France – Denmark 26/11, odds and results

Stadium 974 2 - 126-11-2022 16:00Fotbolls-VM Grupp D
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for France - Denmark
Game facts and information

France - Denmark kick-off 26 november

France and Denmark faced each other on 26-11-2022 with kick-off at 16:00 in Fotbolls-VM.

France came out with a win against Denmark

The match between France and Denmark ended in a victory for France. with a final result of 2 - 1. The win against Denmark means new points for France in the Fotbolls-VM table. Denmark walks away from this round without any new points.  As the match has been settled we can now find France in place 1 in the table with a total of 3 points, and Denmark with their 1 points in place 3.

The best odds for France - Denmark

Before the match between France and Denmark in Fotbolls-VM, were favourites to win according to the odds. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds for winning the match.

The best odds for a draw was offered by , to times the money. That France and Denmark would play a draw did before the game give the avrage odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

Point record France

The home team France has in 4 home matches scored a total of 0 points. France has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

On away grounds, France has scored 3 points in 3 matches. This means that France has an average score in away matches of 1,00 points per match.

France has a record this far in Fotbolls-VM of 3 points in the 7 matches played during the season. France does because of this have an average of 1,00 points scored per match.

Point record Denmark

The score for Denmark in home matches this season is 0 scored points in 1 matches played at home. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

0 points is what Denmark has scored in their 2 away matches this season. This means that France has an average of 0,00 points per match in their away matches.

In the total of 3 matches Denmark has played this season, they have scored 0 points. Denmark has an average of 0,00 points per match.

Fotbolls-VM 2022
Grupp A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Netherlands 21103-1411002-0332105-17
2Senegal 10010-2022005-2632015-46
3Ecuador 10011-2021103-1431114-34
4Qatar 20021-5010010-2030031-70
Fotbolls-VM 2022
Grupp B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1England 21106-2411003-0332109-27
2USA 10101-1121101-0431202-15
3Iran 10010-1021014-6331024-73
4Wales 20020-5010101-1130121-61
Fotbolls-VM 2022
Grupp C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Argentina 21013-2311002-0332015-26
2Poland 21012-2310100-0131112-24
3Mexico 10100-0121012-3331112-34
4Saudi Arabia 10011-2021012-3331023-53
Fotbolls-VM 2022
Grupp D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1France 22006-2610010-1032016-36
2Australia 11001-0321012-4332013-46
3Tunisia 21011-1310100-0131111-14
4Denmark 10100-0120021-3030121-31
Fotbolls-VM 2022
Grupp E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Japan 21012-2311002-1332014-36
2Spain 21108-1410011-2031119-34
3Germany 10011-2021105-3431116-54
4Costa Rica 10012-4021011-7331023-113
Fotbolls-VM 2022
Grupp F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Morocco 10100-0122004-1632104-17
2Croatia 21104-1410100-0131204-15
3Belgium 21011-2310100-0131111-24
4Canada 10011-2020021-5030032-70
Fotbolls-VM 2022
Grupp G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Brasil 22003-0610010-1032013-16
2Switzerland 11001-0321013-3332014-36
3Kamerun 21104-3410010-1031114-44
4Serbia 10012-3020113-5130125-81
Fotbolls-VM 2022
Grupp H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Portugal 22005-2610011-2032016-46
2South Korea 21014-4310100-0131114-44
3Uruguay 10100-0121012-2331112-24
4Ghana 10010-2021015-5331025-73
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
26/11 2022
Fotbolls-VM - Grupp D
2 - 1
25/9 2022
UEFA Nations League - Grupp A1
2 - 0
3/6 2022
UEFA Nations League - Grupp A1
1 - 2
26/6 2018
FIFA World Cup - Grupp C
0 - 0
Teams stats in Fotbolls-VM
Games played437
Games won415
Games drawn000
Games lost022
Goals for11718
Goals for per game2,752,336,00
Goals against3912
Goals against per game0,753,004,00
Goals against and for per game3,505,334,29
Games played123
Games won000
Games drawn101
Games lost022
Goals for011
Goals for per game0,000,500,50
Goals against033
Goals against per game0,001,501,50
Goals against and for per game0,002,001,33

Point statistics for France - Denmark

1 wins, 2 losses and 0 draws is the result of the last 5 matches for France after winning against Denmark. For Denmark, the loss means a total of 0 wins, 2 losses and 0 draws over the last 5 rounds of Fotbolls-VM.

3 secured points out of the possible is the record for France over the 5 last matches. Denmark aren't given any new points for this match, which means that their points over the 5 last rounds stays at 0.

Statistics for France - Denmark

France has scored a total of 11 goals on home ground during this season of Fotbolls-VM, an average of 2,75 goals per match. France has conceded a total of 3 goals on home ground during this season of Fotbolls-VM. In the 4 matches played on home ground France has an average of 0,75 conceded goals per match.

In the 7 matches France has played in Fotbolls-VM this season, the team has scored a total of 18 goals, with an average of 6,00 goals per match. During this season, France has conceded a total of 12 goals in the 7 matches in the league. In average, France has conceded a total of 4,00 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Denmark has scored a total of 1 goals in the 2 away matches they've played this season of Fotbolls-VM. In away matches, Denmark has conceded an average of 1,50 goals in the 2 away games that has been played.

Denmark have in this season of Fotbolls-VM scored a total of 1 goals. In the 3 matches that Denmark have played this season, an average of 0,50 goals has been scored per match. Denmark has played a total of 3 matches this season, and during those 3 matches the team has conceded a total of 3 goals giving them an average of 1,50 conceded goals per match.