Middlesbrough – Chelsea 9/1, odds and results

1 - 009-01-2024 20:00Engelska Ligacupen 2023/24
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Odds for Middlesbrough - Chelsea
Game facts and information

How Middlesbrough - Chelsea played out in Engelska Ligacupen

Middlesbrough and Chelsea played against each other in Engelska Ligacupen with kick-off at 20:00 den9 januari.

Middlesbrough left as winners from the last match against Chelsea

Middlesbrough finally came out with a victory of 1 goals against 0. Middlesbrough gets new points in Engelska Ligacupen for the win against Chelsea. Losing the match means that Chelsea are left with no new points this round.

The best & highest odds for Middlesbrough - Chelsea

Before the match between Middlesbrough and The Blues in Engelska Ligacupen, were favourites to win according to the odds.  was the favorite to win the match, and the bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of .

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. In average, you could place a bet on to win to the odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

The best odds for a draw was offered by , to times the money. Before kick-off between Middlesbrough - Chelsea, a bet on a draw gave an average odds of .

Point record Middlesbrough

At home, Middlesbrough has scored 0 points in 1 matches during this season of Engelska Ligacupen. This means that Middlesbrough scored an avrage of 0 points per home match.

Middlesbrough has on away grounds during this Engelska Ligacupen season scored 15 points in 6 matches. This gives Middlesbrough an away average of 2,50 points per match.

Middlesbrough has a record this far in Engelska Ligacupen of 15 points in the 7 matches played during the season. This means that Middlesbrough has an average of 2,50 points per match.

Point record Chelsea

The Blues has scored 0 points in home matches this far, in the 6 matches played. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

Chelsea has a score of 0 points in Engelska Ligacupen in 1 played away matches. This means that Middlesbrough has an average of 0,00 points per match on away grounds.

Chelsea have in 7 matches in Engelska Ligacupen this season scored a total of 0. With that, the team has scored 0,00 per match in average.

Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
21:00 23/1
Engelska Ligacupen - 2023/24
6 - 1
21:00 9/1
Engelska Ligacupen - 2023/24
1 - 0
19/3 2022
0 - 2
8/5 2017
Premier League - 2016/17
3 - 0
20/11 2016
Premier League - 2016/17
0 - 1
28/1 2009
Premier League - 2016/17
2 - 0
18/10 2008
Premier League - 2016/17
0 - 5
Teams stats in Engelska Ligacupen
Games played167
Games won156
Games drawn000
Games lost011
Goals for11516
Goals for per game1,002,502,67
Goals against01111
Goals against per game0,001,831,83
Goals against and for per game1,004,333,86
Games played617
Games won505
Games drawn000
Games lost112
Goals for16016
Goals for per game2,670,0016,00
Goals against617
Goals against per game1,001,007,00
Goals against and for per game3,671,003,29

Point statistics for Middlesbrough - Chelsea

After the win, we have a record of 4 wins, 1 losses och 0 draws in the last five matches for Middlesbrough. Chelsea lost, and now has a record of 1 losses in their last 5 matches, along with 0 ties and 0 wins.

The new points from the face-off against Chelsea means that Middlesbrough has collected 12 points of the possible in ther 5 latest matches. Chelsea doesn't get any new points because of their loss, and have now collected 0 in their 5 latest matches.

Goal stats for Middlesbrough and Chelsea

In home matches this season, Middlesbrough has scored 1 goals in Engelska Ligacupen, meaning that Middlesbrough has an average of 1,00 per match. Middlesbrough has conceded a total of 0 goals on home ground during this season of Engelska Ligacupen. In the 1 matches played on home ground Middlesbrough has an average of 0,00 conceded goals per match.

In total, Middlesbrough has produced 16 goals in Engelska Ligacupen during the season. In the 7 matches the team has played, Middlesbrough has an average of 2,67 goals scored per game. During this season, Middlesbrough has conceded a total of 11 goals in the 7 matches in the league. In average, Middlesbrough has conceded a total of 1,83 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, The Blues has scored a total of 0 goals in the 1 away matches they've played this season of Engelska Ligacupen. In away matches, Chelsea has conceded an average of 1,00 goals in the 1 away games that has been played.

Chelsea has produced an average of 16,00 goals per match in the 7 played in Engelska Ligacupen. Middlesbrough has during this season conceded a total of 11 goals in the 7 matches that has been played in the league.