England – Chile 23/9, odds and results

71 - 023-09-2023 16:45Rugby-VM Grupp D
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for England - Chile
Game facts and information

England - Chile in Rugby-VM

England and Chile faced each other in Rugby-VM on 23/9, starting at 16:45.

England left as winners from the last match against Chile

The match ended in a victory for England, who won with 71 goals against 0. England gets new points in Rugby-VM for the win against Chile. Losing the match means that Chile are left with no new points this round.

Point record England

England has an averige so far in Rugby-VM of 0 scored points per home match. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

In away matches, England has during this season scored a total of 3 points in 1 away matches. This means that England has an average score in away matches of 3,00 points per match.

In 7 played matches, England has scored 3 points in Rugby-VM.  This results in an average of 3,00 points per match for England.

Point record Chile

Chile has a score of 0 points in 0 home matches played in Rugby-VM this season. This means that Chile has a home average of 0 points per match.

Chile has a score of 0 points in Rugby-VM in 4 played away matches. In away matches, Chile has scored an average of 0,00 points per match.

Chile has scored 0 points in Rugby-VM so far this season, in 4 played matches. They have a record of scoring an average of 0,00 points per match.

Rugby-VM 2023
Grupp A5 most recentMPWDLPG-MP
1France 4400210-3200000-04400210-32
2New Zealand 3300240-20100113-274301253-47
3Italy 220090-25200224-1564202114-181
4Uruguay 110036-26300329-138410365-164
5Namibia 00000-0400437-255400437-255
Rugby-VM 2023
Grupp B5 most recentMPWDLPG-MP
1Ireland 3300177-38110013-84400190-46
2South Africa 4301151-3400000-04301151-34
3Scotland 2200129-17200217-544202146-71
4Tonga 110045-24300351-153410396-177
5Romania 00000-0400432-287400432-287
Rugby-VM 2023
Grupp C5 most recentMPWDLPG-MP
1Wales 4400143-5900000-04400143-59
2Fiji 210140-36210148-47420288-83
3Australia 320184-5110016-40420290-91
4Portugal 00000-0411264-103411264-103
5Georgia 101018-18300346-95401364-113
Rugby-VM 2023
Grupp D5 most recentMPWDLPG-MP
1England 4400150-3900000-04400150-39
2Argentina 220078-15210149-544301127-69
3Japan 320197-73100112-344202109-107
4Samoa 110043-10300349-65410392-75
5Chile 00000-0400427-215400427-215
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
23/9 2023
Rugby-VM - Grupp D
71 - 0
Teams stats in Rugby-VM
Games played617
Games won516
Games drawn000
Games lost101
Gjorda poäng19526221
Gjorda poäng per match32,5026,00221,00
Insläppta poäng7923102
Insläppta poäng per match13,1723,00102,00
Insläppta och gjorda poäng per match45,6749,0046,14
Games played044
Games won000
Games drawn000
Games lost044
Gjorda poäng02727
Gjorda poäng per match06,756,75
Insläppta poäng0215215
Insläppta poäng per match53,7553,75
Insläppta och gjorda poäng per match0,0060,5060,50

Point stats for England and Chile

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of Rugby-VM, England has scored an average of 32,50 per match in 6 matches. In Rugby-VM, England has conceaded 79 goals on home ground this season.

England has scored an average of 221,00 points per match in the 7 matches played in Rugby-VM this season. During this season, England has conceded a total of 102 points in the 7 matches in the league. In average, England has conceded a total of 102,00 points per match.

Looking to the amount of scored points in away matches, Chile has scored a total of 27 points in the 4 away matches they've played this season of Rugby-VM. Chile does on the other hand have a record of 215 conceded points during this season of Rugby-VM.

Chile has produced an average of 6,75 points per match in the 4 played in Rugby-VM. Chile has played a total of 4 matches this season, and during those 4 matches the team has conceded a total of 215 points giving them an average of 53,75 conceded goals per match.