Arsenal – Leicester 21/4, odds and results

3 - 021-04-2024 14:00FA Women's Super League Round 19
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Arsenal - Leicester
Game facts and information

Arsenal faced Leicester on 21-04-2024

The match in FA Women's Super League between Arsenal and Leicester was played on 21/4 at 14:00.

Arsenal left as winners from the last match against Leicester

The match ended in a win for Arsenal with the final result of 3 - 0.  new points are handed to Arsenalin the FA Women's Super League table for the win. Leicester lost the match, and won´t be given any points in this round. As the match has been settled we can now find Arsenal in place 7 in the table with a total of 0 points, and Leicester with their 3 points in place 6.

The best & highest odds for Arsenal - Leicester

Before the match between Arsenal and Leicester in FA Women's Super League, were favourites to win according to the odds. The betting companies gave the average odds of on to win the match.

The best odds for , who were expected to lose, were available to bet on for 0/0 times your wager at . The average odds for underdogs to win gave the average odds of at the bookmakers we compared odds from.

The best odds for a draw was offered by , to times the money. Before the match between Arsenal and Leicester, the betting companies in the list above gave the average odds of for a draw.

Point record Arsenal

Arsenal has an averige so far in FA Women's Super League of 0 scored points per home match. Arsenal has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

On away grounds, Arsenal has scored 17 points in 10 matches. So the team has an average of 1,70 points per away match.

In the 20 matches Arsenal during this season of FA Women's Super League, the team has scored a total of 17 points. This means that Arsenal has an average of 1,70 points per match.

Point record Leicester

On home grounds, Leicester has scored 0 points in FA Women's Super League this season, in 10 home matches. This means that Leicester has a home average of 0 points per match.

Arsenal has a record for their away matches in FA Women's Super League of 9 scored points in the 10 away matches that has been played. This means that Arsenal has an average of 0,90 points per match in their away matches.

In the total of 20 matches Leicester has played this season, they have scored 9 points. This means that Leicester has an average of 0,90 points per match this season.

FA Women's Super League 2023/24
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester City 1081132-6251090126-62720171258-1252
2Chelsea 1090130-927961226-91919151356-1846
3Arsenal 1090125-6271052321-131720142446-1944
4Manchester United 1053222-12181052320-131720105542-2535
5Liverpool 1052318-14171053213-141820105531-2835
6Tottenham Hotspur 93339-12121144319-22162077628-3428
7Aston Villa 1013612-2661160514-151821731126-4124
8Everton 1114610-2271041510-151321551120-3720
9Brighton and Hove Albion 1112810-2551042416-181421541226-4319
10Leicester 1022612-2081023513-20920451125-4017
11West Ham United 1013611-186102267-23820351218-4114
12Bristol City 1000107-2801013613-30620131620-586
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
15:00 21/4
FA Women's Super League - Grundserie
3 - 0
12/11 2023
FA Women's Super League - Grundserie
2 - 6
5/5 2023
FA WSL - Grundserie
1 - 0
6/11 2022
FA WSL - Grundserie
0 - 4
3/4 2022
FA WSL - Grundserie
0 - 5
12/12 2021
FA WSL - Grundserie
4 - 0
Teams stats in FA Women's Super League
Games played101020
Games won9514
Games drawn022
Games lost134
Goals for252146
Goals for per game2,502,104,60
Goals against61319
Goals against per game0,601,301,90
Goals against and for per game3,103,403,25
Games played101020
Games won224
Games drawn235
Games lost6511
Goals for121325
Goals for per game1,201,302,50
Goals against202040
Goals against per game2,002,004,00
Goals against and for per game3,203,303,25

Point statistics for Arsenal - Leicester

Arsenal has 2 wins, 1 draws and 2 losses in their 5 latest matches after defeating Leicester. In the last 5 mathces for Leicester, the result is 1 wins, 3 losses och 1 draws ? with the loss against Arsenal included.

After winning against Leicester, Arsenal has collected7 points of possible in their 5 latets matches. Leicester has on the other hand collected in their 5 latest.

Goal stats for Arsenal and Leicester

Arsenal has an average of 2,50 goals scored per match at home in FA Women's Super League. Arsenal has conceded a total of 6 goals on home ground during this season of FA Women's Super League. In the 10 matches played on home ground Arsenal has an average of 0,60 conceded goals per match.

In the 20 matches Arsenal has played in FA Women's Super League this season, the team has scored a total of 46 goals, which means an average of 4,60 goals scored per match. During this season, Arsenal has conceded a total of 19 goals in the 20 matches in the league. In average, Arsenal has conceded a total of 1,90 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Leicester has scored 13 goals in 10 matches. In away matches, Leicester has conceded an average of 2,00 goals in the 10 away games that has been played.

Leicester has scored an average of 2,50 goals per match in FA Women's Super League in the 20 matches played during the season. Looking at the number of goals this season - Leicester have conceded an average of 4,00 goals per match in the league, in the 20 matches that has been played.