Spain – Russia 1/7, odds and results

4 - 5 öt01-07-2018 15:00FIFA World Cup Round of 16
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Spain - Russia
Game facts and information

Match facts Spain - Russia in FIFA World Cup

Spain and Russia faced each other in FIFA World Cup on 1/7, starting at 15:00.

Russia won the last match against Spain

It was however Russia that won the match, with the final result of 5 - 4. The win means that are given Russia new points in the table for FIFA World Cup. For Spain on the other hand, there will be no new points in this round.

The best & highest odds for Spain - Russia

The odds before the match in FIFA World Cup between Spain and Russia favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win.  was the favorite to win the match, and the bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of .

On non-favorites to win, , you could bet to the highest odds of 0/0 at . In average, the bookmakers in our list gave the odds for to take an unexpected win.

was the betting company that offered the best odds on a draw between Spain and Russia - . That Spain and Russia would play a draw did before the game give the avrage odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

Point record Spain

Spain has scored 0 points at home during FIFA World Cup this far, in 2 matches. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

In away matches, Spain has during this season scored a total of 4 points in 2 away matches. This gives Spain an away average of 2,00 points per match.

In the total 4 matches that Spain has played during this season of FIFA World Cup, the team has scored 4 points. With an average of 2,00 points per match.

Point record Russia

The score for Russia in home matches this season is 0 scored points in 3 matches played at home. This means that Spain scores an average of 0 points per home match.

In 2 away matches, Russia has scored a total of 3 points in FIFA World Cup This means that Spain has an average of 1,50 points per match in their away matches.

In the 5 matches Russia has played in FIFA World Cup this season, they have scored a total of 3 points. With that, Russia has scored an average of 1,50 points per played game.

FIFA World Cup 2018
Group A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Uruguay 22004-0611001-0333005-09
2Russia 22008-1610010-3032018-46
3Saudi Arabia 11002-1320020-6031022-73
4Egypt 10010-1020022-5030032-60
FIFA World Cup 2018
Group B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Spain 10102-2121104-3431206-55
2Portugal 21104-3410101-1131205-45
3Iran 20111-2111001-0331112-24
4Morocco 10010-1020112-3130122-41
FIFA World Cup 2018
Group C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1France 22003-1610100-0132103-17
2Denmark 20201-1211001-0331202-15
3Peru 10010-1021012-1331022-23
4Australia 10010-2020112-3130122-51
FIFA World Cup 2018
Group D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Croatia 11002-0322005-1633007-19
2Argentina 20111-4111002-1331113-54
3Nigeria 21013-2310010-2031023-43
4Iceland 10011-2020111-3130122-51
FIFA World Cup 2018
Group E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Brasil 21103-1411002-0332105-17
2Switzerland 10102-2121103-2431205-45
3Serbia 20021-4011001-0331022-43
4Costa Rica 10010-1020112-4130122-51
FIFA World Cup 2018
Group F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Sweden 11001-0321014-2332015-26
2Mexico 10010-3022003-1632013-46
3South Korea 21013-2310010-1031023-33
4Germany 21012-2310010-2031022-43
FIFA World Cup 2018
Group G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Belgium 22008-2611001-0333009-29
2England 21016-2311002-1332018-36
3Tunisia 10011-2021014-6331025-83
4Panama 10011-2020021-9030032-110
FIFA World Cup 2018
Group H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Colombia 10011-2022004-0632015-26
2Senegal 10010-1021104-3431114-44
3Japan 20112-3111002-1331114-44
4Poland 20021-5011001-0331022-53
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
1/7 2018
FIFA World Cup - Åttondelsfinaler
4 - 5 ot
Teams stats in FIFA World Cup
Games played224
Games won011
Games drawn112
Games lost101
Goals for6410
Goals for per game3,002,005,00
Goals against7310
Goals against per game3,501,505,00
Goals against and for per game6,503,505,00
Games played325
Games won213
Games drawn000
Games lost112
Goals for10515
Goals for per game3,332,507,50
Goals against4711
Goals against per game1,333,505,50
Goals against and for per game4,676,005,20

Point statistics for Spain - Russia

After the win, we have a record of 1 wins, 1 losses och 0 draws in the last five matches for Russia. Spain lost, and now has a record of 0 losses in their last 5 matches, along with 1 ties and 1 wins.

The win for Russia means new points, and they have secured 3 of the possible during the last five rounds. Fot Spain on the other hand, the loss means zero points and they have a record of 4 points in total over the last 5 rounds.

Goal stats for Spain and Russia

In the 2 matches played on home ground this season of FIFA World Cup, Spain has scored a total of 6 goals, which gives an average of 3,00 goals scored per match. In FIFA World Cup, Spain has conceaded 7 goals on home ground this season.

In total, Spain has produced 10 goals in FIFA World Cup during the season. In the 4 matches the team has played, Spain has an average of 5,00 goals scored per game. During this season, Spain has conceded a total of 10 goals in the 4 matches in the league. In average, Spain has conceded a total of 5,00 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Russia has scored 5 goals in 2 matches. Russia does on the other hand have a record of 7 conceded goals during this season of FIFA World Cup.

Russia have in this season of FIFA World Cup scored a total of 15 goals. In the 5 matches that Russia have played this season, an average of 7,50 goals has been scored per match. During this season of the league, Russia, has in the 5 matches played conceded an average of 5,50 goals per match.