Benevento – Chievo 30/12, odds and results

1 - 030-12-2017 14:00Serie A Round 19
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Benevento - Chievo
Game facts and information

How Benevento - Chievo was played

Starting at 14:00, the Serie A match between Benevento and Chievo was played on 30 december.

Benevento won the match against Chievo

The match between Benevento and Chievo ended in a victory for Benevento. with a final result of 1 - 0. Benevento gets new points in Serie A for the win against Chievo. Losing the match means that Chievo are left with no new points this round.

1X2 odds for Benevento - Chievo

Ahead of the game between Benevento and Chievo in Serie A, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds.  was the favorite to win the match, and the bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of .

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. In our odds comparison, gave the average odds of for to win.

The best odds for a tie between Benevento and Chievo was available at - at . That Benevento - Chievo would end in a draw before match gave an average odds od at the betting companies we compared.

Point record Benevento

At home, Benevento has scored 0 points in 19 matches during this season of Serie A. In the 19 home matches played, Benevento now has an average of 0 points per match.

Benevento has an away record of 4 points scored in the 19 matches played on away grounds. In Serie A, Benevento does in other words have an average of 0,21 scored points per away match.

In Serie A, Benevento has scored 4 points in the 38 matches played so far. This season, Benevento has an average of 0,21 points mer match.

Point record Chievo

The score for Chievo in home matches this season is 0 scored points in 19 matches played at home. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

13 points is what Chievo has scored in their 19 away matches this season. This far in the season, Chievo has an away average of 0,68 points per match.

In the total of 38 matches Chievo has played this season, they have scored 13 points. With that, Chievo has scored an average of 0,68 points per played game.

Serie A
2017/185 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Juventus 19161245-84919144141-164638305386-2495
2Napoli 19143243-184519144134-114638287377-2991
3Roma 19112631-193519126130-94238238761-2877
4Lazio 1995545-213219124344-284038219889-4972
5Inter 19115337-16381997329-1434382012666-3072
6Milan 19105426-16351985631-26293818101057-4264
7Atalanta 1996430-18331976627-21273816121057-3960
8Fiorentina 1985627-22291984727-2428381691354-4657
9Torino 1986529-18301959525-28243813151054-4654
10Sampdoria 19123436-203919431220-4115381661656-6154
11Sassuolo 1947811-22191973918-37243811101729-5943
12Genoa 19631023-27211955910-1620381181933-4341
13Udinese 19621124-302019621124-3320381242248-6340
14Chievo 1976622-242719341214-35133810101836-5940
15Bologna 1964925-262219521215-2617381162140-5239
16Cagliari 19631018-302119531115-3118381162133-6139
17SPAL 1958622-292319361017-3015388141639-5938
18Crotone 1966723-252419321417-411138982140-6635
19Hellas Verona 19511314-351619231416-43938742730-7825
20Benevento 19521223-401719111710-44438632933-8421
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
20/5 2018
Serie A - 2017/18
1 - 0
30/12 2017
Serie A - 2017/18
1 - 0
Teams stats in Serie A
Games played191938
Games won516
Games drawn213
Games lost121729
Goals for231033
Goals for per game1,210,531,74
Goals against404484
Goals against per game2,112,324,42
Goals against and for per game3,322,843,08
Games played191938
Games won7310
Games drawn6410
Games lost61218
Goals for221436
Goals for per game1,160,741,89
Goals against243559
Goals against per game1,261,843,11
Goals against and for per game2,422,582,50

Point statistics for Benevento - Chievo

Benevento has now won 1, ties 1 and lost 3 of their 5 latest vinsten. The loss for Chievo means that in the 5 last matches they have collected 1, wins, 1 draws, and 3 losses.

The win for Benevento means new points, and they have secured 4 of the possible during the last five rounds. Fot Chievo on the other hand, the loss means zero points and they have a record of 4 points in total over the last 5 rounds.

Statistics for Benevento - Chievo

Benevento has scored a total of 23 goals on home ground during this season of Serie A, an average of 1,21 goals per match. Benevento has conceded a total of 40 goals on home ground during this season of Serie A. In the 19 matches played on home ground Benevento has an average of 2,11 conceded goals per match.

In total, Benevento has produced 33 goals in Serie A during the season. In the 38 matches the team has played, Benevento has an average of 1,74 goals scored per game. During this season, Benevento has conceded a total of 84 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Benevento has conceded a total of 4,42 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Chievo has scored 14 goals in 19 matches. Chievo does on the other hand have a record of 35 conceded goals during this season of Serie A.

Chievo has scored an average of 1,89 goals per match in Serie A in the 38 matches played during the season. Benevento has during this season conceded a total of 84 goals in the 38 matches that has been played in the league.