Stuttgart – FC Bayern 4/5, odds and results

MHPArena 3 - 104-05-2024 14:30Bundesliga Round 32 Stad: Stuttgart Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 60469
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Stuttgart - Bayern Munich
Game facts and information

How Stuttgart - Bayern Munich played out in Bundesliga

On 04-05-2024 the match between Stuttgart - Bayern Munich in Bundesliga was played, with kick-off at 14:30.

Stuttgart won the last match against Bayern Munich

In the end, Stuttgart won the match against Bayern Munich with a score of 3 - 1. Stuttgart came out victorious against Bayern Munich, which means that they are given new points for the Bundesliga table. The loss means that Bayern Munich won't get any new points to their name this round.  As the points for the match has been handed out, we have Stuttgart with points in place , and Bayern Munich with 3 points in 1 in the table for Bundesliga.

The best & highest odds for Stuttgart - Bayern Munich

The odds before the match in Bundesliga between Stuttgart and Bayern Munich favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. That would win as expected gave the average odds of at the betting companies in our list.

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. In average, you could place a bet on to win to the odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

A draw between Stuttgart and Bayern Munich gave the highest odds of at . The betting companies you can see in the odds comparison above, gave an average odds of for a draw.

Point record Stuttgart

The home team Stuttgart has in 17 home matches scored a total of 0 points. In the 17 home matches played, Stuttgart now has an average of 0 points per match.

In 17 played away matches, Stuttgart has scored 31 points in Bundesliga. In Bundesliga, Stuttgart does in other words have an average of 1,82 scored points per away match.

During this season of Bundesliga,Stuttgart has secured 31 points in 34 matches. This season, Stuttgart has an average of 1,82 points mer match.

Point record Bayern Munich

Bayern Munich has scored 0 points in home matches this far, in the 17 matches played. This means that Bayern Munich has a home average of 0 points per match.

Bayern Munich has a score of 29 points in Bundesliga in 17 played away matches. This means that Stuttgart has an average of 1,71 points per match on away grounds.

29 points is what Bayern Munich has scored in Bundesliga this season so far, in the 34 matches that have been played. This means that Bayern Munich has an average of 1,71 points per match this season.

Bundesliga 2023/24
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayer Leverkusen 17143047-114517143042-134534286089-2490
2Stuttgart 17133150-154217101628-243134234778-3973
3Bayern Munich 17141253-12431792641-332934233894-4572
4RB Leipzig 17114240-12371784537-272834198777-3965
5Borussia Dortmund 17103437-22331786331-213034189768-4363
6Eintracht Frankfurt 1778229-21291746722-2918341114951-5047
7Hoffenheim 1765631-31231772835-3523341371466-6646
8FC Heidenheim 1775530-26261737720-29163410121250-5542
9Werder Bremen 1774629-26251745819-2817341191448-5442
10Freiburg 1757528-30221762917-2820341191445-5842
11FC Augsburg 1766526-262417431024-3415341091550-6039
12Wolfsburg 1764725-252217431016-3115341071741-5637
13FSV Mainz 05 1765623-18231719716-3312347141339-5135
14Mönchengladbach 1756627-26211727829-4113347131456-6734
15Union Berlin 1772822-302317241111-281034961933-5833
16Bochum 1758426-292317241116-4510347121542-7433
17FC Köln 1744915-28161718813-3211345121728-6027
18SV Darmstadt 98 17131315-44617251015-421134382330-8617
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
15:30 4/5
Bundesliga - Grundserie
3 - 1
17/12 2023
Bundesliga - Grundserie
3 - 0
4/3 2023
Bundesliga - Grundserie
1 - 2
10/9 2022
Bundesliga - Grundserie
2 - 2
8/5 2022
Bundesliga - Grundserie
2 - 2
14/12 2021
Bundesliga - Grundserie
0 - 5
20/3 2021
Bundesliga - Grundserie
4 - 0
28/11 2020
Bundesliga - Grundserie
1 - 3
27/1 2019
Bundesliga - 2018/19 (Tyskland)
4 - 1
1/9 2018
Bundesliga - 2018/19 (Tyskland)
0 - 3
Teams stats in Bundesliga
Games played171734
Games won131023
Games drawn314
Games lost167
Goals for502878
Goals for per game2,941,654,59
Goals against152439
Goals against per game0,881,412,29
Goals against and for per game3,823,063,44
Bayern MunichHomeAwayTotal
Games played171734
Games won14923
Games drawn123
Games lost268
Goals for534194
Goals for per game3,122,415,53
Goals against123345
Goals against per game0,711,942,65
Goals against and for per game3,824,354,09

Point statistics for Stuttgart - Bayern Munich

3 wins, 1 losses and 1 draws is the result of the last 5 matches for Stuttgart after winning against Bayern Munich. For Bayern Munich, the loss means a total of 2 wins, 3 losses and 0 draws over the last 5 rounds of Bundesliga.

A new win to their name means that Stuttgart now has secured 10 points out of possible in their last 5 matches. No new points are given Bayern Munich after the loss, which means a total point count of 6 points out of the possible over the 5 latest rounds.

Goal stats for Stuttgart and Bayern Munich

In the 17 matches played on home ground this season of Bundesliga, Stuttgart has scored a total of 50 goals, which gives an average of 2,94 goals scored per match. In the 17 matches played on home ground during this season, Stuttgart has conceded 15 goals in total, which means an average of 0,88 goals per match.

In total, Stuttgart has produced 78 goals in Bundesliga during the season. In the 34 matches the team has played, Stuttgart has an average of 4,59 goals scored per game. During this season, Stuttgart has conceded a total of 39 goals in the 34 matches in the league. In average, Stuttgart has conceded a total of 2,29 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Bayern Munich has scored a total of 41 goals in the 17 away matches they've played this season of Bundesliga. Bayern Munich has conceded a total of 33 goals in away matches during this season of Bundesliga. In the 17 away matches that Bayern Munich has played, there has been an average of 1,94 conceded goals per match.

Bayern Munich have in this season of Bundesliga scored a total of 94 goals. In the 34 matches that Bayern Munich have played this season, an average of 5,53 goals has been scored per match. Bayern Munich has played a total of 34 matches this season, and during those 34 matches the team has conceded a total of 45 goals giving them an average of 2,65 conceded goals per match.