average of 1,39 goals scored per match. During this season, Nottingham has conceded a total of 27 goals in 18 games played on home grounds in Premier League. That means that Nottingham has conceded an average of 1,50 goals per match.

During this season of Premier League, Nottingham has scored a total of 42 goals in the 35 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 2,47 goals scored per match. During this season, Nottingham has conceded a total of 62 goals in the 35 matches in the league. In average, Nottingham has conceded a total of 3,65 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Wolves has scored a total of 23 goals in the 17 away matches they've played this season of Premier League. The away team, Wolverhampton, has an average of 1,65 conceded goals per match in Premier League.

Wolves have in this season of Premier League scored a total of 48 goals. In the 35 matches that Wolves have played this season, an average of 2,82 goals has been scored per match. During the past season, Wolverhampton has conceded a total of 55 goals. This means that Wolverhampton has conceded an average of 3,24 goals in the 35 matches that has been played in Premier League.