Sampdoria – Crotone 19/12, odds and results

Stadio Comunale Luigi Ferraris 3 - 119-12-2020 17:00Serie A Round 13 Stad: Genova Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 36703
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Sampdoria - Crotone
Game facts and information

Sampdoria - Crotone in Serie A

Starting at 17:00, the Serie A match between Sampdoria and Crotone was played on 19 december.

Sampdoria left as winners from the last match against Crotone

Sampdoria left as winners from the match against Crotone, which they won with 3 goals against 1.  new points are handed to Sampdoriain the Serie A table for the win. Crotone lost the match, and won´t be given any points in this round.

The best odds for Sampdoria - Crotone

Before the match between Sampdoria and Crotone in Serie A, were favourites to win according to the odds. The betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for to win against .

was expected to lose against , and the best odds on as winners was found at to the odds of 0/0. The betting companies didn't believe in a win for , and the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for a win.

gave the best odds for a draw between Sampdoria and Crotone, times your wager. A bet on a draw between Sampdoria - Crotone gave the average odds of times the money at the bookmakers listed above.

Point record Sampdoria

During this season of Serie A, Sampdoria has scored a total of 0 points in the 19 matches played at home. The team has a record of 0 points per home match in average this season.

In away matches, Sampdoria has during this season scored a total of 22 points in 19 away matches. As guests, Sampdoria has an average of 1,16 points scored per match at this point of the season.

In Serie A, Sampdoria has scored 22 points in the 38 matches played so far. In each match, the team has scored an average of 1,16.

Point record Crotone

Crotone has a home score in Serie A of 19 played matches and 0 points. This means that Sampdoria scores an average of 0 points per home match.

Sampdoria has a record for their away matches in Serie A of 6 scored points in the 19 away matches that has been played. This means that Sampdoria has an average of 0,32 points per match in their away matches.

In Serie A this season, Crotone have scored 6 points in the 38 played matches. The result means that Crotone has an average of 0,32 scored points per match.

Serie A
5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Inter 19171153-185219116236-173938287389-3591
2Milan 1986531-243019161243-174938247774-4179
3Atalanta 19123449-243919116241-233938239690-4778
4Juventus 19142341-17441997337-203438239678-3778
5Napoli 19124350-204019121635-223738245985-4277
6Lazio 19133336-23421982925-3226382151261-5568
7Roma 19134242-184319541026-4019381881268-5862
8Sassuolo 1978431-272919103633-29333817111064-5662
9Sampdoria 1993732-26301964920-2822381571652-5452
10Hellas Verona 1966723-23241956823-25213811121546-4845
11Genoa 1957729-30221955918-28203810121647-5842
12Bologna 1975733-332619361018-32153810111751-6541
13Fiorentina 1966725-25241937922-3416389131647-5940
14Udinese 19541014-19191956828-39213810101842-5840
15Spezia 1957728-332219451024-3917389121752-7239
16Cagliari 19541022-32191946921-2718389101943-5937
17Torino 1939725-36181947825-3319387161550-6937
18Benevento 19271019-39131955921-3620387121940-7533
19Crotone 19521223-351719131522-57638652745-9223
20Parma 19251216-391119161223-449383112439-8320
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
21/4 2021
Serie A - Grundserie
0 - 1
19/12 2020
Serie A - Grundserie
3 - 1
11/3 2018
Serie A - 2017/18
4 - 1
21/10 2017
Serie A - 2017/18
5 - 0
23/4 2017
Serie A - 2016/17
1 - 2
27/11 2016
Serie A - 2016/17
1 - 1
Teams stats in Serie A
Games played191938
Games won9615
Games drawn347
Games lost7916
Goals for322052
Goals for per game1,681,052,74
Goals against262854
Goals against per game1,371,472,84
Goals against and for per game3,052,532,79
Games played191938
Games won516
Games drawn235
Games lost121527
Goals for232245
Goals for per game1,211,162,37
Goals against355792
Goals against per game1,843,004,84
Goals against and for per game3,054,163,61

Point statistics for Sampdoria - Crotone

Sampdoria has 2 wins, 1 draws and 2 losses in their 5 latest matches after defeating Crotone. In the last 5 mathces for Crotone, the result is 1 wins, 3 losses och 1 draws ? with the loss against Sampdoria included.

The new points from the face-off against Crotone means that Sampdoria has collected 7 points of the possible in ther 5 latest matches. Crotone doesn't get any new points because of their loss, and have now collected 4 in their 5 latest matches.

Goal stats for Sampdoria and Crotone

In the 19 matches played on home ground this season of Serie A, Sampdoria has scored a total of 32 goals, which gives an average of 1,68 goals scored per match. On home ground, Sampdoria has conceded an average of 1,37 goals in this season of Serie A.

During this season of Serie A, Sampdoria has scored a total of 52 goals in the 38 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 2,74 goals scored per match. During this season, Sampdoria has conceded a total of 54 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Sampdoria has conceded a total of 2,84 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Crotone has scored 22 goals in 19 matches. In away matches, Crotone has conceded an average of 3,00 goals in the 19 away games that has been played.

Crotone have in this season of Serie A scored a total of 45 goals. In the 38 matches that Crotone have played this season, an average of 2,37 goals has been scored per match. Looking at the number of goals this season - Crotone have conceded an average of 4,84 goals per match in the league, in the 38 matches that has been played.