Man City – Swansea 22/4, odds and results

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Chance of winning
Odds for Manchester City - Swansea
Game facts and information

Match facts Manchester City - Swansea in Premier League

The match was played in Premier League between Manchester City and Swansea. The match started at 16:30 on 22 april.

Manchester City left as winners from the last match against Swansea

It was Manchester City that managed to leave the match against Swansea with a victory - after a final result of 5 - 0. Manchester City gets new points in Premier League for the win against Swansea. Losing the match means that Swansea are left with no new points this round.

Odds for Manchester City - Swansea

Ahead of the game between Manchester City and Swansea in Premier League, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds. The betting companies in our list gave the average odds on favorites to win the match.

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. In our odds comparison, gave the average odds of for to win.

A bet on draw between City and Swansea gave at most the odds of , which cas offered at . Before kick-off between The Sky Blues - Swansea, a bet on a draw gave an average odds of .

Point record Manchester City

City has on home ground in Premier League played 19 matches and scored 0 points. Manchester City has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

On away grounds, Manchester City has scored 50 points in 19 matches. In Premier League, Manchester City does in other words have an average of 2,63 scored points per away match.

Manchester City has in 38 matches scored 50 points in this season of Premier League. In each match, the team has scored an average of 2,63.

Point record Swansea

In 19 matches in Premier League, Swansea has now scored a total of 0 points. This means that Swansea has a home average of 0 points per match.

12 points is what Swansea has scored in their 19 away matches this season. Swansea does in other words score 0,63 points in average for each away match.

12 points is what Swansea has scored in Premier League this season so far, in the 38 matches that have been played. Swansea has a season average of 0,63 points per match.

Premier League
2017/185 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester City 19162161-145019162145-1350383242106-27100
2Manchester United 19152238-94719104530-193438256768-2881
3Tottenham 19134240-164319104534-203438238774-3677
4Liverpool 19127045-10431995539-2832382112584-3875
5Chelsea 19114430-163719103632-2233382171062-3870
6Arsenal 19152254-204719441120-3116381961374-5163
7Burnley 1975716-17261977520-22283814121236-3954
8Everton 19104528-223419361016-36153813101544-5849
9Leicester 1976625-22271955931-38203812111556-6047
10Newcastle 1984721-172819441118-3016381281839-4744
11Crystal Palace 1975729-27261946916-28183811111645-5544
12Bournemouth 1975726-30261946919-31183811111645-6144
13West Ham 1976624-262719361024-42153810121648-6842
14Watford 1976627-312719421317-3314381181944-6441
15Brighton 1978424-252919251210-2911389131634-5440
16Huddersfield 1965816-252319351112-3314389101928-5837
17Southampton 1947820-26191938817-3017387151637-5636
18Swansea 19631017-242119261111-321238892128-5633
19Stoke 1955920-302019271015-3813387121935-6833
20West Bromwich 1939721-291819341210-2713386131931-5631
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
10/2 2021
FA-cupen - 2020/21
1 - 3
16/3 2019
FA Cup - 2018/19
2 - 3
22/4 2018
Premier League - 2017/18
5 - 0
13/12 2017
Premier League - 2017/18
0 - 4
5/2 2017
Premier League - 2016/17
2 - 1
24/9 2016
Premier League - 2016/17
1 - 3
15/5 2016
Premier League - 2015/16
1 - 1
12/12 2015
Premier League - 2015/16
2 - 1
17/5 2015
Premier League - 2014/15
2 - 4
22/11 2014
Premier League - 2014/15
2 - 1
Teams stats in Premier League
Manchester CityHomeAwayTotal
Games played191938
Games won161632
Games drawn224
Games lost112
Goals for6145106
Goals for per game3,212,375,58
Goals against141327
Goals against per game0,740,681,42
Goals against and for per game3,953,053,50
Games played191938
Games won628
Games drawn369
Games lost101121
Goals for171128
Goals for per game0,890,581,47
Goals against243256
Goals against per game1,261,682,95
Goals against and for per game2,162,262,21

Point statistics for Manchester City - Swansea

Manchester City has now won 5, ties 0 and lost 0 of their 5 latest vinsten. The loss for Swansea means that in the 5 last matches they have collected 0, wins, 2 draws, and 3 losses.

After winning against Swansea, Manchester City has collected15 points of possible in their 5 latets matches. Swansea has on the other hand collected in their 5 latest.

Statistics for Manchester City - Swansea

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of Premier League, Manchester City has scored an average of 3,21 per match in 19 matches. During this season, Manchester City has conceded a total of 14 goals in 19 games played on home grounds in Premier League. That means that Manchester City has conceded an average of 0,74 goals per match.

Manchester City has scored an average of 5,58 goals per match in the 38 matches played in Premier League this season. During this season, City has conceded a total of 27 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, City has conceded a total of 1,42 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Swansea has scored 11 goals in 19 matches. The away team, Swansea, has an average of 1,68 conceded goals per match in Premier League.

Swansea has scored an average of 1,47 goals per match in Premier League in the 38 matches played during the season. During this season of the league, Swansea, has in the 38 matches played conceded an average of 2,95 goals per match.