Galatasaray – Schalke 04 24/10, odds and results

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Odds for Galatasaray - Schalke 04
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Galatasaray - Schalke 04 in Champions League

The match in Champions League between Galatasaray vs Schalke 04 match start at 20:00, on 24-10-2018.

Draw between Galatasaray - Schalke 04

The match between Galatasaray and Schalke 04 ended in a tie with the scores 0 - 0. The draw means that both teams will get points, so both Galatasaray and Schalke 04 can add another to their name in the Champions League table.

1X2 odds for Galatasaray - Schalke 04

Ahead of the game between Galatasaray and Schalke 04 in Champions League, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds. The betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for to win against .

offered the best odds for to win, at 0/0 times your wager. If we compare the odds from the betting companies in our list, a bet on to win gave the average odds of .

A draw between Galatasaray and Schalke 04 gave the highest odds of at . The average odds for a draw offered by the betting companies we compared odds from was .

Point record Galatasaray

During this season of Champions League, Galatasaray has scored a total of 0 points in the 3 matches played at home. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

In away matches, Galatasaray has during this season scored a total of 0 points in 3 away matches. This far in the season, Galatasaray has an average of 0,00 points scored per match on away grounds.

0 points is what Galatasaray has scored this far during season of Champions League, in 6 played matches. The team´s average score per match is 0,00 points.

Point record Schalke 04

Schalke 04 has scored 0 points in home matches this far, in the 4 matches played. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

During this season of Champions League, Schalke 04 has a score of 4 points in 4 away matches that has been played. In away matches, Schalke 04 has scored an average of 1,00 points per match.

Schalke 04 has in Champions League scored 4 points in 8 played matches this season. Schalke 04 has an average of 1,00 points per match.

Champions League 2018/19
Group A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Borussia Dortmund 32107-0732013-26641110-213
2Atlético Madrid 33007-1931112-5464119-613
3Club Brugge 30211-2231115-3461326-56
4Monaco 30031-8030121-6160152-141
Champions League 2018/19
Group B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Barcelona 32107-1732107-47642014-514
2Tottenham 32015-5630214-5262229-108
3Inter 31204-3531022-4362226-78
4PSV Eindhoven 30124-6130122-7160246-132
Champions League 2018/19
Group C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1PSG 321010-4731117-54632117-911
2Liverpool 33008-2930031-5063039-79
3Napoli 32105-2730212-3262317-59
4Red Star Belgrade 31113-4430032-13061145-174
Champions League 2018/19
Group D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Porto 33008-2932107-47651015-616
2Schalke 04 32104-1731112-3463216-411
3Galatasaray 31115-3430030-5061145-84
4Lokomotiv Moscow 31023-4330031-8061054-123
Champions League 2018/19
Group E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayern Munich 32108-2732107-37642015-514
2Ajax 32107-3731204-25633011-512
3Benfica 31112-3431024-8362136-117
4AEK Aten 30032-7030030-6060062-130
Champions League 2018/19
Group F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester City 32019-3632107-37641116-613
2Lyon 30306-6331206-55615012-118
3Shakhtar Donetsk 30213-6231115-10461328-166
4Hoffenheim 30126-8130215-62603311-143
Champions League 2018/19
Group G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Real Madrid 32015-4632017-16640212-512
2Roma 32018-2631023-63630311-89
3CSKA Moscow 31023-4331115-5462138-97
4Viktoria Plzen 31114-8431023-8362137-167
Champions League 2018/19
Group H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Juventus 32015-2632014-2664029-412
2Manchester United 31111-1432016-3663127-410
3Valencia 32015-4630211-2262226-68
4Young Boys 31113-5430031-7061144-124
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
6/11 2018
Champions League - Grupp D
2 - 0
24/10 2018
Champions League - Grupp D
0 - 0
12/3 2013
Champions League - Åttondelsfinaler
2 - 3
20/2 2013
Champions League - Åttondelsfinaler
1 - 1
Teams stats in Champions League
Games played336
Games won101
Games drawn101
Games lost134
Goals for505
Goals for per game1,670,001,67
Goals against358
Goals against per game1,001,672,67
Goals against and for per game2,671,672,17
Schalke 04HomeAwayTotal
Games played448
Games won213
Games drawn112
Games lost123
Goals for628
Goals for per game1,500,502,00
Goals against41014
Goals against per game1,002,503,50
Goals against and for per game2,503,002,75

Points statistics for Galatasaray - Schalke 04

Both teams can note a draw in their record for the 5 last played matches. That means 0 wins, 0 draws and 3 losses Galatasaray, and a total of 1 wins, 1 draws and 2 losses for Schalke 04.

0 points for Galatasaray, and 4 points for Schalke 04 of the possible is the record for both teams as they both were both given points for the draw.

Statistics for Galatasaray - Schalke 04

Galatasaray has an average of 1,67 goals scored per match at home in Champions League. During this season, Galatasaray has conceded a total of 3 goals in 3 games played on home grounds in Champions League. That means that Galatasaray has conceded an average of 1,00 goals per match.

During this season of Champions League, Galatasaray has scored a total of 5 goals in the 6 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 1,67 goals scored per match. During this season, Galatasaray has conceded a total of 8 goals in the 6 matches in the league. In average, Galatasaray has conceded a total of 2,67 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Schalke 04 has scored 2 goals in 4 matches. Schalke 04 has conceded a total of 10 goals in away matches during this season of Champions League. In the 4 away matches that Schalke 04 has played, there has been an average of 2,50 conceded goals per match.

Schalke 04 has scored an average of 2,00 goals per match in Champions League in the 8 matches played during the season. Galatasaray has during this season conceded a total of 8 goals in the 6 matches that has been played in the league.