Bayer Leverkusen – West Ham 11/4, odds and results

2 - 011-04-2024 20:00Europa League Kvartsfinaler
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Odds for Bayer Leverkusen - West Ham
Game facts and information

Match facts Bayer Leverkusen - West Ham in Europa League

Bayer Leverkusen and West Ham faced each other on 11-04-2024 with kick-off at 20:00 in Europa League.

Bayer Leverkusen came out with a win against West Ham

The match ended in a win for Bayer Leverkusen with the final result of 2 - 0. The win against West Ham means new points for Bayer Leverkusen in the Europa League table. West Ham walks away from this round without any new points.  As the match has been settled we can now find Bayer Leverkusen in place 1 in the table with a total of 3 points, and West Ham with their 3 points in place 1.

Odds for Bayer Leverkusen - West Ham

Ahead of the game between Bayer Leverkusen and West Ham in Europa League, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds. The betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for to win against .

were underdogs against , and the highest odds for a win was found at , to 0/0 times your wager. In average, the bookmakers in our list gave the odds for to take an unexpected win.

At you could find the best odds for a draw between Bayer Leverkusen - West Ham, which gave times the wager. That Bayer Leverkusen and West Ham would play a draw did before the game give the avrage odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

Point record Bayer Leverkusen

During this season of Europa League, Bayer Leverkusen has scored a total of 0 points in the 5 matches played at home. In the 5 home matches played, Bayer Leverkusen now has an average of 0 points per match.

On away grounds, Bayer Leverkusen has scored 14 points in 6 matches. This gives Bayer Leverkusen an away average of 2,33 points per match.

Bayer Leverkusen has secured 14 points in Europa League, in the 11 matches played. This results in an average of 2,33 points per match for Bayer Leverkusen.

Point record West Ham

The score for West Ham in home matches this season is 0 scored points in 5 matches played at home. At home, West Ham has an average of 0 scored points per match.

In 5 away matches, West Ham has scored a total of 6 points in Europa League West Ham does in other words score 1,20 points in average for each away match.

In 10 played matches, West Ham has scored 6 points in Europa League. With that, West Ham has scored an average of 1,20 points per played game.

Europa League 2023/24
Grupp A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1West Ham 33006-1932014-36650110-415
2Freiburg 320111-2632016-56640217-712
3Olympiakos 32019-6630122-81621311-147
4TSC Backa Topola 30123-6130033-13060156-191
Europa League 2023/24
Grupp B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Brighton 32015-3632105-27641110-513
2Marseille 32109-6731115-44632114-1011
3Ajax 31116-6430124-71612310-135
4AEK Aten 30121-4131025-8361146-124
Europa League 2023/24
Grupp C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Rangers 32104-2731114-4463218-611
2Sparta Praha 32104-2731025-5363129-710
3Real Betis 32018-5631021-2363039-79
4Aris Limassol 31023-5330124-8161147-134
Europa League 2023/24
Grupp D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Atalanta 32104-1732108-37642012-414
2Sporting Lissabon 32016-3631204-35632110-611
3Sturm Graz 30123-5131021-4361144-94
4Rakow Czestochowa 30121-6131022-4361143-104
Europa League 2023/24
Grupp E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Liverpool 330011-1931026-63640217-712
2Toulouse 32104-2731114-7463218-911
3R.Union Saint-Gilloise 32105-3730120-5162225-88
4LASK 31025-5330031-7061056-123
Europa League 2023/24
Grupp F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Villarreal 32104-2732015-5664119-713
2Rennes 32018-4632015-26640213-612
3Maccabi Haifa 30121-5131112-4461233-95
4Panathinaikos 31024-4330123-6161147-104
Europa League 2023/24
Grupp G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Slavia Praha 330012-0932015-46650117-415
2Roma 33009-0931113-44641112-413
3Servette 31113-4430121-9161234-135
4Sheriff Tiraspol 30124-6130031-11060155-171
Europa League 2023/24
Grupp H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayer Leverkusen 330014-2933005-19660019-318
2Qarabag 32013-2631114-7463127-910
3Molde 31118-5431024-73621312-127
4BK Häcken 30031-6030032-11060063-170
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
21:00 18/4
Europa League - Kvartsfinaler
1 - 1
21:00 11/4
Europa League - Kvartsfinaler
2 - 0
Teams stats in Europa League
Bayer LeverkusenHomeAwayTotal
Games played5611
Games won549
Games drawn022
Games lost000
Goals for191029
Goals for per game3,801,674,83
Goals against448
Goals against per game0,800,671,33
Goals against and for per game4,602,333,36
West HamHomeAwayTotal
Games played5510
Games won426
Games drawn101
Games lost033
Goals for12416
Goals for per game2,400,803,20
Goals against268
Goals against per game0,401,201,60
Goals against and for per game2,802,002,40

Point statistics for Bayer Leverkusen - West Ham

Winning the match means that Bayer Leverkusen now has won 3, played 2 draws and lost 0 of ther 5 latest matches. West Ham have won 2, tied in 0 and lost 3 of their 5 latest matches after losing this match to Bayer Leverkusen.

A new win to their name means that Bayer Leverkusen now has secured 11 points out of possible in their last 5 matches. No new points are given West Ham after the loss, which means a total point count of 6 points out of the possible over the 5 latest rounds.

Goal stats for Bayer Leverkusen and West Ham

Bayer Leverkusen has an average of 3,80 goals scored per match at home in Europa League. On home ground, Bayer Leverkusen has conceded an average of 0,80 goals in this season of Europa League.

During this season of Europa League, Bayer Leverkusen has scored a total of 29 goals in the 11 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 4,83 goals scored per match. During this season, Bayer Leverkusen has conceded a total of 8 goals in the 11 matches in the league. In average, Bayer Leverkusen has conceded a total of 1,33 goals per match.

In away matches this season, West Ham has scored 4 goals in 5 matches. West Ham has in the 5 away matches played during this season of Europa League conceded a total of 6 goals, and has an average of 1,20 conceded goals per match.

West Ham have in this season of Europa League scored a total of 16 goals. In the 10 matches that West Ham have played this season, an average of 3,20 goals has been scored per match. Bayer Leverkusen has during this season conceded a total of 8 goals in the 11 matches that has been played in the league.