Charlton – Millwall 3/7, odds and results

Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Charlton - Millwall
Game facts and information

Charlton - Millwall kick-off 3 juli

The match between Charlton and Millwall in EFL Championship was played on 3/7 with kick-off at 20:15.

Millwall won the match against Charlton

It was however Millwall that won the match, with the final result of 1 - 0. Millwall gets new points in EFL Championship for the win against Charlton. Losing the match means that Charlton are left with no new points this round.

The best odds for Charlton - Millwall

The odds before the match in EFL Championship between Charlton and Millwall favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. That would win as expected gave the average odds of at the betting companies in our list.

was the betting compainie's undergog in the match against . The best odds for a win could be found at , 0/0. The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds for winning the match.

The best odds for a draw was offered by , to times the money. A bet on a draw between Charlton - Millwall gave the average odds of times the money at the bookmakers listed above.

Point record Charlton

During this season of EFL Championship, Charlton has scored a total of 0 points in the 23 matches played at home. In the 23 home matches played, Charlton now has an average of 0 points per match.

18 points is the record for Charlton in the 23 home games played in in %event%. This gives Charlton an away average of 0,78 points per match.

In 46 played matches, Charlton has scored 18 points in EFL Championship.  This season, Charlton has an average of 0,78 points mer match.

Point record Millwall

On home grounds, Millwall has scored 0 points in EFL Championship this season, in 23 home matches. At home, Millwall has an average of 0 scored points per match.

Millwall has a score of 30 points in EFL Championship in 23 played away matches. In away matches, Millwall has scored an average of 1,30 points per match.

Millwall have in 46 matches in EFL Championship this season scored a total of 30. With that, the team has scored 1,30 per match in average.

EFL Championship 2018/19
Regular Season5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Leeds 23155340-145023134637-214346289977-3593
2West Bromwich 231010344-274023127433-1843462217777-4583
3Brentford 23145444-184723104936-2034462491380-3881
4Fulham 23152640-264723810524-22344623121164-4881
5Cardiff City 23119335-21422387833-37314619161168-5873
6Swansea 23105827-233523811435-30354618161262-5370
7Nottingham 23105827-273523811431-23354618161258-5070
8Millwall 23108533-25382379724-26304617171257-5168
9Preston 23124739-29402368920-25264618121659-5466
10Derby County FC 23118433-214123651229-43234617131662-6464
11Blackburn 23109433-243923731333-39244617121766-6363
12Bristol City 2387830-33312395930-32324617121760-6563
13Wigan 23107633-233723571124-33224615141757-5659
14Queens Park Rangers 2395942-423223751125-34264616102067-7658
15Reading 23741226-34252387833-24314615112059-5856
16Stoke 23113936-263623551326-4220461682262-6856
17Sheffield Wednesday 2377919-302823841139-36284615112058-6656
18Middlesbrough 2368920-292623761028-32274613141948-6153
19Huddersfield 2386926-303023561226-40214613122152-7051
20Luton 2387833-373123621521-4520461492354-8251
21Birmingham 23671033-422523671021-33254612142054-7550
22Barnsley 2379729-333023541420-36194612132149-6949
23Charlton 2386928-273023461322-38184612122250-6548
24Hull 23731329-372423561228-5021461292557-8745
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
3/7 2020
EFL Championship - Grundserie
0 - 1
9/11 2019
EFL Championship - Grundserie
2 - 1
3/4 2015
EFL Championship - 2014/15
2 - 1
22/11 2014
EFL Championship - 2014/15
0 - 0
15/3 2014
EFL Championship - 2013/14
0 - 0
21/9 2013
EFL Championship - 2013/14
0 - 1
16/3 2013
EFL Championship - 2012/13
0 - 2
1/12 2012
EFL Championship - 2012/13
0 - 0
Teams stats in EFL Championship
Games played232346
Games won8412
Games drawn6612
Games lost91322
Goals for282250
Goals for per game1,220,962,17
Goals against273865
Goals against per game1,171,652,83
Goals against and for per game2,392,612,50
Games played232346
Games won10717
Games drawn8917
Games lost5712
Goals for332457
Goals for per game1,431,042,48
Goals against252651
Goals against per game1,091,132,22
Goals against and for per game2,522,172,35

Point statistics for Charlton - Millwall

The win against Charlton means that Millwall has a record of 3 wins, 1 losses and 1 draws in their last 5 matches. Charlton has 1 wins, 2 losses and 2 ties in their 5 last matches after losing against Millwall.

A new win to their name means that Millwall now has secured 10 points out of possible in their last 5 matches. No new points are given Charlton after the loss, which means a total point count of 5 points out of the possible over the 5 latest rounds.

Goal stats for Charlton and Millwall

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of EFL Championship, Charlton has scored an average of 1,22 per match in 23 matches. In EFL Championship, Charlton has conceaded 27 goals on home ground this season.

In total, Charlton has produced 50 goals in EFL Championship during the season. In the 46 matches the team has played, Charlton has an average of 2,17 goals scored per game. During this season, Charlton has conceded a total of 65 goals in the 46 matches in the league. In average, Charlton has conceded a total of 2,83 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Millwall has scored a total of 24 goals in the 23 away matches they've played this season of EFL Championship. In away matches, Millwall has conceded an average of 1,13 goals in the 23 away games that has been played.

Millwall has scored an average of 2,48 goals per match in EFL Championship in the 46 matches played during the season. Looking at the number of goals this season - Millwall have conceded an average of 2,22 goals per match in the league, in the 46 matches that has been played.