Molde – Ferencváros 23/9, odds and results

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Odds for Molde - Ferencváros
Game facts and information

How Molde - Ferencváros played out on 23/9

Molde and Ferencváros faced each other on 23 september. The match was played in Champions League Qualification with match start 20:00.

Draw between Molde - Ferencváros

The match between Molde - Ferencváros finally ended in a draw, with a final score of 3 - 3. We can note a draw in the match between Molde and Ferencváros, which means that both teams will get points each.

1X2 odds for Molde - Ferencváros

Ahead of the game between Molde and Ferencváros in Champions League Qualification, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds. The betting companies gave the average odds of on to win the match.

were underdogs against , and the highest odds for a win was found at , to 0/0 times your wager. If we compare the odds from the betting companies in our list, a bet on to win gave the average odds of .

A bet on draw between Molde and Ferencváros gave at most the odds of , which cas offered at . A bet on a draw between Molde - Ferencváros gave the average odds of times the money at the bookmakers listed above.

Point record Molde

At home, Molde has scored 0 points in 2 matches during this season of Champions League Qualification. Molde has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

On away grounds, Molde has scored 7 points in 3 matches. This means that Molde has an away match average of 2,33 points per match.

Molde has in 5 matches scored 7 points in this season of Champions League Qualification. The team´s average score per match is 2,33 points.

Point record Ferencváros

Ferencváros has scored 0 points in home matches this far, in the 3 matches played. Over 3 matches played on home ground in this season of Champions League Qualification, Ferencváros has scored an average of 0 points per match.

In away matches, Ferencváros have in this season of Champions League Qualification scored 4 points in 2 played matches. This far in the season, Ferencváros has an away average of 2,00 points per match.

In the 5 matches Ferencváros has played in Champions League Qualification this season, they have scored a total of 4 points. Ferencváros has a season average of 2,00 points per match.

Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
29/9 2020
Champions League Qualification - Playoff
0 - 0
23/9 2020
Champions League Qualification - Playoff
3 - 3
Teams stats in Champions League Qualification
Games played235
Games won123
Games drawn112
Games lost000
Goals for8816
Goals for per game4,002,675,33
Goals against369
Goals against per game1,502,003,00
Goals against and for per game5,504,675,00
Games played325
Games won213
Games drawn112
Games lost000
Goals for459
Goals for per game1,332,504,50
Goals against145
Goals against per game0,332,002,50
Goals against and for per game1,674,502,80

Points statistics for Molde - Ferencváros

The draw means that Molde has a record of 2 wins, 1 draws and 0 losses over their last 5 matches. Ferencváros has 1 wins, 1 draws and 0 losses in the same amount of matches.

Both teams were awarded with points in Champions League Qualification after the draw. During the last five matches, which means a total of possible points, Molde has collected 7 poins ? and Ferencváros has secured 4.

Statistics for Molde - Ferencváros

Molde has an average of 4,00 goals scored per match at home in Champions League Qualification. In Champions League Qualification, Molde has conceaded 3 goals on home ground this season.

In the 5 matches Molde has played in Champions League Qualification this season, the team has scored a total of 16 goals, which means an average of 5,33 goals scored per match. During this season, Molde has conceded a total of 9 goals in the 5 matches in the league. In average, Molde has conceded a total of 3,00 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Ferencváros has scored 5 goals in 2 matches. The away team, Ferencváros, has an average of 2,00 conceded goals per match in Champions League Qualification.

Ferencváros have in this season of Champions League Qualification scored a total of 9 goals. In the 5 matches that Ferencváros have played this season, an average of 4,50 goals has been scored per match. During the past season, Ferencváros has conceded a total of 5 goals. This means that Ferencváros has conceded an average of 2,50 goals in the 5 matches that has been played in Champions League Qualification.