Lille – Wolfsburg 14/9, odds and results

Stade Pierre-Mauroy 0 - 014-09-2021 20:00Champions League Group G Stad: Villeneuve d'Ascq Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 50083
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Lille - Wolfsburg
Game facts and information

Match information Lille – Wolfsburg on 14 september

Starting at 20:00, the Champions League match between Lille and Wolfsburg was played on 14 september.

Lille - Wolfsburg tied

The match between Lille - Wolfsburg ended in a draw, with a final result of 0 - 0. Ett oavgjort resultat innebär att både Lille och Wolfsburg kommer tilldelas poäng vardera. The match result means a total of 1 points for Lille in the table, and 1 points for Wolfsburg –who now can be found on place 2 respectively 1 in the Champions League table.

Odds for Lille - Wolfsburg

The odds before the match in Champions League between Lille and Wolfsburg favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. In our odds comparison, the betting companies offered the average odds of for to win.

0/0 was the highest odds on to win the match against . The bet was available at . Underdogs was no favourite to win the match against , and a bet on them gave the average odds of .

The best odds for a draw was offered by , to times the money. The betting companies you can see in the odds comparison above, gave an average odds of for a draw.

Point record Lille

Lille has an averige so far in Champions League of 0 scored points per home match. The team has a record of 0 points per home match in average this season.

Lille has an away score in Champions League of 6 points in 4 matches. So the team has an average of 1,50 points per away match.

Lille has secured 6 points in Champions League, in the 8 matches played. This means that Lille has an average of 1,50 points per match.

Point record Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg has a score of 0 points in 3 home matches played in Champions League this season. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

In away matches, Wolfsburg have in this season of Champions League scored 1 points in 3 played matches. In away matches, Wolfsburg has scored an average of 0,33 points per match.

1 points is what Wolfsburg has scored in Champions League this season so far, in the 6 matches that have been played. The result means that Wolfsburg has an average of 0,33 scored points per match.

Champions League 2021/22
Group A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester City 330012-5931026-53640218-1012
2PSG 33009-3930214-52632113-811
3RB Leipzig 31115-54310210-93621315-147
4Club Brugge 30122-11131024-9361146-204
Champions League 2021/22
Group B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Liverpool 33007-29330010-49660017-618
2Atlético Madrid 30122-4132015-4662137-87
3Porto 31023-8330211-3261234-115
4Milan 30123-5131023-4361146-94
Champions League 2021/22
Group C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Ajax 330010-29330010-39660020-518
2Sporting Lissabon 32018-6631026-63630314-129
3Borussia Dortmund 32017-3631023-83630310-119
4Besiktas 30033-8030030-11060063-190
Champions League 2021/22
Group D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Real Madrid 32015-3633009-09650114-315
2Inter 32015-2631113-3463128-510
3Sheriff Tiraspol 31023-6331114-5462137-117
4Shakhtar Donetsk 30211-6230031-6060242-122
Champions League 2021/22
Group E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayern Munich 330013-2933009-19660022-318
2Benfica 32015-4630212-5262227-98
3Barcelona 31111-3431021-6362132-97
4Dynamo Kiev 30121-3130030-8060151-111
Champions League 2021/22
Group F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester United 32106-4731115-44632111-811
2Villarreal 31114-4432018-56631212-910
3Atalanta 31115-5430217-82613212-136
4Young Boys 31116-8430121-4161237-125
Champions League 2021/22
Group G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Lille 31201-0532016-4663217-411
2Red Bull Salzburg 33006-2930122-4163128-610
3Sevilla 31114-3430211-2261325-56
4Wolfsburg 31114-5430121-5161235-105
Champions League 2021/22
Group H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Juventus 33006-2932014-46650110-615
2Chelsea 33009-0931114-44641113-413
3Zenit 31117-4430123-61612310-105
4Malmö FF 30121-5130030-9060151-141
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
8/12 2021
Champions League - Grupp G
1 - 3
14/9 2021
Champions League - Grupp G
0 - 0
11/12 2014
Europa League - Grupp H
0 - 3
2/10 2014
Europa League - Grupp H
1 - 1
Teams stats in Champions League
Games played448
Games won123
Games drawn202
Games lost123
Goals for268
Goals for per game0,501,502,00
Goals against268
Goals against per game0,501,502,00
Goals against and for per game1,003,002,00
Games played336
Games won101
Games drawn112
Games lost123
Goals for415
Goals for per game1,330,331,67
Goals against5510
Goals against per game1,671,673,33
Goals against and for per game3,002,002,50

Points statistics for Lille - Wolfsburg

The results means a draw in both team's records. Over the last 5 matches, this means 2 wins, 0 draws and 2 losses for Lille - and 0 wins, 1 draws and 2 losses for Wolfsburg.

Points from the draw means that Lille now has gotten 6 points out of possible in their 5 latest matches. Wolfsburg has scored a total of 1 points in the same number of matches.

Goal stats for Lille and Wolfsburg

Lille has scored 2 goals in home matches during this season of Champions League, an average of 0,50 goals scored per match. In Champions League, Lille has conceaded 2 goals on home ground this season.

Lille has scored an average of 2,00 goals per match in the 8 matches played in Champions League this season. During this season, Lille has conceded a total of 8 goals in the 8 matches in the league. In average, Lille has conceded a total of 2,00 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Wolfsburg has scored a total of 1 goals in the 3 away matches they've played this season of Champions League. In away matches, Wolfsburg has conceded an average of 1,67 goals in the 3 away games that has been played.

Wolfsburg has scored an average of 1,67 goals per match in Champions League in the 6 matches played during the season. During the past season, Wolfsburg has conceded a total of 10 goals. This means that Wolfsburg has conceded an average of 3,33 goals in the 6 matches that has been played in Champions League.