Gibraltar – Lithuania 21/3, odds and results

0 - 121-03-2024 19:45UEFA Nations League Playout
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Gibraltar - Lithuania
Game facts and information

How Gibraltar - Lithuania was played

The match in UEFA Nations League between Gibraltar vs Lithuania match start at 19:45, on 21-03-2024.

Lithuania won the last match against Gibraltar

In the end, Lithuania won the match against Gibraltar with a score of 1 - 0. Lithuania came out victorious against Gibraltar, which means that they are given new points for the UEFA Nations League table. The loss means that Gibraltar won't get any new points to their name this round.  After the match, Gibraltar is now in place 4 of the UEFA Nations League table with 0 points. Lithuania, with their 0 points, can be found in place 2.

The best & highest odds for Gibraltar - Lithuania

Before the match between Gibraltar and Lithuania in UEFA Nations League, were favourites to win according to the odds. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. The betting companies didn't believe in a win for , and the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for a win.

A draw between Gibraltar and Lithuania gave the highest odds of at . In average, the bookmakers we compared gave an odds of for a draw between Gibraltar - Lithuania.

Point record Gibraltar

Gibraltar has an averige so far in UEFA Nations League of 0 scored points per home match. This means that Gibraltar scored an avrage of 0 points per home match.

0 points is the record for Gibraltar in the 4 home games played in in %event%. As guests, Gibraltar has an average of 0,00 points scored per match at this point of the season.

Gibraltar has a record this far in UEFA Nations League of 0 points in the 8 matches played during the season. This results in an average of 0,00 points per match for Gibraltar.

Point record Lithuania

Lithuania has during this season of UEFA Nations League secured 0 points in the 4 matches played at home. Over 4 matches played on home ground in this season of UEFA Nations League, Lithuania has scored an average of 0 points per match.

In away matches, Lithuania has scored 3 in UEFA Nations League in the 4 played away matches. So the team has an away record of 0,75 points per match.

Lithuania in UEFA Nations League have scored 3 points in a total of 8 matches. Lithuania has a season average of 0,75 points per match.

UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp A15 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Croatia 31113-5433005-1964118-613
2Denmark 32014-1632015-4664029-512
3France 31023-3330212-4261235-75
4Austria 30123-6131023-4361146-104
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp A25 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Spain 31114-3432104-2763218-511
2Portugal 32016-1631115-24631211-310
3Switzerland 32013-2631023-7363036-99
4Czech Republic 31114-7430031-6061145-134
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp A35 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Italy 32104-2731114-5463218-711
2Hungary 31112-3432016-2663128-510
3Germany 31116-4430305-53614111-97
4England 30213-7230121-3160334-103
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp A45 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Netherlands 32106-4733008-29651014-616
2Belgium 32019-6631112-24631211-810
3Poland 31022-4331114-8462136-127
4Wales 30122-4130034-7060156-111
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp B15 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Scotland 33007-1931114-44641111-513
2Ukraine 31204-1532016-36632110-411
3Ireland 32016-3630122-4162138-77
4Armenia 31022-9330032-8061054-173
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp B25 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Israel 21104-3421104-3442208-68
2Iceland 20203-3220203-3240406-64
3Albania 20112-3120112-3140224-62
4Russia 00000-0000000-0000000-00
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp B35 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bosnia-Hercegovina 33005-2930213-6263218-811
2Finland 31204-2531024-4362228-68
3Montenegro 31113-3431023-3362136-67
4Romania 32015-4630121-4162136-87
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp B45 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Serbia 32018-3632105-27641113-513
2Norway 31113-4432014-3663127-710
3Slovenia 31114-5430212-5261326-106
4Sweden 30122-4131025-7361147-114
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp C15 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Turkey 32109-3732019-26641118-513
2Luxembourg 31113-4432106-3763219-711
3Faroe Islands 32014-3630213-7262227-108
4Lithuania 30121-9130031-5060152-141
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp C25 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Greece 33008-1932012-16650110-215
2Kosovo 32018-4631023-43630311-89
3Northern Ireland 31114-4430123-6161237-105
4Cyprus 31111-2430123-10161234-125
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp C35 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Kazakstan 33006-2931112-4464118-613
2Azerbaijan 32015-1631112-3463127-410
3Slovakia 30122-4132013-2662135-67
4Belarus 30211-2230122-5160333-73
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp C45 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Georgia 32106-07330010-39651016-316
2Bulgaria 31118-7431202-15623110-89
3Macedonia 31024-4331113-3462137-77
4Gibraltar 30122-5130031-13060153-181
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp D15 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Latvia 32015-2632107-37641112-513
2Moldavia 32016-5632104-17641110-613
3Andorra 31203-2531023-5362226-78
4Liechtenstein 30030-6030031-5060061-110
UEFA Nations League 2022/23
Grupp D25 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Estonia 22004-1622006-16440010-212
2Malta 21012-2321013-2342025-46
3San Marino 20020-6020020-3040040-90
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
18:00 26/3
UEFA Nations League - Playout
1 - 0
20:45 21/3
UEFA Nations League - Playout
0 - 1
Teams stats in UEFA Nations League
Games played448
Games won000
Games drawn101
Games lost347
Goals for213
Goals for per game0,500,250,75
Goals against61420
Goals against per game1,503,505,00
Goals against and for per game2,003,752,88
Games played448
Games won112
Games drawn101
Games lost235
Goals for224
Goals for per game0,500,501,00
Goals against9514
Goals against per game2,251,253,50
Goals against and for per game2,751,752,25

Point statistics for Gibraltar - Lithuania

Lithuania has now won 1, ties 0 and lost 3 of their 5 latest vinsten. The loss for Gibraltar means that in the 5 last matches they have collected 0, wins, 0 draws, and 4 losses.

The win for Lithuania means new points, and they have secured 3 of the possible during the last five rounds. Fot Gibraltar on the other hand, the loss means zero points and they have a record of 0 points in total over the last 5 rounds.

Statistics for Gibraltar - Lithuania

Gibraltar has an average of 0,50 goals scored per match at home in UEFA Nations League. Gibraltar has conceded a total of 6 goals on home ground during this season of UEFA Nations League. In the 4 matches played on home ground Gibraltar has an average of 1,50 conceded goals per match.

In the 8 matches Gibraltar has played in UEFA Nations League this season, the team has scored a total of 3 goals, with an average of 0,75 goals per match. During this season, Gibraltar has conceded a total of 20 goals in the 8 matches in the league. In average, Gibraltar has conceded a total of 5,00 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Lithuania has scored 2 goals in 4 matches. Lithuania has conceded a total of 5 goals in away matches during this season of UEFA Nations League. In the 4 away matches that Lithuania has played, there has been an average of 1,25 conceded goals per match.

Lithuania has produced an average of 1,00 goals per match in the 8 played in UEFA Nations League. During this season of the league, Lithuania, has in the 8 matches played conceded an average of 3,50 goals per match.