Crystal Palace – Doncaster 27/3, odds and results

Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Crystal Palace - Doncaster
Game facts and information

Crystal Palace faced Doncaster on 27-03-2012

Crystal Palace and Doncaster faced each other in EFL Championship on 27/3, starting at 20:00.

Draw between Crystal Palace - Doncaster

The match between Crystal Palace - Doncaster ended in a draw, with a final result of 1 - 1. Both Crystal Palace and Doncaster can add another points to their name in the table after the tied result in the match.

The best odds for Crystal Palace - Doncaster

The odds before the match in EFL Championship between Crystal Palace and Doncaster favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win.  was the favorite to win the match, and the bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of .

The best odds for , who were expected to lose, were available to bet on for 0/0 times your wager at . The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds for winning the match.

The best odds for a tie between Crystal Palace and Doncaster was available at - at . The average odds for a draw offered by the betting companies we compared odds from was .

Point record Crystal Palace

In 23 home matches, Crystal Palace has now scored 0 points. This gives Crystal Palace an average of 0 scored points per home match.

Crystal Palace has an away record of 24 points scored in the 23 matches played on away grounds. This means that Crystal Palace has an average score in away matches of 1,04 points per match.

In the 46 matches Crystal Palace during this season of EFL Championship, the team has scored a total of 24 points. This season, Crystal Palace has an average of 1,04 points mer match.

Point record Doncaster

In 22 matches in EFL Championship, Doncaster has now scored a total of 0 points. And a home record that means 0 points per home match.

During this season of EFL Championship, Doncaster has a score of 16 points in 23 away matches that has been played. This means that Crystal Palace has an average of 0,70 points per match in their away matches.

Doncaster in EFL Championship have scored 16 points in a total of 45 matches. With that, the team has scored 0,70 per match in average.

EFL Championship 2011/12
5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Reading 23145436-184723133733-2342462781169-4189
2Southampton 23164349-185223106736-28364626101085-4688
3West Ham 23118441-264123136440-2245462414881-4886
4Birmingham 23139137-14482377941-37284620161078-5176
5Blackpool 22136341-20452378837-38294520141178-5874
6Cardiff City 22116536-283923811429-2435451917965-5274
7Middlesbrough 23810522-213422106629-28364518161151-4970
8Brighton 23118436-214123671016-31254617151452-5266
9Hull 22114726-21372377919-22284518111645-4365
10Leicester 23116636-223922661028-32244517121664-5463
11Watford 23106732-33362269723-30274516151455-6363
12Leeds 22931034-39302387831-27314517101865-6661
13Ipswich 22113838-303623671030-45254517101868-7561
14Derby County FC 23114828-233722661020-35244517101848-5861
15Burnley 2379733-273022921126-30294516111859-5759
16Millwall 2377927-302823851028-27294615121955-5757
17Crystal Palace 23711522-193223661124-32244613171646-5156
18Peterborough 22103941-373323381226-39174513112167-7650
19Portsmouth 23105830-243523361420-35154613112250-5950
20Nottingham 23651221-322322731226-3124451382447-6347
21Barnsley 23941031-373122441417-3616451382448-7347
22Bristol City 22661023-312423571118-36224511132141-6746
23Coventry 2387828-263122161512-369459132340-6240
24Doncaster 22481021-332023441521-4516458122542-7836
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
17/2 2019
0 - 2
27/3 2012
EFL Championship - 2018/19
1 - 1
24/9 2011
EFL Championship - 2018/19
1 - 0
22/4 2011
EFL Championship - 2018/19
0 - 0
27/11 2010
EFL Championship - 2018/19
1 - 0
27/2 2010
EFL Championship - 2018/19
1 - 1
5/12 2009
EFL Championship - 2018/19
0 - 3
25/4 2009
EFL Championship - 2018/19
2 - 0
13/12 2008
EFL Championship - 2018/19
2 - 1
Teams stats in EFL Championship
Crystal PalaceHomeAwayTotal
Games played232346
Games won7613
Games drawn11617
Games lost51116
Goals for222446
Goals for per game0,961,042,00
Goals against193251
Goals against per game0,831,392,22
Goals against and for per game1,782,432,11
Games played222345
Games won448
Games drawn8412
Games lost101525
Goals for212142
Goals for per game0,950,911,83
Goals against334578
Goals against per game1,501,963,39
Goals against and for per game2,452,872,67

Points statistics for Crystal Palace - Doncaster

The draw means that in the last 5 matches, Crystal Palace has gotten 0 wins, 3 losses och 2 draws - while Doncaster in the same time has collected 1 wins, 2 losses and 2 draws.

Points from the draw means that Crystal Palace now has gotten 2 points out of possible in their 5 latest matches. Doncaster has scored a total of 5 points in the same number of matches.

Goal stats for Crystal Palace and Doncaster

Crystal Palace has scored 22 goals in home matches during this season of EFL Championship, an average of 0,96 goals scored per match. During this season, Crystal Palace has conceded a total of 19 goals in 23 games played on home grounds in EFL Championship. That means that Crystal Palace has conceded an average of 0,83 goals per match.

In total, Crystal Palace has produced 46 goals in EFL Championship during the season. In the 46 matches the team has played, Crystal Palace has an average of 2,00 goals scored per game. During this season, Crystal Palace has conceded a total of 51 goals in the 46 matches in the league. In average, Crystal Palace has conceded a total of 2,22 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Doncaster has scored a total of 21 goals in the 23 away matches they've played this season of EFL Championship. Doncaster does on the other hand have a record of 45 conceded goals during this season of EFL Championship.

Doncaster have in this season of EFL Championship scored a total of 42 goals. In the 45 matches that Doncaster have played this season, an average of 1,83 goals has been scored per match. Crystal Palace has during this season conceded a total of 51 goals in the 46 matches that has been played in the league.