Reading – Man United 1/12, odds and results

Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Reading - Manchester United
Game facts and information

How Reading - Manchester United played out on 1/12

The match was played in Premier League between Reading and Manchester United. The match started at 17:30 on 1 december.

Manchester United left as winners from the last match against Reading

In the end, Manchester United won the match against Reading with a score of 4 - 3. The win means that are given Manchester United new points in the table for Premier League. For Reading on the other hand, there will be no new points in this round.

The best odds for Reading - Manchester United

Before the match between Reading and Manchester United in Premier League, were favourites to win according to the odds.  was the favorite to win the match, and the bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds of .

0/0 was the highest odds on to win the match against . The bet was available at . Underdogs was no favourite to win the match against , and a bet on them gave the average odds of .

The best odds for a tie between Reading and Manchester United was available at - at . Before the match between Reading and Manchester United, the betting companies in the list above gave the average odds of for a draw.

Point record Reading

Reading has scored 0 points at home during Premier League this far, in 19 matches. This gives Reading an average of 0 scored points per home match.

On away grounds, Reading has scored 8 points in 19 matches. In Premier League, Reading does in other words have an average of 0,42 scored points per away match.

Reading has a record this far in Premier League of 8 points in the 38 matches played during the season. In each match, the team has scored an average of 0,42.

Point record Manchester United

The score for Manchester United in home matches this season is 0 scored points in 19 matches played at home. Manchester United has a score of 0 points per home match in average.

In away matches, Manchester United have in this season of Premier League scored 41 points in 19 played matches. This far in the season, Manchester United has an away average of 2,16 points per match.

In Premier League this season, Manchester United have scored 41 points in the 38 played matches. With that, Manchester United has scored an average of 2,16 points per played game.

Premier League
2012/135 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Manchester United 19160345-194819125241-244138285586-4389
2Manchester City 19143241-15451996425-193338239666-3478
3Chelsea 19125241-164119104534-233438229775-3975
4Arsenal 19115347-233819105425-1435382110772-3773
5Tottenham 19115329-183819104537-283438219866-4672
6Everton 19126133-17421949622-2321381615755-4063
7Liverpool 1996433-16331977538-2728381613971-4361
8West Bromwich 1994632-253119531121-3218381471753-5749
9Swansea 1968528-26261955919-25203811131447-5146
10West Ham 1996434-223319341211-31133812101645-5346
11Norwich 1987425-203119271016-38133810141441-5844
12Fulham 1973928-30241947822-30193811101750-6043
13Stoke 1977521-22281928913-2314389151434-4542
14Southampton 1967626-24251937923-3616389141549-6041
15Aston Villa 1955923-28201956824-41213810111747-6941
16Newcastle 1991924-312819271021-3713381181945-6841
17Sunderland 1958620-192319441121-3516389121741-5439
18Wigan 1946926-391819531121-341838992047-7336
19Reading 1948723-332019221520-408386102243-7328
20Queens Park Rangers 1928913-281419251217-3211384132130-6025
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
28/1 2023
FA-cupen - 2022/23
3 - 1
5/1 2019
FA Cup - 2018/19
2 - 0
16/3 2013
Premier League - 2012/13
1 - 0
1/12 2012
Premier League - 2012/13
3 - 4
Teams stats in Premier League
Games played191938
Games won426
Games drawn8210
Games lost71522
Goals for232043
Goals for per game1,211,052,26
Goals against334073
Goals against per game1,742,113,84
Goals against and for per game2,953,163,05
Manchester UnitedHomeAwayTotal
Games played191938
Games won161228
Games drawn055
Games lost325
Goals for454186
Goals for per game2,372,164,53
Goals against192443
Goals against per game1,001,262,26
Goals against and for per game3,373,423,39

Point statistics for Reading - Manchester United

2 wins, 0 losses and 3 draws is the result of the last 5 matches for Manchester United after winning against Reading. For Reading, the loss means a total of 1 wins, 4 losses and 0 draws over the last 5 rounds of Premier League.

The win for Manchester United means new points, and they have secured 9 of the possible during the last five rounds. Fot Reading on the other hand, the loss means zero points and they have a record of 3 points in total over the last 5 rounds.

Goal stats for Reading and Manchester United

In the 19 matches played on home ground this season of Premier League, Reading has scored a total of 23 goals, which gives an average of 1,21 goals scored per match. On home ground, Reading has conceded an average of 1,74 goals in this season of Premier League.

In total, Reading has produced 43 goals in Premier League during the season. In the 38 matches the team has played, Reading has an average of 2,26 goals scored per game. During this season, Reading has conceded a total of 73 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Reading has conceded a total of 3,84 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Manchester United has scored a total of 41 goals in the 19 away matches they've played this season of Premier League. Manchester United does on the other hand have a record of 24 conceded goals during this season of Premier League.

Manchester United has produced an average of 4,53 goals per match in the 38 played in Premier League. Looking at the number of goals this season - Manchester United have conceded an average of 2,26 goals per match in the league, in the 38 matches that has been played.