Wolves – Sheffield W 28/4, odds and results

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Match information Wolverhampton – Sheffield onsdag on 28 april

On 28-04-2018 the match between Wolverhampton - Sheffield onsdag in EFL Championship was played, with kick-off at 15:00.

Wolverhampton - Sheffield onsdag tied

Wolverhampton and Sheffield onsdag had a tie in the match with the final result of 0 - 0. The draw means that both teams will get points, so both Wolves and Sheffield onsdag can add another to their name in the EFL Championship table.

The best odds for Wolverhampton - Sheffield onsdag

Before the match between Wolves and Sheffield onsdag in EFL Championship, were favourites to win according to the odds. In average, the odds for to win was times your wager, at bookmakers in the list above.

were underdogs against , and the highest odds for a win was found at , to 0/0 times your wager. The bookmaker's didn't think could win, and the betting companies in the comparison offered an average odds of for them to win.

Ahead of the match between Wolverhampton and Sheffield onsdag, the best odds for a draw was which could be found at . The betting companies you can see in the odds comparison above, gave an average odds of for a draw.

Point record Wolverhampton

In 23 home matches, Wolverhampton has now scored 0 points. In the 23 home matches played, Wolves now has an average of 0 points per match.

Wolverhampton has an away score in EFL Championship of 46 points in 23 matches. This gives Wolverhampton an away average of 2,00 points per match.

Wolves has a record this far in EFL Championship of 46 points in the 46 matches played during the season. This means that Wolves has an average of 2,00 points per match.

Point record Sheffield onsdag

Sheffield onsdag has during this season of EFL Championship secured 0 points in the 23 matches played at home. And a home record that means 0 points per home match.

During this season of EFL Championship, Sheffield onsdag has a score of 26 points in 23 away matches that has been played. This means that Wolverhampton has an average of 1,13 points per match on away grounds.

Sheffield onsdag has in EFL Championship scored 26 points in 46 played matches this season. Sheffield onsdag therefore has an average of 1,13 scored points per match.

EFL Championship
2017/185 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Wolverhampton 23165247-185323144535-214646309782-3999
2Cardiff City 23164340-165223115729-2338462791069-3990
3Fulham 23138240-174723125639-2941462513879-4688
4Aston Villa 23147242-194923104930-23344624111172-4283
5Middlesbrough 23143633-17452387834-28314622101467-4576
6Derby County FC 23125641-224123810529-26344620151170-4875
7Preston 2398627-223523108530-24384619161157-4673
8Millwall 23127433-21432378823-24294619151256-4572
9Brentford 23911337-243823941025-28314618151362-5269
10Sheffield United 23125633-204123841129-3528462091762-5569
11Bristol City 23116641-283923610726-30284617161367-5867
12Ipswich 2396829-273323831228-3327461792057-6060
13Norwich 2388725-25322377924-35284615151649-6060
14Sheffield Wednesday 2387837-31312368922-29264614151759-6057
15Leeds 2296730-273323731327-3724451692057-6457
16Queens Park Rangers 23125638-314122361320-37154515111958-6856
17Nottingham 231031025-273323551326-3820461582351-6553
18Hull 2378841-322923481129-38204611161970-7049
19Birmingham 231031021-243323341617-4413461372638-6846
20Reading 23581025-352323561223-35214610142248-7044
21Bolton 23941025-333123191314-41124610132339-7443
22Barnsley 2359925-322423451423-4017469142348-7241
23Burton Albion 23451419-431723661119-38244610112538-8141
24Sunderland 23371323-391623491029-4121467162352-8037
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
28/8 2018
Engelska Ligacupen 2018/19
0 - 2
28/4 2018
EFL Championship - 2017/18
0 - 0
15/12 2017
EFL Championship - 2017/18
0 - 1
2/1 2017
EFL Championship - 2016/17
0 - 0
26/11 2016
EFL Championship - 2016/17
0 - 2
7/5 2016
EFL Championship - 2015/16
2 - 1
20/12 2015
EFL Championship - 2015/16
4 - 1
17/3 2015
EFL Championship - 2014/15
3 - 0
13/12 2014
EFL Championship - 2014/15
0 - 1
19/1 2013
EFL Championship - 2012/13
0 - 0
Teams stats in EFL Championship
Games played232346
Games won161430
Games drawn549
Games lost257
Goals for473582
Goals for per game2,041,523,57
Goals against182139
Goals against per game0,780,911,70
Goals against and for per game2,832,432,63
Sheffield WednesdayHomeAwayTotal
Games played232346
Games won8614
Games drawn7815
Games lost8917
Goals for372259
Goals for per game1,610,962,57
Goals against312960
Goals against per game1,351,262,61
Goals against and for per game2,962,222,59

Points statistics for Wolverhampton - Sheffield onsdag

The draw means that Wolves has a record of 3 wins, 0 draws and 2 losses over their last 5 matches. Sheffield onsdag has 3 wins, 1 draws and 1 losses in the same amount of matches.

A draw and points for both teams means that Wolverhampton has gotten 9 points out of possible in their 5 latest matches - as Sheffield onsdag in the same number of matches has secured 10 points.

Statistics for Wolverhampton - Sheffield onsdag

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of EFL Championship, Wolverhampton has scored an average of 2,04 per match in 23 matches. During this season, Wolves has conceded a total of 18 goals in 23 games played on home grounds in EFL Championship. That means that Wolves has conceded an average of 0,78 goals per match.

In the 46 matches Wolves has played in EFL Championship this season, the team has scored a total of 82 goals, with an average of 3,57 goals per match. During this season, Wolverhampton has conceded a total of 39 goals in the 46 matches in the league. In average, Wolverhampton has conceded a total of 1,70 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Sheffield onsdag has scored a total of 22 goals in the 23 away matches they've played this season of EFL Championship. Sheffield onsdag has conceded a total of 29 goals in away matches during this season of EFL Championship. In the 23 away matches that Sheffield onsdag has played, there has been an average of 1,26 conceded goals per match.

Sheffield onsdag have in this season of EFL Championship scored a total of 59 goals. In the 46 matches that Sheffield onsdag have played this season, an average of 2,57 goals has been scored per match. Wolves has during this season conceded a total of 39 goals in the 46 matches that has been played in the league.