Arminia Bielefeld – E. Frankfurt 28/8, odds and results

SchücoArena 1 - 128-08-2021 14:30Bundesliga Round 3 Stad: Bielefeld Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 27300
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Arminia Bielefeld - Eintracht Frankfurt
Game facts and information

How Arminia Bielefeld - Eintracht Frankfurt played out on 28/8

On 28-08-2021 the match between Arminia Bielefeld - Eintracht Frankfurt in Bundesliga was played, with kick-off at 14:30.

Draw in the last match between Arminia Bielefeld - Eintracht Frankfurt

The game eventually ended in a tie between Arminia Bielefeld - Eintracht Frankfurt, with the final score being 1 - 1. Both Arminia Bielefeld and Eintracht Frankfurt can add another points to their name in the table after the tied result in the match. After the points for the match have been handed out we can find Arminia Bielefeld on place 12 with 3 points in the table, and Eintracht Frankfurt on place 15 with a total of 3 points.

Odds for Arminia Bielefeld - Eintracht Frankfurt

Before the match between Arminia Bielefeld and Eintracht Frankfurt in Bundesliga, were favourites to win according to the odds. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

offered the best odds for to win, at 0/0 times your wager. In our odds comparison, gave the average odds of for to win.

The best odds for a draw was offered by , to times the money. The average odds for a draw offered by the betting companies we compared odds from was .

Point record Arminia Bielefeld

At home, Arminia Bielefeld has scored 0 points in 17 matches during this season of Bundesliga. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

This season, Arminia Bielefeld has scored 12 points in 17 away matches played.  So the team has an average of 0,71 points per away match.

During this season of Bundesliga,Arminia Bielefeld has secured 12 points in 34 matches. In each match, the team has scored an average of 0,71.

Point record Eintracht Frankfurt

On home grounds, Eintracht Frankfurt has scored 0 points in Bundesliga this season, in 17 home matches. This means that Arminia Bielefeld scores an average of 0 points per home match.

In away matches, Eintracht Frankfurt has scored 23 in Bundesliga in the 17 played away matches. Eintracht Frankfurt does in other words score 1,35 points in average for each away match.

Eintracht Frankfurt has in Bundesliga scored 23 points in 34 played matches this season. The result means that Eintracht Frankfurt has an average of 1,35 scored points per match.

Bundesliga 2021/22
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayern Munich 17132248-154117113349-223634245597-3777
2Borussia Dortmund 17130452-28391793533-243034223985-5269
3Bayer Leverkusen 17102539-23321795341-243234197880-4764
4RB Leipzig 17112443-17351765629-2023341771072-3758
5Union Berlin 17105225-17351764725-272234169950-4457
6Freiburg 1785432-25291775526-2126341510958-4655
7FC Köln 1794427-21311756625-28213414101052-4952
8FSV Mainz 05 17105233-113517321217-3411341371450-4546
9Hoffenheim 1784534-24281753924-3618341371458-6046
10Mönchengladbach 1784533-27281745821-3417341291354-6145
11Eintracht Frankfurt 1747620-22191765625-27233410121245-4942
12Wolfsburg 1773725-21241753918-3318341261643-5442
13Bochum 1784521-172817421117-3514341261638-5242
14FC Augsburg 1774625-262517341014-3013341081639-5638
15Stuttgart 1764728-32221718813-2711347121541-5933
16Hertha Berlin 1763824-332117331113-381234961937-7133
17Arminia Bielefeld 17210515-231617331112-3012345131627-5328
18Greuther Fürth 1735915-331417041313-49434392228-8218
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
21/1 2022
Bundesliga - Grundserie
0 - 2
28/8 2021
Bundesliga - Grundserie
1 - 1
23/1 2021
Bundesliga - Grundserie
1 - 5
19/9 2020
Bundesliga - Grundserie
1 - 1
8/3 2009
Bundesliga - Grundserie
0 - 0
Teams stats in Bundesliga
Arminia BielefeldHomeAwayTotal
Games played171734
Games won235
Games drawn10313
Games lost51116
Goals for151227
Goals for per game0,880,711,59
Goals against233053
Goals against per game1,351,763,12
Goals against and for per game2,242,472,35
Eintracht FrankfurtHomeAwayTotal
Games played171734
Games won4610
Games drawn7512
Games lost6612
Goals for202545
Goals for per game1,181,472,65
Goals against222749
Goals against per game1,291,592,88
Goals against and for per game2,473,062,76

Points statistics for Arminia Bielefeld - Eintracht Frankfurt

The draw means that Arminia Bielefeld has a record of 0 wins, 0 draws and 5 losses over their last 5 matches. Eintracht Frankfurt has 1 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses in the same amount of matches.

A draw and points for both teams means that Arminia Bielefeld has gotten 0 points out of possible in their 5 latest matches - as Eintracht Frankfurt in the same number of matches has secured 5 points.

Goal stats for Arminia Bielefeld and Eintracht Frankfurt

In home matches this season, Arminia Bielefeld has scored 15 goals in Bundesliga, meaning that Arminia Bielefeld has an average of 0,88 per match. Arminia Bielefeld has conceded a total of 23 goals on home ground during this season of Bundesliga. In the 17 matches played on home ground Arminia Bielefeld has an average of 1,35 conceded goals per match.

In the 34 matches Arminia Bielefeld has played in Bundesliga this season, the team has scored a total of 27 goals, with an average of 1,59 goals per match. During this season, Arminia Bielefeld has conceded a total of 53 goals in the 34 matches in the league. In average, Arminia Bielefeld has conceded a total of 3,12 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Eintracht Frankfurt has scored 25 goals in 17 matches. In away matches, Eintracht Frankfurt has conceded an average of 1,59 goals in the 17 away games that has been played.

Eintracht Frankfurt has produced an average of 2,65 goals per match in the 34 played in Bundesliga. Looking at the number of goals this season - Eintracht Frankfurt have conceded an average of 2,88 goals per match in the league, in the 34 matches that has been played.