Inter – Venezia 22/1, odds and results

Stadio Giuseppe Meazza 2 - 122-01-2022 17:00Serie A Round 23 Stad: Milano Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 80018
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Odds for Inter - Venezia
Game facts and information

Match information Inter – Venezia on 22 januari

On 22-01-2022 the match between Inter - Venezia in Serie A was played, with kick-off at 17:00.

Inter left as winners from the last match against Venezia

Inter finally came out with a victory of 2 goals against 1. The win means that Inter gets new points. Venezia lost, and will leave this round of Serie Aemty handed.  The match result means a total of 7 points for Inter in the table, and 3 points for Venezia –who now can be found on place 6 respectively 13 in the Serie A table.

1X2 odds for Inter - Venezia

Before the match between Inter and Venezia in Serie A, were favourites to win according to the odds. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

A bet on , who were expected to lose at the betting companies, you could place a bet to the odds of 0/0 at . If we compare the odds from the betting companies in our list, a bet on to win gave the average odds of .

Before the game, you could bet on a draw between Inter and Venezia to the best odds of at . The betting companies you can see in the odds comparison above, gave an average odds of for a draw.

Point record Inter

Inter has an averige so far in Serie A of 0 scored points per home match. Inter has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

39 points is the record for Inter in the 19 home games played in in %event%. In away matches, Inter has an average of 2,05 points per match.

Inter has secured 39 points in Serie A, in the 38 matches played. For each match, Inter has an average of 2,05 points.

Point record Venezia

On home grounds, Venezia has scored 0 points in Serie A this season, in 19 home matches. Venezia has a score of 0 points per home match in average.

Inter has a record for their away matches in Serie A of 13 scored points in the 19 away matches that has been played. Venezia does in other words score 0,68 points in average for each away match.

In Serie A this season, Venezia have scored 13 points in the 38 played matches. They have a record of scoring an average of 0,68 points per match.

Serie A 2021/22
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Milan 19124328-124019144141-194638268469-3186
2Inter 19143248-164519116236-163938259484-3284
3Napoli 19113537-163619134237-154338247774-3179
4Juventus 19105425-143519105432-2335382010857-3770
5Lazio 19106342-25361984735-33283818101077-5864
6Roma 19106326-16361983833-2727381891159-4363
7Fiorentina 19132438-204119631021-3121381951459-5162
8Atalanta 1948731-292019123434-19393816111165-4859
9Hellas Verona 1993734-25301958631-34233814111365-5953
10Torino 1985629-21291956817-20213813111446-4150
11Sassuolo 1966727-30241975737-36263813111464-6650
12Udinese 1967631-29251957730-29223811141361-5847
13Bologna 1984725-24281946919-31183812101644-5546
14Empoli 19451028-44171966722-26243810111750-7041
15Sampdoria 19631029-322119431217-3115381062246-6336
16Spezia 19531121-301819531120-4118381062241-7136
17Salernitana 19361017-391519441116-3916387102133-7831
18Cagliari 19361020-331519361014-3515386122034-6830
19Genoa 1938814-251719181013-3511384161827-6028
20Venezia 19351121-381419341213-311338692334-6927
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
22/1 2022
Serie A - Grundserie
2 - 1
27/11 2021
Serie A - Grundserie
0 - 2
Teams stats in Serie A
Games played191938
Games won141125
Games drawn369
Games lost224
Goals for483684
Goals for per game2,531,894,42
Goals against161632
Goals against per game0,840,841,68
Goals against and for per game3,372,743,05
Games played191938
Games won336
Games drawn549
Games lost111223
Goals for211334
Goals for per game1,110,681,79
Goals against383169
Goals against per game2,001,633,63
Goals against and for per game3,112,322,71

Point statistics for Inter - Venezia

Inter has 4 wins, 0 draws and 1 losses in their 5 latest matches after defeating Venezia. In the last 5 mathces for Venezia, the result is 0 wins, 4 losses och 1 draws ? with the loss against Inter included.

The win for Inter means new points, and they have secured 12 of the possible during the last five rounds. Fot Venezia on the other hand, the loss means zero points and they have a record of 1 points in total over the last 5 rounds.

Goal stats for Inter and Venezia

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of Serie A, Inter has scored an average of 2,53 per match in 19 matches. On home ground, Inter has conceded an average of 0,84 goals in this season of Serie A.

In the 38 matches Inter has played in Serie A this season, the team has scored a total of 84 goals, with an average of 4,42 goals per match. During this season, Inter has conceded a total of 32 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Inter has conceded a total of 1,68 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Venezia has scored 13 goals in 19 matches. Venezia has in the 19 away matches played during this season of Serie A conceded a total of 31 goals, and has an average of 1,63 conceded goals per match.

Venezia has scored an average of 1,79 goals per match in Serie A in the 38 matches played during the season. During this season of the league, Venezia, has in the 38 matches played conceded an average of 3,63 goals per match.