Troyes – Angers 28/8, odds and results

Stade de l'Aube 3 - 128-08-2022 14:00Ligue 1 Round 4 Stad: Troyes Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 21877
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Troyes - Angers
Game facts and information

How Troyes - Angers played out on 28/8

The match in Ligue 1 between Troyes vs Angers match start at 14:00, on 28-08-2022.

Troyes won the match against Angers

The match ended in a win for Troyes with the final result of 3 - 1. The win means that are given Troyes new points in the table for Ligue 1. For Angers on the other hand, there will be no new points in this round.

The best & highest odds for Troyes - Angers

The odds before the match in Ligue 1 between Troyes and Angers favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. The betting companies gave the average odds of on to win the match.

offered the best odds for to win, at 0/0 times your wager. The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds for winning the match.

A draw between Troyes and Angers gave the highest odds of at . The betting companies you can see in the odds comparison above, gave an average odds of for a draw.

Point record Troyes

Troyes home score this far in Ligue 1 is 0 points in 19 matches. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

Troyes has an away score in Ligue 1 of 10 points in 19 matches. So the team has an average of 0,53 points per away match.

In 38 played matches, Troyes has scored 10 points in Ligue 1.  In each match, the team has scored an average of 0,53.

Point record Angers

Angers has a score of 0 points in 19 home matches played in Ligue 1 this season. And a record for home matches that reads 0 points per match.

In away matches, Angers have in this season of Ligue 1 scored 6 points in 19 played matches. This means that Troyes has an average of 0,32 points per match on away grounds.

Angers have in 38 matches in Ligue 1 this season scored a total of 6. Per match, Angers has an average point of 0,32.

Ligue 1 2022/23
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1PSG 19132445-254119142344-154438274789-4085
2Lens 19171141-13521988327-163238259468-2984
3Marseille 19104535-243419123432-163938227967-4073
4Rennes 19150443-14451965826-2523382151269-3968
5Lille 19134240-25431966725-1924381910965-4467
6Monaco 1993737-333019105433-2535381981170-5865
7Lyon 19105435-19351983830-2827381881265-4762
8Clermont 1993720-28301985625-2129381781345-4959
9Nice 1977524-18281986524-19303815131048-3758
10Lorient 1994626-21311966726-32243815101352-5355
11Reims 1986528-23301949617-22213812151145-4551
12Montpellier 1973929-29241982936-3326381551865-6250
13Toulouse 1966727-27241973924-3024381391651-5748
14Brest 1975724-26261946920-28183811111644-5444
15Strasbourg 1957725-26221946926-3318389131651-5940
16Nantes 1958620-262319271017-2913387151637-5536
17Auxerre 1957718-282219341217-3513388111935-6335
18Ajaccio 19431210-301519321413-441138752623-7426
19Troyes 19111719-301419311526-5110384122245-8124
20Angers 19331320-361219131513-45638462833-8118
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
27/5 2023
Ligue 1 - Grundserie
2 - 1
28/8 2022
Ligue 1 - Grundserie
3 - 1
23/1 2022
Ligue 1 - Grundserie
2 - 1
26/9 2021
Ligue 1 - Grundserie
1 - 1
17/1 2018
Ligue 1 - 2017/18
3 - 1
25/11 2017
Ligue 1 - 2017/18
3 - 0
2/4 2016
Ligue 1 - 2015/16
0 - 1
19/9 2015
Ligue 1 - 2015/16
1 - 0
Teams stats in Ligue 1
Games played191938
Games won134
Games drawn11112
Games lost71522
Goals for192645
Goals for per game1,001,372,37
Goals against305181
Goals against per game1,582,684,26
Goals against and for per game2,584,053,32
Games played191938
Games won314
Games drawn336
Games lost131528
Goals for201333
Goals for per game1,050,681,74
Goals against364581
Goals against per game1,892,374,26
Goals against and for per game2,953,053,00

Point statistics for Troyes - Angers

Troyes has now won 0, ties 1 and lost 4 of their 5 latest vinsten. The loss for Angers means that in the 5 last matches they have collected 0, wins, 1 draws, and 4 losses.

1 secured points out of the possible is the record for Troyes over the 5 last matches. Angers aren't given any new points for this match, which means that their points over the 5 last rounds stays at 1.

Statistics for Troyes - Angers

In the 19 matches played on home ground this season of Ligue 1, Troyes has scored a total of 19 goals, which gives an average of 1,00 goals scored per match. Troyes has conceded a total of 30 goals on home ground during this season of Ligue 1. In the 19 matches played on home ground Troyes has an average of 1,58 conceded goals per match.

In the 38 matches Troyes has played in Ligue 1 this season, the team has scored a total of 45 goals, which means an average of 2,37 goals scored per match. During this season, Troyes has conceded a total of 81 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Troyes has conceded a total of 4,26 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Angers has scored a total of 13 goals in the 19 away matches they've played this season of Ligue 1. Angers has conceded a total of 45 goals in away matches during this season of Ligue 1. In the 19 away matches that Angers has played, there has been an average of 2,37 conceded goals per match.

Angers has scored an average of 1,74 goals per match in Ligue 1 in the 38 matches played during the season. Angers has played a total of 38 matches this season, and during those 38 matches the team has conceded a total of 81 goals giving them an average of 4,26 conceded goals per match.