Dunajska Streda – Dinamo Tbilisi 12/7, odds and results

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Odds for Dunajska Streda - Dinamo Tbilisi
Game facts and information

Match facts Dunajska Streda - Dinamo Tbilisi in Europa League Qualification

On 12-07-2018 the match between Dunajska Streda - Dinamo Tbilisi in Europa League Qualification was played, with kick-off at 20:00.

Draw between Dunajska Streda - Dinamo Tbilisi

It was a draw, 1 - 1, in the match between Dunajska Streda and Dinamo Tbilisi. We can note a draw in the match between Dunajska Streda and Dinamo Tbilisi, which means that both teams will get points each.

The best odds for Dunajska Streda - Dinamo Tbilisi

The odds before the match in Europa League Qualification between Dunajska Streda and Dinamo Tbilisi favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. In average, the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the odds for a win.

gave the best odds for a som win, to the odds of 0/0 times your wager. The bookmaker's didn't think could win, and the betting companies in the comparison offered an average odds of for them to win.

The best odds for a tie between Dunajska Streda and Dinamo Tbilisi was available at - at . Before the match between Dunajska Streda and Dinamo Tbilisi, the betting companies in the list above gave the average odds of for a draw.

Point record Dunajska Streda

During this season of Europa League Qualification, Dunajska Streda has scored a total of 0 points in the 2 matches played at home. This gives Dunajska Streda an average of 0 scored points per home match.

In 2 played away matches, Dunajska Streda has scored 3 points in Europa League Qualification. In away matches, Dunajska Streda has an average of 1,50 points per match.

During this season of Europa League Qualification,Dunajska Streda has secured 3 points in 4 matches. For each match, Dunajska Streda has an average of 1,50 points.

Point record Dinamo Tbilisi

Dinamo Tbilisi has a score of 0 points in 1 home matches played in Europa League Qualification this season. This means that Dunajska Streda scores an average of 0 points per home match.

In 1 away matches, Dinamo Tbilisi has scored a total of 1 points in Europa League Qualification In away matches, Dinamo Tbilisi has scored an average of 1,00 points per match.

In 2 played matches, Dinamo Tbilisi has scored 1 points in Europa League Qualification. They have a record of scoring an average of 1,00 points per match.

Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
19/7 2018
Europa League Qualification - Omgång 1
1 - 2
12/7 2018
Europa League Qualification - Omgång 1
1 - 1
Teams stats in Europa League Qualification
Dunajska StredaHomeAwayTotal
Games played224
Games won011
Games drawn101
Games lost112
Goals for235
Goals for per game1,001,502,50
Goals against459
Goals against per game2,002,504,50
Goals against and for per game3,004,003,50
Dinamo TbilisiHomeAwayTotal
Games played112
Games won000
Games drawn011
Games lost101
Goals for112
Goals for per game1,001,002,00
Goals against213
Goals against per game2,001,003,00
Goals against and for per game3,002,002,50

Points statistics for Dunajska Streda - Dinamo Tbilisi

The match between Dunajska Streda and Dinamo Tbilisi ended in a draw. That means 1 wins, 0 draws and 1 losses for Dunajska Streda - and 0 wins, 1 draws and 0 losses for Dinamo Tbilisi in the 5 last played matches.

3 points for Dunajska Streda, and 1 points for Dinamo Tbilisi of the possible is the record for both teams as they both were both given points for the draw.

Statistics for Dunajska Streda - Dinamo Tbilisi

Dunajska Streda has scored a total of 2 goals on home ground during this season of Europa League Qualification, an average of 1,00 goals per match. Dunajska Streda has conceded a total of 4 goals on home ground during this season of Europa League Qualification. In the 2 matches played on home ground Dunajska Streda has an average of 2,00 conceded goals per match.

During this season of Europa League Qualification, Dunajska Streda has scored a total of 5 goals in the 4 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 2,50 goals scored per match. During this season, Dunajska Streda has conceded a total of 9 goals in the 4 matches in the league. In average, Dunajska Streda has conceded a total of 4,50 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Dinamo Tbilisi has scored a total of 1 goals in the 1 away matches they've played this season of Europa League Qualification. Dinamo Tbilisi does on the other hand have a record of 1 conceded goals during this season of Europa League Qualification.

Dinamo Tbilisi has scored an average of 2,00 goals per match in Europa League Qualification in the 2 matches played during the season. Looking at the number of goals this season - Dinamo Tbilisi have conceded an average of 3,00 goals per match in the league, in the 2 matches that has been played.