Mönchengladb. – Hamburg 15/12, odds and results

Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Mönchengladbach - Hamburg
Game facts and information

Match information Mönchengladbach – Hamburg on 15 december

The match in Bundesliga between Mönchengladbach and Hamburg was played on 15/12 at 19:30.

Mönchengladbach won the match against Hamburg

The match between Mönchengladbach and Hamburg eventually ended with a 3 - 1 win for Mönchengladbach. Mönchengladbach gets new points in Bundesliga for the win against Hamburg. Losing the match means that Hamburg are left with no new points this round.

The best odds for Mönchengladbach - Hamburg

The odds before the match in Bundesliga between Mönchengladbach and Hamburg favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win.  was the favorite to win the match, and the bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of .

were underdogs against , and the highest odds for a win was found at , to 0/0 times your wager. In our odds comparison, gave the average odds of for to win.

At you could find the best odds for a draw between Mönchengladbach - Hamburg, which gave times the wager. Before kick-off between Mönchengladbach - Hamburg, a bet on a draw gave an average odds of .

Point record Mönchengladbach

Mönchengladbach has on home ground in Bundesliga played 17 matches and scored 0 points. Mönchengladbach has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

Mönchengladbach has an away record of 16 points scored in the 17 matches played on away grounds. In Bundesliga, Mönchengladbach does in other words have an average of 0,94 scored points per away match.

In the total 34 matches that Mönchengladbach has played during this season of Bundesliga, the team has scored 16 points. Mönchengladbach does because of this have an average of 0,94 points scored per match.

Point record Hamburg

Hamburg has a score of 0 points in 17 home matches played in Bundesliga this season. At home, Hamburg has an average of 0 scored points per match.

In away matches, Hamburg have in this season of Bundesliga scored 9 points in 17 played matches. This means that Mönchengladbach has an average of 0,53 points per match on away grounds.

In the total of 34 matches Hamburg has played this season, they have scored 9 points. Hamburg has an average of 0,53 points per match.

2017/185 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayern Munich 17142156-154417131336-134034273492-2884
2Schalke 04 17105227-15351784526-222834189753-3763
3Hoffenheim 17114238-16371746728-3218341510966-4855
4Borussia Dortmund 1794440-21311766524-2624341510964-4755
5Bayer Leverkusen 1785429-19291775529-2526341510958-4455
6RB Leipzig 1794434-26311764723-2722341581157-5353
7Stuttgart 17104318-93417521018-2717341561336-3651
8Eintracht Frankfurt 1784526-19281763819-2621341471345-4549
9Mönchengladbach 1794428-20311744919-3216341381347-5247
10Hertha Berlin 1757523-27221756620-19213410131143-4643
11Werder Bremen 1767420-17251745817-23173410121237-4042
12FC Augsburg 1764724-24221747619-22193410111343-4641
13Hannover 1783628-25271726916-2912341091544-5439
14FSV Mainz 05 1773722-21241726916-311234991638-5236
15Freiburg 1776417-172717161015-399348121432-5636
16Wolfsburg 1738623-25171737713-2316346151336-4833
17Hamburg 1764717-192217231212-34934871929-5331
18FC Köln 1735920-301417221315-40834572235-7022
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
12/5 2018
Bundesliga - 2017/18
2 - 1
15/12 2017
Bundesliga - 2017/18
3 - 1
12/3 2017
Bundesliga - 2016/17
2 - 1
15/10 2016
Bundesliga - 2016/17
0 - 0
14/2 2016
Bundesliga - 2015/16
3 - 2
11/9 2015
Bundesliga - 2015/16
0 - 3
22/2 2015
Bundesliga - 2014/15
1 - 1
24/9 2014
Bundesliga - 2014/15
1 - 0
30/3 2014
Bundesliga - 2013/14
3 - 1
2/11 2013
Bundesliga - 2013/14
0 - 2
Teams stats in Bundesliga
Games played171734
Games won9413
Games drawn448
Games lost4913
Goals for281947
Goals for per game1,651,122,76
Goals against203252
Goals against per game1,181,883,06
Goals against and for per game2,823,002,91
Games played171734
Games won628
Games drawn437
Games lost71219
Goals for171229
Goals for per game1,000,711,71
Goals against193453
Goals against per game1,122,003,12
Goals against and for per game2,122,712,41

Point statistics for Mönchengladbach - Hamburg

The win against Hamburg means that Mönchengladbach has a record of 0 wins, 3 losses and 2 draws in their last 5 matches. Hamburg has 1 wins, 3 losses and 1 ties in their 5 last matches after losing against Mönchengladbach.

2 secured points out of the possible is the record for Mönchengladbach over the 5 last matches. Hamburg aren't given any new points for this match, which means that their points over the 5 last rounds stays at 4.

Goal stats for Mönchengladbach and Hamburg

Mönchengladbach has scored a total of 28 goals on home ground during this season of Bundesliga, an average of 1,65 goals per match. On home ground, Mönchengladbach has conceded an average of 1,18 goals in this season of Bundesliga.

In total, Mönchengladbach has produced 47 goals in Bundesliga during the season. In the 34 matches the team has played, Mönchengladbach has an average of 2,76 goals scored per game. During this season, Mönchengladbach has conceded a total of 52 goals in the 34 matches in the league. In average, Mönchengladbach has conceded a total of 3,06 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Hamburg has scored 12 goals in 17 matches. Hamburg has in the 17 away matches played during this season of Bundesliga conceded a total of 34 goals, and has an average of 2,00 conceded goals per match.

Hamburg have in this season of Bundesliga scored a total of 29 goals. In the 34 matches that Hamburg have played this season, an average of 1,71 goals has been scored per match. During this season of the league, Hamburg, has in the 34 matches played conceded an average of 3,12 goals per match.