Millwall – Wycombe 20/2, odds and results

Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Millwall - Wycombe
Game facts and information

Millwall - Wycombe kick-off 20 februari

Starting at 15:00, the EFL Championship match between Millwall and Wycombe was played on 20 februari.

Millwall - Wycombe tied

The match between Millwall - Wycombe ended in a draw, with a final result of 0 - 0. The draw means that both teams will get points, so both Millwall and Wycombe can add another to their name in the EFL Championship table.

The best & highest odds for Millwall - Wycombe

Ahead of the game between Millwall and Wycombe in EFL Championship, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds.  was the favorite to win the match, and the bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of .

On non-favorites to win, , you could bet to the highest odds of 0/0 at . The bookmaker's didn't think could win, and the betting companies in the comparison offered an average odds of for them to win.

Ahead of the match between Millwall and Wycombe, the best odds for a draw was which could be found at . The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of times the money for a draw before the match.

Point record Millwall

Millwall has scored 0 points at home during EFL Championship this far, in 23 matches. This gives Millwall an average of 0 scored points per home match.

Millwall has on away grounds during this EFL Championship season scored 31 points in 23 matches. In away matches, Millwall has an average of 1,35 points per match.

During this season of EFL Championship,Millwall has secured 31 points in 46 matches. Millwall has a point average per match of 1,35.

Point record Wycombe

On home grounds, Wycombe has scored 0 points in EFL Championship this season, in 23 home matches. At home, Wycombe has an average of 0 scored points per match.

Wycombe has in their away matches this season scores 17 points in EFL Championship in 23 matches. This means that Millwall has an average of 0,74 points per match in their away matches.

Wycombe has scored 17 points in EFL Championship so far this season, in 46 played matches. Per match, Wycombe has an average point of 0,74.

EFL Championship 2020/21
Regular season5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Norwich 23146339-154823154436-2149462910775-3697
2Watford 23192244-12592388719-1832462710963-3091
3Brentford 23129239-204523126540-2242462415779-4287
4Swansea 23126527-164223115729-23384623111256-3980
5Barnsley 23126530-224223113928-2836462391458-5078
6Bournemouth 23133740-24422398633-22354622111373-4677
7Reading 23124737-27402379725-27304619131462-5470
8Cardiff City 2386937-263023108529-23384618141466-4968
9Queens Park Rangers 23114832-27372387825-28314619111657-5568
10Middlesbrough 23114830-253723761025-28274618101855-5364
11Millwall 23710624-24312387823-28314615171447-5262
12Luton 2389625-233323921216-29294617111841-5262
13Preston 23751121-2426231121028-3235461872149-5661
14Stoke 2395929-283223610721-24284615151650-5260
15Blackburn 2397737-283423651228-26234615121965-5457
16Coventry 23107630-223723461319-39184614131949-6155
17Nottingham 2368921-24262368916-21264612161837-4552
18Birmingham 23641318-37222379719-24304613132037-6152
19Bristol City 23731318-302423831228-3827461562546-6851
20Huddersfield 2387828-233123461322-48184612132150-7149
21Derby County FC 23671020-262523541416-32194611112436-5844
22Wycombe 23751117-282623451422-41174611102539-6943
23Rotherham 23541426-351923651218-2523461192644-6042
24Sheffield Wednesday 2388722-172623431618-4494612112340-6135
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
20/2 2021
EFL Championship - Grundserie
0 - 0
17/10 2020
EFL Championship - Grundserie
1 - 2
Teams stats in EFL Championship
Games played232346
Games won7815
Games drawn10717
Games lost6814
Goals for242347
Goals for per game1,041,002,04
Goals against242852
Goals against per game1,041,222,26
Goals against and for per game2,092,222,15
Games played232346
Games won7411
Games drawn5510
Games lost111425
Goals for172239
Goals for per game0,740,961,70
Goals against284169
Goals against per game1,221,783,00
Goals against and for per game1,962,742,35

Points statistics for Millwall - Wycombe

The draw means that in the last 5 matches, Millwall has gotten 1 wins, 3 losses och 1 draws - while Wycombe in the same time has collected 2 wins, 1 losses and 2 draws.

4 points for Millwall, and 8 points for Wycombe of the possible is the record for both teams as they both were both given points for the draw.

Goal stats for Millwall and Wycombe

In home matches this season, Millwall has scored 24 goals in EFL Championship, meaning that Millwall has an average of 1,04 per match. On home ground, Millwall has conceded an average of 1,04 goals in this season of EFL Championship.

In total, Millwall has produced 47 goals in EFL Championship during the season. In the 46 matches the team has played, Millwall has an average of 2,04 goals scored per game. During this season, Millwall has conceded a total of 52 goals in the 46 matches in the league. In average, Millwall has conceded a total of 2,26 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Wycombe has scored a total of 22 goals in the 23 away matches they've played this season of EFL Championship. Wycombe has conceded a total of 41 goals in away matches during this season of EFL Championship. In the 23 away matches that Wycombe has played, there has been an average of 1,78 conceded goals per match.

Wycombe has produced an average of 1,70 goals per match in the 46 played in EFL Championship. Wycombe has played a total of 46 matches this season, and during those 46 matches the team has conceded a total of 69 goals giving them an average of 3,00 conceded goals per match.