San Marino – Slovenia 12/10, odds and results

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Odds for San Marino - Slovenia
Game facts and information

San Marino - Slovenia in EM-kvalet

The match was played in EM-kvalet between San Marino and Slovenia. The match started at 19:45 on 12 oktober.

Slovenia won the last match against San Marino

It was Slovenia that managed to leave the match against San Marino with a victory - after a final result of 2 - 0. The win means that Slovenia gets new points. San Marino lost, and will leave this round of EM-kvaletemty handed.

The best & highest odds for San Marino - Slovenia

The odds before the match in EM-kvalet between San Marino and Slovenia favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

was expected to lose against , and the best odds on as winners was found at to the odds of 0/0. The betting companies didn't believe in a win for , and the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for a win.

gave the best odds for a draw between San Marino and Slovenia, times your wager. The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of times the money for a draw before the match.

Point record San Marino

During this season of EM-kvalet, San Marino has scored a total of 0 points in the 5 matches played at home. San Marino has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

On away grounds, San Marino has scored 0 points in 5 matches. This gives San Marino an away average of 0,00 points per match.

In EM-kvalet, San Marino has scored 0 points in the 10 matches played so far. The team´s average score per match is 0,00 points.

Point record Slovenia

Slovenia has a home score in EM-kvalet of 6 played matches and 0 points. Slovenia has a score of 0 points per home match in average.

In away matches, Slovenia have in this season of EM-kvalet scored 6 points in 6 played matches. Slovenia does in other words score 1,00 points in average for each away match.

Slovenia in EM-kvalet have scored 6 points in a total of 12 matches. Per match, Slovenia has an average point of 1,00.

Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Czech Republic 53117-610540112-8121071219-1422
2Iceland 53209-31153028-391062217-620
3Turkey 53119-41052215-581053214-918
4Netherlands 521212-6752035-861041517-1413
5Kazakstan 50143-10151134-84101277-185
6Latvia 50142-9150414-104100556-195
Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Belgium 541017-21353117-3101072124-523
2Wales 53205-11153116-3101063111-421
3Bosnia-Hercegovina 531110-41052127-871052317-1217
4Israel 52038-6652128-871041516-1413
5Cyprus 51048-7353028-1091040616-1712
6Andorra 50054-16050050-2001000104-360
Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Spain 550015-11554018-2121090123-327
2Slovakia 53117-310540110-5121071217-822
3Ukraine 53027-3953117-1101061314-419
4Belarus 51133-6452125-87103258-1411
5Macedonia 51044-9350142-91101186-184
6Luxembourg 51134-12450052-150101186-274
Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Germany 541012-413530212-591071224-922
2Poland 541018-413522115-681063133-1021
3Ireland 532011-21152128-571053219-718
4Scotland 531112-610512210-651043322-1215
5Georgia 52036-8651044-831030710-169
6Gibraltar 50050-27050052-2901000102-560
Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1England 550016-115550015-21510100031-330
2Switzerland 540117-41253027-491070324-821
3Slovenia 531111-41052037-761051418-1116
4Estonia 53024-2950140-71103164-910
5Lithuania 52034-8651133-104103167-1810
6San Marino 50140-14150051-220100191-361
Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Northern Ireland 53208-31153118-5101063116-821
2Romania 52305-2953206-0111055011-220
3Hungary 52214-3852217-681044211-916
4Finland 51223-5552126-57103349-1012
5Greece 51044-8350323-63101367-146
6Faroe Islands 51044-11351042-63102086-176
Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Austria 54107-113550015-4151091022-528
2Russia 53118-210531113-3101062221-520
3Sweden 53119-61052216-381053215-918
4Montenegro 52127-7751133-641032510-1311
5Liechtenstein 50231-15251041-113101272-265
6Moldavia 50052-9050232-72100284-162
Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Italy 54107-31353209-4111073016-724
2Croatia 541017-21352213-381063120-521
3Norway 53116-31053027-791061313-1019
4Bulgaria 51225-5552034-76103259-1211
5Azerbaijan 51134-6450233-122101367-186
6Malta 50142-8150141-81100283-162
Fotbolls-EM 2016
kvalgrupp I5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Portugal 43014-2944007-312870111-521
2Albania 41123-5443107-010842210-514
3Denmark 42114-2741214-3583328-512
4Serbia 41034-8341124-5482158-137
5Armenia 40223-7240042-7080265-142
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
10/9 2023
EM-kvalet - Grupp H
0 - 4
26/3 2023
EM-kvalet - Grupp H
2 - 0
12/10 2015
EM-kvalet - kvalgrupp E
0 - 2
27/3 2015
EM-kvalet - kvalgrupp E
6 - 0
Teams stats in EM-kvalet
San MarinoHomeAwayTotal
Games played5510
Games won000
Games drawn101
Games lost459
Goals for011
Goals for per game0,000,200,20
Goals against142236
Goals against per game2,804,407,20
Goals against and for per game2,804,603,70
Games played6612
Games won325
Games drawn202
Games lost145
Goals for12719
Goals for per game2,001,173,17
Goals against5914
Goals against per game0,831,502,33
Goals against and for per game2,832,672,75

Point statistics for San Marino - Slovenia

Slovenia has now won 2, ties 0 and lost 3 of their 5 latest vinsten. The loss for San Marino means that in the 5 last matches they have collected 0, wins, 0 draws, and 5 losses.

A new win to their name means that Slovenia now has secured 6 points out of possible in their last 5 matches. No new points are given San Marino after the loss, which means a total point count of 0 points out of the possible over the 5 latest rounds.

Goal stats for San Marino and Slovenia

In home matches this season, San Marino has scored 0 goals in EM-kvalet, meaning that San Marino has an average of 0,00 per match. During this season, San Marino has conceded a total of 14 goals in 5 games played on home grounds in EM-kvalet. That means that San Marino has conceded an average of 2,80 goals per match.

In the 10 matches San Marino has played in EM-kvalet this season, the team has scored a total of 1 goals, with an average of 0,20 goals per match. During this season, San Marino has conceded a total of 36 goals in the 10 matches in the league. In average, San Marino has conceded a total of 7,20 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Slovenia has scored 7 goals in 6 matches. In away matches, Slovenia has conceded an average of 1,50 goals in the 6 away games that has been played.

Slovenia has produced an average of 3,17 goals per match in the 12 played in EM-kvalet. During this season of the league, Slovenia, has in the 12 matches played conceded an average of 2,33 goals per match.