Valladolid – Almeria 5/9, odds and results

Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla 1 - 005-09-2022 20:00La Liga Round 4 Stad: Valladolid Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 26512
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Valladolid - Almeria
Game facts and information

Valladolid faced Almeria on 05-09-2022

Valladolid and Almeria played against each other in La Liga with kick-off at 20:00 den5 september.

Valladolid won the last match against Almeria

It was Valladolid that managed to leave the match against Almeria with a victory - after a final result of 1 - 0. Valladolid gets another new points to the table after defeating Almeria. The losing team will on the other hand leave this round of La Liga empty handed.

The best & highest odds for Valladolid - Almeria

Before the match between Valladolid and Almeria in La Liga, were favourites to win according to the odds. In average, the odds for to win was times your wager, at bookmakers in the list above.

A bet on , who were expected to lose at the betting companies, you could place a bet to the odds of 0/0 at . The average odds for underdogs to win gave the average odds of at the bookmakers we compared odds from.

The best bet for a draw between Valladolid and Almeria was found at to the odds of . The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of times the money for a draw before the match.

Point record Valladolid

Valladolid home score this far in La Liga is 0 points in 19 matches. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

In 19 played away matches, Valladolid has scored 12 points in La Liga. This gives Valladolid an away average of 0,63 points per match.

In the 38 matches Valladolid during this season of La Liga, the team has scored a total of 12 points. The team´s average score per match is 0,63 points.

Point record Almeria

Almeria has a home score in La Liga of 19 played matches and 0 points. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

In away matches, Almeria has scored 8 in La Liga in the 19 played away matches. This means that Almeria has a record of 0,42 points per away match.

Almeria has scored 8 points in La Liga so far this season, in 38 played matches. Almeria therefore has an average of 0,42 scored points per match.

La Liga 2022/23
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Barcelona 19153137-44819131533-164038284670-2088
2Real Madrid 19135144-164419111731-203438246875-3678
3Atlético Madrid 19133341-154219105429-183538238770-3377
4Real Sociedad 19115326-163819103625-193338218951-3571
5Villarreal 19123436-18391974823-2225381971259-4064
6Real Betis 1995526-18321984720-2328381791246-4160
7Osasuna 19111724-21341947813-2119381581537-4253
8Athletic Bilbao 1983822-15271966725-2824381491547-4351
9Mallorca 19105422-123519431215-3115381481637-4350
10Girona 19103635-26331937923-29163813101558-5549
11Sevilla 1975724-25261965823-29233813101547-5449
12Rayo Vallecano 1995528-223219451017-31173813101545-5349
13Celta Vigo 1976626-212719441117-32163811101743-5343
14Valencia 1985627-192919341215-2613381191842-4542
15Getafe 1976621-202719361013-25153810121634-4542
16Cádiz 1976619-232719361011-30153810121630-5342
17Almeria 19103629-223319151320-438381181949-6541
18Valladolid 1984721-252819331312-3812381172033-6340
19Espanyol 1947827-35191946925-3418388131752-6937
20Elche 19361018-291519241312-3810385102330-6725
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
28/5 2023
La Liga - Grundserie
0 - 0
5/9 2022
La Liga - Grundserie
1 - 0
30/3 2014
La Liga - 2013/14
1 - 0
2/11 2013
La Liga - 2013/14
1 - 0
31/1 2010
La Liga - 2013/14
1 - 1
30/8 2009
La Liga - 2013/14
0 - 0
15/2 2009
La Liga - Grundserie
3 - 2
Teams stats in La Liga
Games played191938
Games won8311
Games drawn437
Games lost71320
Goals for211233
Goals for per game1,110,631,74
Goals against253863
Goals against per game1,322,003,32
Goals against and for per game2,422,632,53
Games played191938
Games won10111
Games drawn358
Games lost61319
Goals for292049
Goals for per game1,531,052,58
Goals against224365
Goals against per game1,162,263,42
Goals against and for per game2,683,323,00

Point statistics for Valladolid - Almeria

After the win, we have a record of 1 wins, 3 losses och 1 draws in the last five matches for Valladolid. Almeria lost, and now has a record of 3 losses in their last 5 matches, along with 1 ties and 1 wins.

The new points from the face-off against Almeria means that Valladolid has collected 4 points of the possible in ther 5 latest matches. Almeria doesn't get any new points because of their loss, and have now collected 4 in their 5 latest matches.

Goal stats for Valladolid and Almeria

Valladolid has an average of 1,11 goals scored per match at home in La Liga. During this season, Valladolid has conceded a total of 25 goals in 19 games played on home grounds in La Liga. That means that Valladolid has conceded an average of 1,32 goals per match.

In the 38 matches Valladolid has played in La Liga this season, the team has scored a total of 33 goals, with an average of 1,74 goals per match. During this season, Valladolid has conceded a total of 63 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Valladolid has conceded a total of 3,32 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Almeria has scored 20 goals in 19 matches. The away team, Almeria, has an average of 2,26 conceded goals per match in La Liga.

Almeria has scored an average of 2,58 goals per match in La Liga in the 38 matches played during the season. Looking at the number of goals this season - Almeria have conceded an average of 3,42 goals per match in the league, in the 38 matches that has been played.