Ferencváros – Maccabi Tel Aviv 12/7, odds and results

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Ferencváros - Maccabi Tel Aviv in Europa League Qualification

The match in Europa League Qualification between Ferencváros and Maccabi Tel Aviv was played on 12/7 at 18:00.

Ferencváros - Maccabi Tel Aviv tied

It was a draw, 1 - 1, in the match between Ferencváros and Maccabi Tel Aviv. The draw result in the match means that Ferencváros and Maccabi Tel Aviv will get points each for the Europa League Qualification table.

The best & highest odds for Ferencváros - Maccabi Tel Aviv

The odds before the match in Europa League Qualification between Ferencváros and Maccabi Tel Aviv favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. The betting companies in our list gave the average odds on favorites to win the match.

gave the best odds for a som win, to the odds of 0/0 times your wager. In average, you could place a bet on to win to the odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

The best odds for a tie between Ferencváros and Maccabi Tel Aviv was available at - at . In average, the bookmakers we compared gave an odds of for a draw between Ferencváros - Maccabi Tel Aviv.

Point record Ferencváros

At home, Ferencváros has scored 0 points in 1 matches during this season of Europa League Qualification. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

Ferencváros has on away grounds during this Europa League Qualification season scored 0 points in 1 matches. As guests, Ferencváros has an average of 0,00 points scored per match at this point of the season.

Ferencváros has secured 0 points in Europa League Qualification, in the 2 matches played. In each match, the team has scored an average of 0,00.

Point record Maccabi Tel Aviv

Maccabi Tel Aviv has during this season of Europa League Qualification secured 0 points in the 4 matches played at home. At home, Maccabi Tel Aviv has an average of 0 scored points per match.

Maccabi Tel Aviv has a score of 3 points in Europa League Qualification in 4 played away matches. In away matches, Maccabi Tel Aviv has scored an average of 0,75 points per match this season.

In the total of 8 matches Maccabi Tel Aviv has played this season, they have scored 3 points. They have a record of scoring an average of 0,75 points per match.

Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
19/7 2018
Europa League Qualification - Omgång 1
1 - 0
12/7 2018
Europa League Qualification - Omgång 1
1 - 1
Teams stats in Europa League Qualification
Games played112
Games won000
Games drawn101
Games lost011
Goals for101
Goals for per game1,000,001,00
Goals against112
Goals against per game1,001,002,00
Goals against and for per game2,001,001,50
Maccabi Tel AvivHomeAwayTotal
Games played448
Games won404
Games drawn033
Games lost011
Goals for7411
Goals for per game1,751,002,75
Goals against268
Goals against per game0,501,502,00
Goals against and for per game2,252,502,38

Points statistics for Ferencváros - Maccabi Tel Aviv

Both teams can note a draw in their record for the 5 last played matches. That means 0 wins, 0 draws and 1 losses Ferencváros, and a total of 0 wins, 3 draws and 1 losses for Maccabi Tel Aviv.

Krysset innebär nya poäng till båda lagen efter matchen. Med det har Ferencváros spelat in 0 poäng, samtidigt som Maccabi Tel Aviv har spelat in 3 poäng av totalt möjliga på sina fem senaste matcherna.

Goal stats for Ferencváros and Maccabi Tel Aviv

In home matches this season, Ferencváros has scored 1 goals in Europa League Qualification, meaning that Ferencváros has an average of 1,00 per match. In Europa League Qualification, Ferencváros has conceaded 1 goals on home ground this season.

Ferencváros has scored an average of 1,00 goals per match in the 2 matches played in Europa League Qualification this season. During this season, Ferencváros has conceded a total of 2 goals in the 2 matches in the league. In average, Ferencváros has conceded a total of 2,00 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Maccabi Tel Aviv has scored a total of 4 goals in the 4 away matches they've played this season of Europa League Qualification. Maccabi Tel Aviv does on the other hand have a record of 6 conceded goals during this season of Europa League Qualification.

Maccabi Tel Aviv have in this season of Europa League Qualification scored a total of 11 goals. In the 8 matches that Maccabi Tel Aviv have played this season, an average of 2,75 goals has been scored per match. Looking at the number of goals this season - Maccabi Tel Aviv have conceded an average of 2,00 goals per match in the league, in the 8 matches that has been played.