Rijeka – Napoli 5/11, odds and results

1 - 205-11-2020 17:55Europa League Group F
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Rijeka - Napoli
Game facts and information

How Rijeka - Napoli played out in Europa League

The match in Europa League between Rijeka and Napoli was played on 5/11 at 17:55.

Napoli won the last match against Rijeka

In the end, Napoli won the match against Rijeka with a score of 2 - 1. Napoli came out as winners, wich means new points for the table. The loss for Rijeka means no new points in this round of Europa League.

The best & highest odds for Rijeka - Napoli

The odds before the match in Europa League between Rijeka and Napoli favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. In average, the odds for to win was times your wager, at bookmakers in the list above.

was expected to lose against , and the best odds on as winners was found at to the odds of 0/0. The average odds for underdogs to win gave the average odds of at the bookmakers we compared odds from.

was the betting company that offered the best odds on a draw between Rijeka and Napoli - . Before the match between Rijeka and Napoli, the betting companies in the list above gave the average odds of for a draw.

Point record Rijeka

Rijeka has on home ground in Europa League played 3 matches and scored 0 points. In the 3 home matches played, Rijeka now has an average of 0 points per match.

In 3 played away matches, Rijeka has scored 1 points in Europa League. So the team has an average of 0,33 points per away match.

1 points is what Rijeka has scored this far during season of Europa League, in 6 played matches. For each match, Rijeka has an average of 0,33 points.

Point record Napoli

Napoli has during this season of Europa League secured 0 points in the 4 matches played at home. Over 4 matches played on home ground in this season of Europa League, Napoli has scored an average of 0 points per match.

Rijeka has a record for their away matches in Europa League of 7 scored points in the 4 away matches that has been played. This means that Rijeka has an average of 1,75 points per match in their away matches.

Napoli have in 8 matches in Europa League this season scored a total of 7. Napoli has a season average of 1,75 points per match.

Europa League 2020/21
Group A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Roma 32108-1732015-46641113-513
2Young Boys 32016-3631113-4463129-710
3CSKA Sofia 31023-4330210-3261233-75
4CFR Cluj 30211-3231023-7361234-105
Europa League 2020/21
Group B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Arsenal 330011-2933009-39660020-518
2Molde 32014-4631115-7463129-1110
3Rapid Wien 31117-7431024-63621311-137
4Dundalk FC 30034-9030034-10060068-190
Europa League 2020/21
Group C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayer Leverkusen 330014-3932017-56650121-815
2Slavia Praha 33007-2931024-83640211-1012
3Hapoel Beer Sheva FC 32016-5630031-8062047-136
4Nice 31024-6330034-10061058-163
Europa League 2020/21
Group D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Rangers 32106-4732107-37642013-714
2Benfica 321010-3731208-65633018-912
3Standard 31114-5430033-9061147-144
4Lech Poznan 31025-7330031-7061056-143
Europa League 2020/21
Group E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1PSV Eindhoven 32018-4632014-56640212-912
2Granada 31112-2432104-1763216-311
3Paok 31205-2530123-5161328-76
4Omonia 31023-5330122-7161145-124
Europa League 2020/21
Group F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Napoli 31113-2432104-2763217-411
2Real Sociedad 31113-3431202-1562315-49
3AZ Alkmaar 31205-2531022-3362227-58
4Rijeka 31023-4330123-8161146-124
Europa League 2020/21
Group G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Leicester 33009-0931115-54641114-513
2Braga 32108-3732016-76641114-1013
3Zorya Lugansk 31023-6331023-5362046-116
4AEK Aten 30033-9031024-6361057-153
Europa League 2020/21
Group H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Milan 32017-5632105-27641112-713
2Lille 31205-4532019-46632114-811
3Sparta Praha 31025-6331025-63620410-126
4Celtic 31025-9330125-101611410-194
Europa League 2020/21
Group I5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Villarreal 330012-3932105-27651017-516
2Maccabi Tel Aviv 32103-1731113-6463216-711
3Sivasspor 31023-3331026-8362049-116
4Qarabag 30124-7130030-6060154-131
Europa League 2020/21
Group J5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Tottenham 33009-0931116-54641115-513
2Royal Antwerp FC 32014-2632014-3664028-512
3LASK 31117-8432014-46631211-1210
4Ludogorets 30033-8030034-11060067-190
Europa League 2020/21
Group K5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Dinamo Zagreb 32104-1732105-0764209-114
2Wolfsberger 31112-4432015-2663127-610
3Feyenoord 31024-7330210-1261234-85
4CSKA Moscow 30210-1230123-7160333-83
Europa League 2020/21
Group L5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Hoffenheim 330011-1932106-17651017-216
2Red Star Belgrade 32107-2731112-2463219-411
3Slovan Liberec 31111-2431023-11362134-137
4AA Gent 30032-8030032-7060064-150
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
26/11 2020
Europa League - Grupp F
2 - 0
5/11 2020
Europa League - Grupp F
1 - 2
Teams stats in Europa League
Games played336
Games won101
Games drawn011
Games lost224
Goals for336
Goals for per game1,001,002,00
Goals against4812
Goals against per game1,332,674,00
Goals against and for per game2,333,673,00
Games played448
Games won224
Games drawn112
Games lost112
Goals for549
Goals for per game1,251,002,25
Goals against347
Goals against per game0,751,001,75
Goals against and for per game2,002,002,00

Point statistics for Rijeka - Napoli

Winning the match means that Napoli now has won 2, played 1 draws and lost 1 of ther 5 latest matches. Rijeka have won 0, tied in 1 and lost 2 of their 5 latest matches after losing this match to Napoli.

7 secured points out of the possible is the record for Napoli over the 5 last matches. Rijeka aren't given any new points for this match, which means that their points over the 5 last rounds stays at 1.

Statistics for Rijeka - Napoli

Rijeka has scored 3 goals in home matches during this season of Europa League, an average of 1,00 goals scored per match. In the 3 matches played on home ground during this season, Rijeka has conceded 4 goals in total, which means an average of 1,33 goals per match.

In the 6 matches Rijeka has played in Europa League this season, the team has scored a total of 6 goals, with an average of 2,00 goals per match. During this season, Rijeka has conceded a total of 12 goals in the 6 matches in the league. In average, Rijeka has conceded a total of 4,00 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Napoli has scored 4 goals in 4 matches. Napoli does on the other hand have a record of 4 conceded goals during this season of Europa League.

Napoli have in this season of Europa League scored a total of 9 goals. In the 8 matches that Napoli have played this season, an average of 2,25 goals has been scored per match. During this season of the league, Napoli, has in the 8 matches played conceded an average of 1,75 goals per match.