Basel – Apoel Nicosia 27/2, odds and results

Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Basel - Apoel Nicosia
Game facts and information

How Basel - Apoel Nicosia played out on 27/2

Basel and Apoel Nicosia faced each other on 27 februari. The match was played in Europa League with match start 17:55.

Basel left as winners from the last match against Apoel Nicosia

The match between Basel and Apoel Nicosia eventually ended with a 1 - 0 win for Basel. Basel came out as winners, wich means new points for the table. The loss for Apoel Nicosia means no new points in this round of Europa League. As the match has been settled we can now find Basel in place 1 in the table with a total of 3 points, and Apoel Nicosia with their 0 points in place 4.

1X2 odds for Basel - Apoel Nicosia

The odds before the match in Europa League between Basel and Apoel Nicosia favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. The betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for to win against .

0/0 was the highest odds on to win the match against . The bet was available at . In our odds comparison, gave the average odds of for to win.

A bet on draw between Basel and Apoel Nicosia gave at most the odds of , which cas offered at . In average, the bookmakers we compared gave an odds of for a draw between Basel - Apoel Nicosia.

Point record Basel

Basel has an averige so far in Europa League of 0 scored points per home match. In home matches, Basel has an average of 0 points per match.

Basel has on away grounds during this Europa League season scored 10 points in 6 matches. This gives Basel an away average of 1,67 points per match.

Basel has in 11 matches scored 10 points in this season of Europa League. Basel has a point average per match of 1,67.

Point record Apoel Nicosia

The score for Apoel Nicosia in home matches this season is 0 scored points in 4 matches played at home. This means that Basel scores an average of 0 points per home match.

4 points is what Apoel Nicosia has scored in their 4 away matches this season. Apoel Nicosia does in other words score 1,00 points in average for each away match.

In the total of 8 matches Apoel Nicosia has played this season, they have scored 4 points. With that, Apoel Nicosia has scored an average of 1,00 points per played game.

Europa League
Group A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Sevilla 33006-0932018-36650114-315
2Apoel Nicosia 32016-5631114-34631210-810
3Qarabag 30213-6231025-5361238-115
4Dudelange 30033-11031115-7461148-184
Europa League
Group B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Malmö FF 32107-5731111-1463218-611
2FC Copenhagen 31112-2431203-2562315-49
3Dynamo Kiev 31203-2530214-5261417-77
4FC Lugano 30210-1230122-4160332-53
Europa League
Group C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Basel 33009-1931113-34641112-413
2Getafe 32014-1632014-3664028-412
3Krasnodar 32015-3631022-8363037-119
4Trabzonspor 30122-5130031-6060153-111
Europa League
Group D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1LASK 33008-1931113-34641111-413
2Sporting Lissabon 33007-1931024-63640211-712
3PSV Eindhoven 31204-3531025-9362229-128
4Rosenborg 30032-8030121-3160153-111
Europa League
Group E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Celtic 33007-2931113-44641110-613
2CFR Cluj 33005-1931021-3364026-412
3Lazio 32014-3630032-6062046-96
4Rennes 31113-2430032-6061145-84
Europa League
Group F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Arsenal 32018-4631206-35632114-711
2Eintracht Frankfurt 31024-7332014-3663038-109
3Standard 32106-3730122-7162228-108
4Vitória Guimarães 30212-3231025-7361237-105
Europa League
Group G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Porto 32106-4731022-5363128-910
2Rangers 32104-1730214-5262318-69
3Young Boys 32015-3630213-4262228-78
4Feyenoord 31205-3530032-6061237-95
Europa League
Group H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Espanyol 31117-2432105-27632112-411
2Ludogorets 31116-3431114-74622210-108
3Ferencváros 30212-5231203-2561415-77
4CSKA Moscow 30121-4131112-5461233-95
Europa League
Group I5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1AA Gent 32107-5731204-25633011-712
2Wolfsburg 32015-4631204-3563219-711
3Saint Etienne 30302-2330124-6160426-84
4PFC Olexandria 30213-4230123-6160336-103
Europa League
Group J5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Istanbul Basaksehir 31112-4432015-5663127-910
2Roma 31207-3531115-34623112-69
3Mönchengladbach 31023-7331203-2562226-98
4Wolfsberger 30121-5131116-3461237-85
Europa League
Group K5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Braga 31208-6533007-39642015-914
2Wolverhampton 32015-1632106-47641111-513
3Slovan Bratislava 31027-8330123-51611410-134
4Besiktas 31023-4330033-11061056-153
Europa League
Group L5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester United 33008-0931112-24641110-213
2AZ Alkmaar 31208-2531117-64623115-89
3Partizan Belgrade 31116-4431114-64622210-108
4Astana 31023-8330031-11061054-193
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
27/2 2020
Europa League - Sextondelsfinaler
1 - 0
20/2 2020
Europa League - Sextondelsfinaler
0 - 3
Teams stats in Europa League
Games played5611
Games won538
Games drawn011
Games lost022
Goals for111021
Goals for per game2,201,673,50
Goals against178
Goals against per game0,201,171,33
Goals against and for per game2,402,832,64
Apoel NicosiaHomeAwayTotal
Games played448
Games won213
Games drawn011
Games lost224
Goals for6410
Goals for per game1,501,002,50
Goals against8412
Goals against per game2,001,003,00
Goals against and for per game3,502,002,75

Point statistics for Basel - Apoel Nicosia

Basel has 3 wins, 0 draws and 2 losses in their 5 latest matches after defeating Apoel Nicosia. In the last 5 mathces for Apoel Nicosia, the result is 1 wins, 2 losses och 1 draws ? with the loss against Basel included.

The new points from the face-off against Apoel Nicosia means that Basel has collected 9 points of the possible in ther 5 latest matches. Apoel Nicosia doesn't get any new points because of their loss, and have now collected 4 in their 5 latest matches.

Statistics for Basel - Apoel Nicosia

In home matches this season, Basel has scored 11 goals in Europa League, meaning that Basel has an average of 2,20 per match. On home ground, Basel has conceded an average of 0,20 goals in this season of Europa League.

During this season of Europa League, Basel has scored a total of 21 goals in the 11 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 3,50 goals scored per match. During this season, Basel has conceded a total of 8 goals in the 11 matches in the league. In average, Basel has conceded a total of 1,33 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Apoel Nicosia has scored 4 goals in 4 matches. The away team, Apoel Nicosia, has an average of 1,00 conceded goals per match in Europa League.

Apoel Nicosia has produced an average of 2,50 goals per match in the 8 played in Europa League. During this season of the league, Apoel Nicosia, has in the 8 matches played conceded an average of 3,00 goals per match.