Benfica – Galatasaray 21/2, odds and results

Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Benfica - Galatasaray
Game facts and information

How Benfica - Galatasaray was played

The match in Europa League between Benfica vs Galatasaray match start at 20:00, on 21-02-2019.

Benfica - Galatasaray tied

It was a draw, 0 - 0, in the match between Benfica and Galatasaray. Ett oavgjort resultat innebär att både Benfica och Galatasaray kommer tilldelas poäng vardera.

The best & highest odds for Benfica - Galatasaray

The odds before the match in Europa League between Benfica and Galatasaray favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win.  was the favorite to win the match, and the bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of .

0/0 was the highest odds on to win the match against . The bet was available at . The betting companies didn't believe in a win for , and the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for a win.

A bet on draw between Benfica and Galatasaray gave at most the odds of , which cas offered at . Among the betting companies we compared odds from, a draw gave the average odds of .

Point record Benfica

Benfica has scored 0 points at home during Europa League this far, in 3 matches. And an average score of 0 points per home match.

Benfica has an away score in Europa League of 3 points in 3 matches. So the team has an average of 1,00 points per away match.

In Europa League, Benfica has scored 3 points in the 6 matches played so far. Benfica has an average score of 1,00 points per match.

Point record Galatasaray

Galatasaray has a home score in Europa League of 1 played matches and 0 points. And a record for home matches that reads 0 points per match.

Galatasaray has in their away matches this season scores 1 points in Europa League in 1 matches. This means that Galatasaray has a record of 1,00 points per away match.

Galatasaray has in Europa League scored 1 points in 2 played matches this season. The result means that Galatasaray has an average of 1,00 scored points per match.

Europa League 2018/19
Group A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayer Leverkusen 32106-37320110-66641116-913
2Zürich 32015-4631112-2463127-610
3AEK Larnaca 30122-7131114-5461236-125
4Ludogorets 30213-4230212-3260425-74
Europa League 2018/19
Group B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Red Bull Salzburg 33007-19330010-59660017-618
2Celtic 32014-3631022-5363036-89
3RB Leipzig 31115-4431024-4362139-87
4Rosenborg 30033-9030121-5160154-141
Europa League 2018/19
Group C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Zenit 33004-1930212-4263216-511
2Slavia Praha 32103-0731021-3363124-310
3Bordeaux 31114-3431022-3362136-67
4FC Copenhagen 30121-3131112-2461233-55
Europa League 2018/19
Group D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Dinamo Zagreb 32107-2732104-17642011-314
2Fenerbahçe 32104-0730123-7162227-78
3Trnava 32013-2630121-5162134-77
4Anderlecht 30212-4230120-3160332-73
Europa League 2018/19
Group E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Arsenal 32105-2733007-09651012-216
2Sporting Lissabon 32015-1632108-27641113-313
3Vorskla Poltava 30031-6031023-7361054-133
4Qarabag 30031-10031021-3361052-133
Europa League 2018/19
Group F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Real Betis 32105-1731202-1563307-212
2Olympiakos 32108-2731023-43631211-610
3Milan 32019-5631113-44631212-910
4Dudelange 30120-3130033-13060153-161
Europa League 2018/19
Group G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Villarreal 32109-2730303-33624012-510
2Rapid Wien 32103-0731023-9363126-910
3Rangers 31203-1530125-7161328-86
4Spartak Moscow 31118-8430120-4161238-125
Europa League 2018/19
Group H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Eintracht Frankfurt 330010-1933007-49660017-518
2Lazio 32015-4631024-7363039-119
3Apollon Limassol 31116-5431024-53621310-107
4Marseille 30033-8030123-8160156-161
Europa League 2018/19
Group I5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1RC Genk 32107-1731117-74632114-811
2Malmö FF 31205-3531112-3462317-69
3Besiktas 31025-6331114-5462139-117
4Sarpsborg 08 31116-5430122-8161238-135
Europa League 2018/19
Group J5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Sevilla 330014-1931024-53640218-612
2Krasnodar 33006-3931022-5364028-812
3Standard 33005-2930122-7163127-910
4Akhisar Belediyespor 30122-4130032-10060154-141
Europa League 2018/19
Group K5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Dynamo Kiev 31115-4432105-37632110-711
2Rennes 32015-3631022-5363037-89
3Astana 32014-2630213-5262227-78
4Jablonec 30213-4231023-4361236-85
Europa League 2018/19
Group L5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Chelsea 33008-1932104-27651012-316
2Bate Borisov 31023-5332016-4663039-99
3Videoton FC 31113-4431022-3362135-77
4Paok 30031-6031024-6361055-123
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
21/2 2019
Europa League - Sextondelsfinaler
0 - 0
14/2 2019
Europa League - Sextondelsfinaler
1 - 2
3/11 2015
Champions League - Grupp C
2 - 1
21/10 2015
Champions League - Grupp C
2 - 1
Teams stats in Europa League
Games played336
Games won213
Games drawn101
Games lost022
Goals for729
Goals for per game2,330,673,00
Goals against246
Goals against per game0,671,332,00
Goals against and for per game3,002,002,50
Games played112
Games won000
Games drawn011
Games lost101
Goals for101
Goals for per game1,000,001,00
Goals against202
Goals against per game2,000,002,00
Goals against and for per game3,000,001,50

Points statistics for Benfica - Galatasaray

The draw means that Benfica has a record of 1 wins, 0 draws and 2 losses over their last 5 matches. Galatasaray has 0 wins, 1 draws and 0 losses in the same amount of matches.

A draw and points for both teams means that Benfica has gotten 3 points out of possible in their 5 latest matches - as Galatasaray in the same number of matches has secured 1 points.

Statistics for Benfica - Galatasaray

Benfica has an average of 2,33 goals scored per match at home in Europa League. In Europa League, Benfica has conceaded 2 goals on home ground this season.

In total, Benfica has produced 9 goals in Europa League during the season. In the 6 matches the team has played, Benfica has an average of 3,00 goals scored per game. During this season, Benfica has conceded a total of 6 goals in the 6 matches in the league. In average, Benfica has conceded a total of 2,00 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Galatasaray has scored 0 goals in 1 matches. The away team, Galatasaray, has an average of 0,00 conceded goals per match in Europa League.

Galatasaray has produced an average of 1,00 goals per match in the 2 played in Europa League. Benfica has during this season conceded a total of 6 goals in the 6 matches that has been played in the league.