The New Saints – B36 Torshavn 7/7, odds and results

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Odds for The New Saints - B36 Torshavn
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Match information for The New Saints -– B36 Torshavn in Champions League Qualification

The New Saints and B36 Torshavn played against each other in Champions League Qualification with kick-off at 19:00 den7 juli.

The New Saints left as winners from the last match against B36 Torshavn

The match ended in a victory for The New Saints, who won with 4 goals against 1. The New Saints gets new points in Champions League Qualification for the win against B36 Torshavn. Losing the match means that B36 Torshavn are left with no new points this round.

The best odds for The New Saints - B36 Torshavn

Before the match between The New Saints and B36 Torshavn in Champions League Qualification, were favourites to win according to the odds. The betting companies gave the average odds of on to win the match.

On non-favorites to win, , you could bet to the highest odds of 0/0 at . Underdogs was no favourite to win the match against , and a bet on them gave the average odds of .

The best odds for a tie between The New Saints and B36 Torshavn was available at - at . The betting companies you can see in the odds comparison above, gave an average odds of for a draw.

Point record The New Saints

The New Saints has an averige so far in Champions League Qualification of 0 scored points per home match. This means that The New Saints scored an avrage of 0 points per home match.

The New Saints has an away score in Champions League Qualification of 4 points in 2 matches. As guests, The New Saints has an average of 2,00 points scored per match at this point of the season.

In the total 4 matches that The New Saints has played during this season of Champions League Qualification, the team has scored 4 points. In each match, the team has scored an average of 2,00.

Point record B36 Torshavn

B36 Torshavn has during this season of Champions League Qualification secured 0 points in the 1 matches played at home. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

In away matches, B36 Torshavn has scored 0 in Champions League Qualification in the 1 played away matches. This far in the season, B36 Torshavn has an away average of 0,00 points per match.

0 points is what B36 Torshavn has scored in Champions League Qualification this season so far, in the 2 matches that have been played. B36 Torshavn has a season average of 0,00 points per match.

Champions League
kval - Playoff5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester United 11003-1311004-0322007-16
2Dinamo Zagreb 11004-1311002-1322006-26
3Shakhtar Donetsk 10102-2111001-0321103-24
4Astana 11001-0310101-1121102-14
5Bayer Leverkusen 11003-0310010-1021013-13
6Malmö FF 11002-0310012-3021014-33
7Valencia 11003-1310011-2021014-33
8CSKA Moscow 11003-1310011-2021014-33
9Bate Borisov 11001-0310011-2021012-23
10Partizan Belgrade 11002-1310010-1021012-23
11Monaco 11002-1310011-3021013-43
12Sporting Lissabon 11002-1310011-3021013-43
13Celtic 11003-2310010-2021013-43
14Lazio 11001-0310010-3021011-33
15Maccabi Tel Aviv 10101-1110102-2120203-32
16Basel 10102-2110101-1120203-32
17Rapid Wien 10010-1010102-2120112-31
18Apoel Nicosia 10101-1110010-1020111-21
19Skenderbeu 10011-2010011-4020022-60
20Club Brugge 10010-4010011-3020021-70
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
16/9 2020
Europa League Qualification - Kvalomgång 2
7 - 6 ot
7/7 2015
Champions League Qualification - omgång 1
4 - 1
1/7 2015
Champions League Qualification - omgång 1
1 - 2
Teams stats in Champions League Qualification
The New SaintsHomeAwayTotal
Games played224
Games won112
Games drawn011
Games lost101
Goals for437
Goals for per game2,001,503,50
Goals against224
Goals against per game1,001,002,00
Goals against and for per game3,002,502,75
B36 TorshavnHomeAwayTotal
Games played112
Games won000
Games drawn000
Games lost112
Goals for112
Goals for per game1,001,002,00
Goals against246
Goals against per game2,004,006,00
Goals against and for per game3,005,004,00

Point statistics for The New Saints - B36 Torshavn

After the win, we have a record of 1 wins, 0 losses och 1 draws in the last five matches for The New Saints. B36 Torshavn lost, and now has a record of 1 losses in their last 5 matches, along with 0 ties and 0 wins.

After winning against B36 Torshavn, The New Saints has collected4 points of possible in their 5 latets matches. B36 Torshavn has on the other hand collected in their 5 latest.

Goal stats for The New Saints and B36 Torshavn

In the 2 matches played on home ground this season of Champions League Qualification, The New Saints has scored a total of 4 goals, which gives an average of 2,00 goals scored per match. On home ground, The New Saints has conceded an average of 1,00 goals in this season of Champions League Qualification.

In the 4 matches The New Saints has played in Champions League Qualification this season, the team has scored a total of 7 goals, which means an average of 3,50 goals scored per match. During this season, The New Saints has conceded a total of 4 goals in the 4 matches in the league. In average, The New Saints has conceded a total of 2,00 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, B36 Torshavn has scored a total of 1 goals in the 1 away matches they've played this season of Champions League Qualification. B36 Torshavn does on the other hand have a record of 4 conceded goals during this season of Champions League Qualification.

B36 Torshavn has scored an average of 2,00 goals per match in Champions League Qualification in the 2 matches played during the season. The New Saints has during this season conceded a total of 4 goals in the 4 matches that has been played in the league.