FC Bayern – Atlético Madrid 21/10, odds and results

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Odds for Bayern Munich - Atlético Madrid
Game facts and information

Match facts Bayern Munich - Atlético Madrid in Champions League

Bayern Munich and Atlético Madrid faced each other on 21 oktober. The match was played in Champions League with match start 20:00.

Bayern Munich won the last match against Atlético Madrid

In the end, Bayern Munich won the match against Atlético Madrid with a score of 4 - 0. Bayern Munich came out victorious against Atlético Madrid, which means that they are given new points for the Champions League table. The loss means that Atlético Madrid won't get any new points to their name this round.

Odds for Bayern Munich - Atlético Madrid

Before the match between Bayern Munich and Atlético Madrid in Champions League, were favourites to win according to the odds. In average, the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the odds for a win.

The best odds for , who were expected to lose, were available to bet on for 0/0 times your wager at . In our odds comparison, gave the average odds of for to win.

A bet on draw between Bayern Munich and Atlético Madrid gave at most the odds of , which cas offered at . Before the match between Bayern Munich and Atlético Madrid, the betting companies in the list above gave the average odds of for a draw.

Point record Bayern Munich

The home team Bayern Munich has in 5 home matches scored a total of 0 points. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

Bayern Munich has an away record of 13 points scored in the 5 matches played on away grounds. So the team has an average of 2,60 points per away match.

In the 10 matches Bayern Munich during this season of Champions League, the team has scored a total of 13 points. Bayern Munich has an average score of 2,60 points per match.

Point record Atlético Madrid

Atlético Madrid has scored 0 points in home matches this far, in the 4 matches played. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

In away matches, Atlético Madrid have in this season of Champions League scored 4 points in 4 played matches. So the team has an away record of 1,00 points per match.

Atlético Madrid has scored 4 points in Champions League so far this season, in 8 played matches. They have a record of scoring an average of 1,00 points per match.

Champions League 2020/21
Group A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayern Munich 33009-1932109-47651018-516
2Atlético Madrid 31204-3531113-5462317-89
3Red Bull Salzburg 30124-10131026-73611410-174
4Lokomotiv Moscow 30123-6130212-4260335-103
Champions League 2020/21
Group B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Real Madrid 32017-5631114-44631211-910
2Mönchengladbach 31118-5431118-44622216-98
3Shakhtar Donetsk 31112-6431113-6462225-128
4Inter 30212-4231115-5461327-96
Champions League 2020/21
Group C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester City 33009-1932104-07651013-116
2Porto 32105-0732015-36641110-313
3Olympiakos 31021-3330031-7061052-103
4Marseille 31022-6330030-7061052-133
Champions League 2020/21
Group D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Liverpool 32013-2632107-17641110-313
2Atalanta 30213-8233007-09632110-811
3Ajax 31023-3331114-4462137-77
4Midtjylland 30122-7130122-6160244-132
Champions League 2020/21
Group E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Chelsea 31204-15330010-19642014-214
2Sevilla 32014-6632105-2764119-813
3Krasnodar 31022-6330214-5261236-115
4Rennes 30123-6130030-5060153-111
Champions League 2020/21
Group F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Borussia Dortmund 32106-1732016-46641112-513
2Lazio 32108-4730303-33624011-710
3Club Brugge 31114-4431114-6462228-108
4Zenit 30123-5130031-8060154-131
Champions League 2020/21
Group G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Barcelona 32017-5633009-09650116-515
2Juventus 32015-3633009-19650114-415
3Dynamo Kiev 31021-6330123-7161144-134
4Ferencváros 30123-9130032-8060155-171
Champions League 2020/21
Group H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1PSG 32017-3632016-36640213-612
2RB Leipzig 33007-3931024-93640211-1212
3Manchester United 320110-4631025-63630315-109
4Istanbul Basaksehir 31025-7330032-11061057-183
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
1/12 2020
Champions League - Grupp A
1 - 1
21/10 2020
Champions League - Grupp A
4 - 0
6/12 2016
Champions League - Grupp D
1 - 0
28/9 2016
Champions League - Grupp D
1 - 0
3/5 2016
Champions League - Semifinaler
2 - 1
27/4 2016
Champions League - Semifinaler
1 - 0
Teams stats in Champions League
Bayern MunichHomeAwayTotal
Games played5510
Games won448
Games drawn011
Games lost101
Goals for131427
Goals for per game2,602,805,40
Goals against5510
Goals against per game1,001,002,00
Goals against and for per game3,603,803,70
Atlético MadridHomeAwayTotal
Games played448
Games won112
Games drawn213
Games lost123
Goals for437
Goals for per game1,000,751,75
Goals against4711
Goals against per game1,001,752,75
Goals against and for per game2,002,502,25

Point statistics for Bayern Munich - Atlético Madrid

After the win, we have a record of 4 wins, 0 losses och 1 draws in the last five matches for Bayern Munich. Atlético Madrid lost, and now has a record of 2 losses in their last 5 matches, along with 1 ties and 1 wins.

The new points from the face-off against Atlético Madrid means that Bayern Munich has collected 13 points of the possible in ther 5 latest matches. Atlético Madrid doesn't get any new points because of their loss, and have now collected 4 in their 5 latest matches.

Statistics for Bayern Munich - Atlético Madrid

In home matches this season, Bayern Munich has scored 13 goals in Champions League, meaning that Bayern Munich has an average of 2,60 per match. Bayern Munich has conceded a total of 5 goals on home ground during this season of Champions League. In the 5 matches played on home ground Bayern Munich has an average of 1,00 conceded goals per match.

During this season of Champions League, Bayern Munich has scored a total of 27 goals in the 10 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 5,40 goals scored per match. During this season, Bayern Munich has conceded a total of 10 goals in the 10 matches in the league. In average, Bayern Munich has conceded a total of 2,00 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Atlético Madrid has scored 3 goals in 4 matches. The away team, Atlético Madrid, has an average of 1,75 conceded goals per match in Champions League.

Atlético Madrid has scored an average of 1,75 goals per match in Champions League in the 8 matches played during the season. Looking at the number of goals this season - Atlético Madrid have conceded an average of 2,75 goals per match in the league, in the 8 matches that has been played.