Chelsea – Birmingham 21/11, odds and results

5 - 021-11-2021 14:00FA WSL Grundserie
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Chelsea - Birmingham City
Game facts and information

How Chelsea - Birmingham City was played

The match in FA WSL between Chelsea and Birmingham City was played on 21/11 at 14:00.

Chelsea won the last match against Birmingham City

The match ended in a win for Chelsea with the final result of 5 - 0. Chelsea gets new points in FA WSL for the win against Birmingham City. Losing the match means that Birmingham City are left with no new points this round.  The match result means that we now can find Chelsea on place 7 in the table with 3 points, as Birmingham City with their 0 points takes place number 10 in FA WSL.

The best & highest odds for Chelsea - Birmingham City

Before the match between Chelsea and Birmingham City in FA WSL, were favourites to win according to the odds. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

were underdogs against , and the highest odds for a win was found at , to 0/0 times your wager. In average, you could place a bet on to win to the odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

gave the best odds for a draw between Chelsea and Birmingham City, times your wager. In average, the bookmakers we compared gave an odds of for a draw between Chelsea - Birmingham City.

Point record Chelsea

During this season of FA WSL, Chelsea has scored a total of 0 points in the 11 matches played at home. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

Chelsea has an away record of 25 points scored in the 11 matches played on away grounds. This means that Chelsea has an away match average of 2,27 points per match.

25 points is what Chelsea has scored this far during season of FA WSL, in 22 played matches. The team´s average score per match is 2,27 points.

Point record Birmingham City

On home grounds, Birmingham City has scored 0 points in FA WSL this season, in 11 home matches. Over 11 matches played on home ground in this season of FA WSL, Birmingham City has scored an average of 0 points per match.

7 points is what Birmingham City has scored in their 11 away matches this season. This means that Chelsea has an average of 0,64 points per match on away grounds.

In the total of 22 matches Birmingham City has played this season, they have scored 7 points. Per match, Birmingham City has an average point of 0,64.

FA WSL 2021/22
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Chelsea 11101029-4311181233-72522182262-1156
2Arsenal 11101040-6311173125-42422174165-1055
3Manchester City 1171331-11221181229-112522152560-2247
4Manchester United 1181229-11251145216-111722126445-2242
5Tottenham Hotspur 1153312-8181142512-15142295824-2332
6West Ham United 1134414-1513114259-18142276923-3327
7Brighton and Hove Albion 1142511-18141140713-201222821224-3826
8Reading 1151512-1816112369-22922741121-4025
9Aston Villa 111285-175115158-231622631313-4021
10Everton 1123611-229113267-191122551218-4120
11Leicester 113179-26101110105-27322411714-5313
12Birmingham City 111195-2041121810-31722321715-5111
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
1/5 2022
FA WSL - Grundserie
0 - 1
21/11 2021
FA WSL - Grundserie
5 - 0
4/4 2021
FA WSL - Grundserie
6 - 0
4/10 2020
FA WSL - Grundserie
0 - 1
12/2 2020
FA Women's Super League - Grundserie
2 - 0
24/11 2019
FA Women's Super League - Grundserie
0 - 6
Teams stats in FA WSL
Games played111122
Games won10818
Games drawn112
Games lost022
Goals for293362
Goals for per game2,643,005,64
Goals against4711
Goals against per game0,360,641,00
Goals against and for per game3,003,643,32
Birmingham CityHomeAwayTotal
Games played111122
Games won123
Games drawn112
Games lost9817
Goals for51015
Goals for per game0,450,911,36
Goals against203151
Goals against per game1,822,824,64
Goals against and for per game2,273,733,00

Point statistics for Chelsea - Birmingham City

Chelsea has 5 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses in their 5 latest matches after defeating Birmingham City. In the last 5 mathces for Birmingham City, the result is 2 wins, 3 losses och 0 draws ? with the loss against Chelsea included.

15 secured points out of the possible is the record for Chelsea over the 5 last matches. Birmingham City aren't given any new points for this match, which means that their points over the 5 last rounds stays at 6.

Statistics for Chelsea - Birmingham City

Chelsea has scored 29 goals in home matches during this season of FA WSL, an average of 2,64 goals scored per match. During this season, Chelsea has conceded a total of 4 goals in 11 games played on home grounds in FA WSL. That means that Chelsea has conceded an average of 0,36 goals per match.

In the 22 matches Chelsea has played in FA WSL this season, the team has scored a total of 62 goals, with an average of 5,64 goals per match. During this season, Chelsea has conceded a total of 11 goals in the 22 matches in the league. In average, Chelsea has conceded a total of 1,00 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Birmingham City has scored a total of 10 goals in the 11 away matches they've played this season of FA WSL. In away matches, Birmingham City has conceded an average of 2,82 goals in the 11 away games that has been played.

Birmingham City has produced an average of 1,36 goals per match in the 22 played in FA WSL. During this season of the league, Birmingham City, has in the 22 matches played conceded an average of 4,64 goals per match.