Brentford – Leicester 18/3, odds and results

Gtech Community Stadium 1 - 118-03-2023 15:00Premier League Round 28 Stad: Brentford, Middlesex Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 17250
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Brentford - Leicester
Game facts and information

Match facts Brentford - Leicester in Premier League

The match in Premier League between Brentford vs Leicester match start at 15:00, on 18-03-2023.

Draw between Brentford - Leicester

The match between Brentford - Leicester finally ended in a draw, with a final score of 1 - 1. The draw means that both teams will get points, so both Brentford and The Foxes can add another to their name in the Premier League table.

Odds for Brentford - Leicester

Ahead of the game between Brentford and Leicester in Premier League, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds. The betting companies in our odds comparison gave the average odds of for to win against .

On non-favorites to win, , you could bet to the highest odds of 0/0 at . Underdogs was no favourite to win the match against , and a bet on them gave the average odds of .

Ahead of the match between Brentford and The Foxes, the best odds for a draw was which could be found at . A bet on a draw between Brentford - Leicester gave the average odds of times the money at the bookmakers listed above.

Point record Brentford

Brentford has on home ground in Premier League played 19 matches and scored 0 points. And an average score of 0 points per home match.

This season, Brentford has scored 22 points in 19 away matches played.  In Premier League, Brentford does in other words have an average of 1,16 scored points per away match.

In the total 38 matches that Brentford has played during this season of Premier League, the team has scored 22 points. Brentford has a point average per match of 1,16.

Point record Leicester

Leicester has a score of 0 points in 19 home matches played in Premier League this season. With that, the team has an average of 0 points per home game.

Leicester has a score of 15 points in Premier League in 19 played away matches. This means that Brentford has an average of 0,79 points per match on away grounds.

In Premier League this season, Leicester have scored 15 points in the 38 played matches. Leicester has a season average of 0,79 points per match.

Premier League 2022/23
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester City 19171160-175219114434-163738285594-3389
2Arsenal 19143253-254519123435-183938266688-4384
3Manchester United 19153136-10481983822-332738236958-4375
4Newcastle 19116236-14391988332-1932381914568-3371
5Liverpool 19135146-17441965829-3023381910975-4767
6Brighton 19104537-21341984735-3228381881272-5362
7Aston Villa 19122533-21381965818-2523381871351-4661
8Tottenham 19121637-25371965833-3823381861470-6360
9Brentford 19107235-18371957723-2822381514958-4659
10Fulham 1985631-292919721024-2423381571655-5352
11Crystal Palace 1977521-232819451019-26173811121540-4945
12Chelsea 1967620-192519541018-28193811111638-4744
13Wolverhampton 1993719-203019251212-3811381181931-5841
14West Ham 1984726-242819331316-3112381172042-5540
15Bournemouth 1964920-282219521217-4317381162137-7139
16Nottingham 1986527-243019151311-448389111838-6838
17Everton 19631016-27211929818-3015388121834-5736
18Leicester 19541023-271919431228-411538972251-6834
19Leeds 1957726-372219231422-419387102148-7831
20Southampton 19251219-371119421317-361438672536-7325
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
18/3 2023
Premier League - Grundserie
1 - 1
7/8 2022
Premier League - Grundserie
2 - 2
20/3 2022
Premier League - 2021/22
2 - 1
24/10 2021
Premier League - 2021/22
1 - 2
24/1 2021
FA-cupen - 2020/21
1 - 3
25/1 2020
FA Cup - 2019/20
0 - 1
Teams stats in Premier League
Games played191938
Games won10515
Games drawn7714
Games lost279
Goals for352358
Goals for per game1,841,213,05
Goals against182846
Goals against per game0,951,472,42
Goals against and for per game2,792,682,74
Games played191938
Games won549
Games drawn437
Games lost101222
Goals for232851
Goals for per game1,211,472,68
Goals against274168
Goals against per game1,422,163,58
Goals against and for per game2,633,633,13

Points statistics for Brentford - Leicester

The match between Brentford and Leicester ended in a draw. That means 2 wins, 0 draws and 3 losses for Brentford - and 0 wins, 2 draws and 3 losses for Leicester in the 5 last played matches.

6 points for Brentford, and 2 points for Leicester of the possible is the record for both teams as they both were both given points for the draw.

Goal stats for Brentford and Leicester

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of Premier League, Brentford has scored an average of 1,84 per match in 19 matches. In the 19 matches played on home ground during this season, Brentford has conceded 18 goals in total, which means an average of 0,95 goals per match.

During this season of Premier League, Brentford has scored a total of 58 goals in the 38 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 3,05 goals scored per match. During this season, Brentford has conceded a total of 46 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Brentford has conceded a total of 2,42 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, The Foxes has scored a total of 28 goals in the 19 away matches they've played this season of Premier League. Leicester has conceded a total of 41 goals in away matches during this season of Premier League. In the 19 away matches that Leicester has played, there has been an average of 2,16 conceded goals per match.

Leicester has produced an average of 2,68 goals per match in the 38 played in Premier League. Brentford has during this season conceded a total of 46 goals in the 38 matches that has been played in the league.