Napoli – RB Salzburg 5/11, odds and results

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Odds for Napoli - Red Bull Salzburg
Game facts and information

Napoli - Red Bull Salzburg in Champions League

Napoli and Red Bull Salzburg played against each other in Champions League with kick-off at 20:00 den5 november.

Napoli - Red Bull Salzburg tied

The match between Napoli - Red Bull Salzburg finally ended in a draw, with a final score of 1 - 1. Both Napoli and Red Bull Salzburg can add another points to their name in the table after the tied result in the match. Napoli is after the match in place 1 on the table, with a total of 3 points, as Red Bull Salzburg with 3 points can be found in place 2 in the Champions League table.

1X2 odds for Napoli - Red Bull Salzburg

Before the match between Napoli and Red Bull Salzburg in Champions League, were favourites to win according to the odds. The betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for to win against .

On non-favorites to win, , you could bet to the highest odds of 0/0 at . If we compare the odds from the betting companies in our list, a bet on to win gave the average odds of .

The best bet for a draw between Napoli and Red Bull Salzburg was found at to the odds of . Among the betting companies we compared odds from, a draw gave the average odds of .

Point record Napoli

At home, Napoli has scored 0 points in 4 matches during this season of Champions League. Napoli has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

Napoli has an away score in Champions League of 5 points in 4 matches. This means that Napoli has an away match average of 1,25 points per match.

During this season of Champions League,Napoli has secured 5 points in 8 matches. This results in an average of 1,25 points per match for Napoli.

Point record Red Bull Salzburg

Red Bull Salzburg has a home score in Champions League of 3 played matches and 0 points. And a record for home matches that reads 0 points per match.

During this season of Champions League, Red Bull Salzburg has a score of 4 points in 3 away matches that has been played. This means that Red Bull Salzburg has a record of 1,33 points per away match.

In the total of 6 matches Red Bull Salzburg has played this season, they have scored 4 points. This means that Red Bull Salzburg has an average of 1,33 points per match this season.

Champions League 2019/20
Group A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1PSG 33009-0932108-27651017-216
2Real Madrid 312010-4532014-46632114-811
3Club Brugge 30121-8130213-4260334-123
4Galatasaray 30121-3130120-11160241-142
Champions League 2019/20
Group B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayern Munich 33008-19330016-49660024-518
2Tottenham 320111-9631117-54631218-1410
3Olympiakos 31115-5430033-9061148-144
4Red Star Belgrade 31023-11330030-9061053-203
Champions League 2019/20
Group C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester City 32108-2732108-27642016-414
2Atalanta 31114-3431024-9362138-127
3Shakhtar Donetsk 30122-8131206-5561328-136
4Dinamo Zagreb 31118-7430122-61612310-135
Champions League 2019/20
Group D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Juventus 33006-1932106-37651012-416
2Atlético Madrid 32105-2731023-3363128-510
3Bayer Leverkusen 31023-5331022-4362045-96
4Lokomotiv Moscow 30031-6031023-5361054-113
Champions League 2019/20
Group E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Liverpool 32107-5732016-36641113-813
2Napoli 32107-1731204-35633011-412
3Red Bull Salzburg 31028-7331118-64621316-137
4RC Genk 30122-8130033-12060155-201
Champions League 2019/20
Group F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Barcelona 32105-2732104-2764209-414
2Borussia Dortmund 32105-3731023-5363128-810
3Inter 31114-3431026-63621310-97
4Slavia Praha 30032-7030212-3260244-102
Champions League 2019/20
Group G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1RB Leipzig 31114-5432106-37632110-811
2Lyon 31206-4531023-4362229-88
3Benfica 32016-3630124-81621310-117
4Zenit 32015-3630122-6162137-97
Champions League 2019/20
Group H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Chelsea 31116-6432105-37632111-911
2Valencia 31116-6432103-1763219-711
3Ajax 31023-2332109-47631212-610
4Lille 30122-5130032-9060154-141
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
5/11 2019
Champions League - Grupp E
1 - 1
23/10 2019
Champions League - Grupp E
2 - 3
14/3 2019
Europa League - Åttondelsfinaler
3 - 1
7/3 2019
Europa League - Åttondelsfinaler
3 - 0
Teams stats in Champions League
Games played448
Games won213
Games drawn224
Games lost011
Goals for8513
Goals for per game2,001,253,25
Goals against268
Goals against per game0,501,502,00
Goals against and for per game2,502,752,63
Red Bull SalzburgHomeAwayTotal
Games played336
Games won112
Games drawn011
Games lost213
Goals for8816
Goals for per game2,672,675,33
Goals against7613
Goals against per game2,332,004,33
Goals against and for per game5,004,674,83

Points statistics for Napoli - Red Bull Salzburg

Both teams can note a draw in their record for the 5 last played matches. That means 1 wins, 2 draws and 1 losses Napoli, and a total of 1 wins, 1 draws and 1 losses for Red Bull Salzburg.

Points from the draw means that Napoli now has gotten 5 points out of possible in their 5 latest matches. Red Bull Salzburg has scored a total of 4 points in the same number of matches.

Statistics for Napoli - Red Bull Salzburg

In home matches this season, Napoli has scored 8 goals in Champions League, meaning that Napoli has an average of 2,00 per match. Napoli has conceded a total of 2 goals on home ground during this season of Champions League. In the 4 matches played on home ground Napoli has an average of 0,50 conceded goals per match.

During this season of Champions League, Napoli has scored a total of 13 goals in the 8 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 3,25 goals scored per match. During this season, Napoli has conceded a total of 8 goals in the 8 matches in the league. In average, Napoli has conceded a total of 2,00 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Red Bull Salzburg has scored 8 goals in 3 matches. The away team, Red Bull Salzburg, has an average of 2,00 conceded goals per match in Champions League.

Red Bull Salzburg have in this season of Champions League scored a total of 16 goals. In the 6 matches that Red Bull Salzburg have played this season, an average of 5,33 goals has been scored per match. During this season of the league, Red Bull Salzburg, has in the 6 matches played conceded an average of 4,33 goals per match.