Rosenborg – PSV 1/10, odds and results

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Odds for Rosenborg - PSV Eindhoven
Game facts and information

Match facts Rosenborg - PSV Eindhoven in Europa League Qualification

The match was played in Europa League Qualification between Rosenborg and PSV Eindhoven. The match started at 18:00 on 1 oktober.

PSV Eindhoven came out with a win against Rosenborg

The match ended in a victory for PSV Eindhoven, who won with 2 goals against 0. PSV Eindhoven gets new points in Europa League Qualification for the win against Rosenborg. Losing the match means that Rosenborg are left with no new points this round.

Odds for Rosenborg - PSV Eindhoven

The odds before the match in Europa League Qualification between Rosenborg and PSV Eindhoven favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. Favorite to win, , was available for betting to the average odds of at the bookmakers in our odds comparison.

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. In average, you could place a bet on to win to the odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

Ahead of the match between Rosenborg and PSV Eindhoven, the best odds for a draw was which could be found at . Before the match between Rosenborg and PSV Eindhoven, the betting companies in the list above gave the average odds of for a draw.

Point record Rosenborg

Rosenborg has an averige so far in Europa League Qualification of 0 scored points per home match. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

This season, Rosenborg has scored 3 points in 1 away matches played.  This gives Rosenborg an away average of 3,00 points per match.

During this season of Europa League Qualification,Rosenborg has secured 3 points in 4 matches. Rosenborg has a point average per match of 3,00.

Point record PSV Eindhoven

On home grounds, PSV Eindhoven has scored 0 points in Europa League Qualification this season, in 0 home matches. This means that PSV Eindhoven has a home average of 0 points per match.

PSV Eindhoven has a score of 6 points in Europa League Qualification in 2 played away matches. PSV Eindhoven does in other words score 3,00 points in average for each away match.

6 points is what PSV Eindhoven has scored in Europa League Qualification this season so far, in the 2 matches that have been played. PSV Eindhoven has a season average of 3,00 points per match.

Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
1/10 2020
Europa League Qualification - Playoff
0 - 2
12/12 2019
Europa League - Grupp D
1 - 1
3/10 2019
Europa League - Grupp D
1 - 4
Teams stats in Europa League Qualification
Games played314
Games won213
Games drawn000
Games lost101
Goals for5510
Goals for per game1,675,0010,00
Goals against415
Goals against per game1,331,005,00
Goals against and for per game3,006,003,75
PSV EindhovenHomeAwayTotal
Games played022
Games won022
Games drawn000
Games lost000
Goals for077
Goals for per game03,503,50
Goals against011
Goals against per game0,500,50
Goals against and for per game0,004,004,00

Point statistics for Rosenborg - PSV Eindhoven

After the win, we have a record of 2 wins, 0 losses och 0 draws in the last five matches for PSV Eindhoven. Rosenborg lost, and now has a record of 0 losses in their last 5 matches, along with 0 ties and 1 wins.

The win for PSV Eindhoven means new points, and they have secured 6 of the possible during the last five rounds. Fot Rosenborg on the other hand, the loss means zero points and they have a record of 3 points in total over the last 5 rounds.

Goal stats for Rosenborg and PSV Eindhoven

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of Europa League Qualification, Rosenborg has scored an average of 1,67 per match in 3 matches. In Europa League Qualification, Rosenborg has conceaded 4 goals on home ground this season.

In the 4 matches Rosenborg has played in Europa League Qualification this season, the team has scored a total of 10 goals, which means an average of 10,00 goals scored per match. During this season, Rosenborg has conceded a total of 5 goals in the 4 matches in the league. In average, Rosenborg has conceded a total of 5,00 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, PSV Eindhoven has scored a total of 7 goals in the 2 away matches they've played this season of Europa League Qualification. PSV Eindhoven has conceded a total of 1 goals in away matches during this season of Europa League Qualification. In the 2 away matches that PSV Eindhoven has played, there has been an average of 0,50 conceded goals per match.

PSV Eindhoven has scored an average of 3,50 goals per match in Europa League Qualification in the 2 matches played during the season. During the past season, PSV Eindhoven has conceded a total of 1 goals. This means that PSV Eindhoven has conceded an average of 0,50 goals in the 2 matches that has been played in Europa League Qualification.