Amiens – Troyes 17/3, odds and results

1 - 117-03-2018 19:00Ligue 1 Round 30
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Amiens - Troyes
Game facts and information

How Amiens - Troyes was played

The match between Amiens and Troyes in Ligue 1 was played on 17/3 with kick-off at 19:00.

Draw between Amiens - Troyes

The match between Amiens and Troyes ended in a tie with the scores 1 - 1. Both Amiens and Troyes can add another points to their name in the table after the tied result in the match.

The best odds for Amiens - Troyes

The odds before the match in Ligue 1 between Amiens and Troyes favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. In average, the odds for to win was times your wager, at bookmakers in the list above.

offered the best odds for to win, at 0/0 times your wager. Underdogs was no favourite to win the match against , and a bet on them gave the average odds of .

gave the best odds for a draw between Amiens and Troyes, times your wager. The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of times the money for a draw before the match.

Point record Amiens

During this season of Ligue 1 , Amiens has scored a total of 0 points in the 19 matches played at home. Amiens has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

In away matches, Amiens has during this season scored a total of 16 points in 19 away matches. This means that Amiens has an away match average of 0,84 points per match.

In 38 played matches, Amiens has scored 16 points in Ligue 1 .  This season, Amiens has an average of 0,84 points mer match.

Point record Troyes

In 19 matches in Ligue 1 , Troyes has now scored a total of 0 points. Troyes has a score of 0 points per home match in average.

In 19 away matches, Troyes has scored a total of 9 points in Ligue 1  This means that Troyes has a record of 0,47 points per away match.

Troyes has in Ligue 1 scored 9 points in 38 played matches this season. Per match, Troyes has an average point of 0,47.

Ligue 1
2017/185 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1PSG 19171170-155219125238-1441382963108-2993
2Monaco 19153147-17481995538-283238248685-4580
3Lyon 19125238-184119114449-253738239687-4378
4Marseille 19125244-194119106336-2836382211580-4777
5Rennes 1984721-22281986529-22303816101250-4458
6Bordeaux 1994627-23311973926-2524381671553-4855
7Saint Etienne 1987432-27311973915-23243815101347-5055
8Nice 19103629-23331956824-2921381591453-5254
9Nantes 1984715-17281966721-24243814101436-4152
10Montpellier 1959520-19241969416-1427381118936-3351
11Dijon 19113535-283619261120-4512381391655-7348
12Guingamp 1987430-243119441118-35163812111548-5947
13Amiens 1985626-192919441111-2316381291737-4245
14Angers 1957723-28221947819-2419389141542-5241
15Strasbourg 1976627-272719251217-4011389111844-6738
16Caen 1975717-192619331310-3312381082027-5238
17Lille 1966724-272419421317-4014381082041-6738
18Toulouse 1975723-212619251215-3311389101938-5437
19Troyes 1973917-222419231415-37938962332-5933
20Metz 19341216-371319341218-391338682434-7626
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
17/3 2018
Ligue 1 - 2017/18
1 - 1
16/12 2017
Ligue 1 - 2017/18
1 - 0
Teams stats in Ligue 1
Games played191938
Games won8412
Games drawn549
Games lost61117
Goals for261137
Goals for per game1,370,581,95
Goals against192342
Goals against per game1,001,212,21
Goals against and for per game2,371,792,08
Games played191938
Games won729
Games drawn336
Games lost91423
Goals for171532
Goals for per game0,890,791,68
Goals against223759
Goals against per game1,161,953,11
Goals against and for per game2,052,742,39

Points statistics for Amiens - Troyes

The draw means that in the last 5 matches, Amiens has gotten 1 wins, 2 losses och 2 draws - while Troyes in the same time has collected 0 wins, 3 losses and 2 draws.

Krysset innebär nya poäng till båda lagen efter matchen. Med det har Amiens spelat in 5 poäng, samtidigt som Troyes har spelat in 2 poäng av totalt möjliga på sina fem senaste matcherna.

Statistics for Amiens - Troyes

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of Ligue 1 , Amiens has scored an average of 1,37 per match in 19 matches. In Ligue 1 , Amiens has conceaded 19 goals on home ground this season.

In the 38 matches Amiens has played in Ligue 1 this season, the team has scored a total of 37 goals, with an average of 1,95 goals per match. During this season, Amiens has conceded a total of 42 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Amiens has conceded a total of 2,21 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Troyes has scored a total of 15 goals in the 19 away matches they've played this season of Ligue 1 . In away matches, Troyes has conceded an average of 1,95 goals in the 19 away games that has been played.

Troyes has scored an average of 1,68 goals per match in Ligue 1 in the 38 matches played during the season. Troyes has played a total of 38 matches this season, and during those 38 matches the team has conceded a total of 59 goals giving them an average of 3,11 conceded goals per match.