Viktoria Plzen – Beer Sheva 28/9, odds and results

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Odds for Viktoria Plzen - Hapoel Beer Sheva FC
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Match information for Viktoria Plzen -– Hapoel Beer Sheva FC in Europa League

Viktoria Plzen and Hapoel Beer Sheva FC played against each other in Europa League with kick-off at 18:00 den28 september.

Viktoria Plzen left as winners from the last match against Hapoel Beer Sheva FC

It was Viktoria Plzen that managed to leave the match against Hapoel Beer Sheva FC with a victory - after a final result of 3 - 1. Viktoria Plzen came out victorious against Hapoel Beer Sheva FC, which means that they are given new points for the Europa League table. The loss means that Hapoel Beer Sheva FC won't get any new points to their name this round.

Odds for Viktoria Plzen - Hapoel Beer Sheva FC

Before the match between Viktoria Plzen and Hapoel Beer Sheva FC in Europa League, were favourites to win according to the odds. That would win as expected gave the average odds of at the betting companies in our list.

was expected to lose against , and the best odds on as winners was found at to the odds of 0/0. The bookmaker's didn't think could win, and the betting companies in the comparison offered an average odds of for them to win.

A draw between Viktoria Plzen and Hapoel Beer Sheva FC gave the highest odds of at . Before kick-off between Viktoria Plzen - Hapoel Beer Sheva FC, a bet on a draw gave an average odds of .

Point record Viktoria Plzen

The home team Viktoria Plzen has in 5 home matches scored a total of 0 points. This gives Viktoria Plzen an average of 0 scored points per home match.

Viktoria Plzen has an away score in Europa League of 4 points in 5 matches. This gives Viktoria Plzen an away average of 0,80 points per match.

4 points is what Viktoria Plzen has scored this far during season of Europa League, in 10 played matches. This means that Viktoria Plzen has an average of 0,80 points per match.

Point record Hapoel Beer Sheva FC

The score for Hapoel Beer Sheva FC in home matches this season is 0 scored points in 3 matches played at home. Over 3 matches played on home ground in this season of Europa League, Hapoel Beer Sheva FC has scored an average of 0 points per match.

Viktoria Plzen has a record for their away matches in Europa League of 1 scored points in the 3 away matches that has been played. So the team has an away record of 0,33 points per match.

In 6 played matches, Hapoel Beer Sheva FC has scored 1 points in Europa League. Per match, Hapoel Beer Sheva FC has an average point of 0,33.

Europa League 2017/18
grupp A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Villarreal 31115-4432105-27632110-611
2Astana 31117-4432013-36631210-710
3Slavia Praha 31021-3331205-3562226-68
4Maccabi Tel Aviv 30120-3131021-5361141-84
Europa League 2017/18
grupp B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Dynamo Kiev 32109-4732016-56641115-913
2Partizan Belgrade 32016-4630212-5262228-98
3Young Boys 31113-3430214-5261327-86
4Skenderbeu 31204-3530032-7061236-105
Europa League 2017/18
grupp C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Braga 32015-4631114-4463129-810
2Ludogorets 31114-4431203-1562317-59
3Istanbul Basaksehir 31203-2531024-6362227-88
4Hoffenheim 31115-4430123-6161238-105
Europa League 2017/18
grupp D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Milan 32108-3731115-34632113-611
2AEK Aten 30304-4331202-1561506-58
3Rijeka 31024-6331117-64621311-127
4Austria Wien 30122-8131117-8461239-165
Europa League 2017/18
grupp E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Atalanta 33007-1931207-35642014-414
2Lyon 32108-1731113-34632111-411
3Everton 30124-9131023-6361147-154
4Apollon Limassol 30212-5230123-9160335-143
Europa League 2017/18
grupp F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Lokomotiv Moscow 32016-3631203-1563219-411
2FC Copenhagen 32105-0730212-3262317-39
3Sheriff Tiraspol 31202-1531112-3462314-49
4Zlin 30211-3230030-7060241-102
Europa League 2017/18
grupp G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Viktoria Plzen 33009-2931024-63640213-812
2Steaua Bukarest 31115-3432014-4663129-710
3FC Lugano 32015-4631024-7363039-119
4Hapoel Beer Sheva FC 31023-5330122-5161145-104
Europa League 2017/18
grupp H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Arsenal 21106-0432015-36531111-310
2Red Star Belgrade 31112-2431201-0562313-29
3FC Köln 32016-3620020-2052036-56
4Bate Borisov 31113-4430123-12161236-165
Europa League 2017/18
grupp I5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Red Bull Salzburg 32104-0731203-1563307-112
2Marseille 32103-1730121-3162224-48
3Konyaspor 31113-4430211-2261324-66
4Vitória Guimarães 31203-2530032-7061235-95
Europa League 2017/18
grupp J5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Östersunds FK 32105-2731113-2463218-411
2Athletic Bilbao 32014-3631204-2563218-511
3Zorya Lugansk 31022-5331021-4362043-96
4Hertha Berlin 31203-1530033-6061236-75
Europa League 2017/18
grupp K5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Lazio 32104-1732018-66641112-713
2Nice 32017-4631025-33630312-79
3Zulte-Waregem 31115-8431023-5362138-137
4Vitesse 31023-5330212-5261235-105
Europa League 2017/18
grupp L5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Zenit 33008-3932109-27651017-516
2Real Sociedad 32018-3632018-36640216-612
3Rosenborg 31114-3430122-8161236-115
4Vardar 30121-12130032-8060153-201
Europa League 2017/18
Kvartsfinaler5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Arsenal 11004-1310102-2121106-34
2Marseille 11005-2310010-1021015-33
3Red Bull Salzburg 11004-1310012-4021016-53
4Atlético Madrid 11002-0310010-1021012-13
5Lazio 11004-2310011-4021015-63
6Sporting Lissabon 11001-0310010-2021011-23
7RB Leipzig 11001-0310012-5021013-53
8CSKA Moscow 10102-2110011-4020113-61
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
1/10 2020
Europa League Qualification - Playoff
1 - 0
7/12 2017
Europa League - grupp G
0 - 2
28/9 2017
Europa League - grupp G
3 - 1
Teams stats in Europa League
Viktoria PlzenHomeAwayTotal
Games played5510
Games won516
Games drawn011
Games lost033
Goals for13518
Goals for per game2,601,003,60
Goals against3912
Goals against per game0,601,802,40
Goals against and for per game3,202,803,00
Hapoel Beer Sheva FCHomeAwayTotal
Games played336
Games won101
Games drawn011
Games lost224
Goals for325
Goals for per game1,000,671,67
Goals against5510
Goals against per game1,671,673,33
Goals against and for per game2,672,332,50

Point statistics for Viktoria Plzen - Hapoel Beer Sheva FC

Viktoria Plzen has now won 1, ties 1 and lost 3 of their 5 latest vinsten. The loss for Hapoel Beer Sheva FC means that in the 5 last matches they have collected 0, wins, 1 draws, and 2 losses.

The win means new points for Viktoria Plzen, who has secured 4 points out of possible in the 5 last rounds. A point loss for Hapoel Beer Sheva FC means a record of 1 points in their 5 latest matches.

Statistics for Viktoria Plzen - Hapoel Beer Sheva FC

In the 5 matches played on home ground this season of Europa League, Viktoria Plzen has scored a total of 13 goals, which gives an average of 2,60 goals scored per match. Viktoria Plzen has conceded a total of 3 goals on home ground during this season of Europa League. In the 5 matches played on home ground Viktoria Plzen has an average of 0,60 conceded goals per match.

In total, Viktoria Plzen has produced 18 goals in Europa League during the season. In the 10 matches the team has played, Viktoria Plzen has an average of 3,60 goals scored per game. During this season, Viktoria Plzen has conceded a total of 12 goals in the 10 matches in the league. In average, Viktoria Plzen has conceded a total of 2,40 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Hapoel Beer Sheva FC has scored a total of 2 goals in the 3 away matches they've played this season of Europa League. Hapoel Beer Sheva FC has conceded a total of 5 goals in away matches during this season of Europa League. In the 3 away matches that Hapoel Beer Sheva FC has played, there has been an average of 1,67 conceded goals per match.

Hapoel Beer Sheva FC has scored an average of 1,67 goals per match in Europa League in the 6 matches played during the season. Hapoel Beer Sheva FC has played a total of 6 matches this season, and during those 6 matches the team has conceded a total of 10 goals giving them an average of 3,33 conceded goals per match.