Salernitana – Frosinone 22/9, odds and results

1 - 122-09-2023 17:30Serie A Round 5
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Salernitana - Frosinone
Game facts and information

Salernitana - Frosinone in Serie A

The match was played in Serie A between Salernitana and Frosinone. The match started at 17:30 on 22 september.

Draw between Salernitana - Frosinone

It was a draw, 1 - 1, in the match between Salernitana and Frosinone. Both Salernitana and Frosinone can add another points to their name in the table after the tied result in the match. Salernitana takes place number in the table for Serie A with points after the match, and Frosinone are with their 0 points in place 2.

1X2 odds for Salernitana - Frosinone

Before the match between Salernitana and Frosinone in Serie A, were favourites to win according to the odds. In average, the odds for to win was times your wager, at bookmakers in the list above.

was expected to lose against , and the best odds on as winners was found at to the odds of 0/0. The average odds for to win was before kick-off.

A bet on draw between Salernitana and Frosinone gave at most the odds of , which cas offered at . That Salernitana - Frosinone would end in a draw before match gave an average odds od at the betting companies we compared.

Point record Salernitana

At home, Salernitana has scored 0 points in 18 matches during this season of Serie A. And an average score of 0 points per home match.

On away grounds, Salernitana has scored 8 points in 18 matches. So the team has an average of 0,44 points per away match.

In Serie A this season, Salernitana has scored 8 points in the 36 matches played so far. Salernitana has an average score of 0,44 points per match.

Point record Frosinone

Frosinone has a score of 0 points in 18 home matches played in Serie A this season. This means that Salernitana scores an average of 0 points per home match.

During this season of Serie A, Frosinone has a score of 10 points in 19 away matches that has been played. This means that Frosinone has a record of 0,53 points per away match.

Frosinone in Serie A have scored 10 points in a total of 37 matches. With that, Frosinone has scored an average of 0,53 points per played game.

Serie A 2023/24
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Inter 19144144-114618152143-94737296287-2093
2Milan 18123335-143919105438-323537228773-4674
3Bologna 18124230-9401869321-1827361813551-2767
4Juventus 18107124-11371886425-1730361813549-2867
5Atalanta 17122337-13381984730-2628362061067-3966
6Roma 19124338-19401865726-2523371891064-4463
7Lazio 18103522-13331983826-2527371861348-3860
8Fiorentina 19105437-22351754818-2019361591255-4254
9Torino 1989218-9331855818-24203713141036-3353
10Napoli 1866624-27241977531-21283713131155-4852
11Genoa 1876525-22271947818-23193711131343-4546
12Monza 1966723-26241856716-23213711121439-4945
13Lecce 1966717-27241827915-2713378131632-5437
14Cagliari 1867526-292519251214-3611378121740-6536
15Frosinone 1874728-312519171116-3710378111844-6835
16Hellas Verona 1865721-242318251113-2411368101834-4834
17Udinese 19111721-29141848615-2420375191336-5334
18Empoli 1845913-221719441114-311637892027-5333
19Sassuolo 1955923-342018231319-40937782242-7429
20Salernitana 18151216-36818151212-408362102428-7616
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
20:45 26/4
Serie A - Grundserie
3 - 0
22/9 2023
Serie A - Grundserie
1 - 1
Teams stats in Serie A
Games played181836
Games won112
Games drawn5510
Games lost121224
Goals for161228
Goals for per game0,890,671,56
Goals against364076
Goals against per game2,002,224,22
Goals against and for per game2,892,892,89
Games played181937
Games won718
Games drawn4711
Games lost71118
Goals for281644
Goals for per game1,560,842,32
Goals against313768
Goals against per game1,721,953,58
Goals against and for per game3,282,793,03

Points statistics for Salernitana - Frosinone

The match between Salernitana and Frosinone ended in a draw. That means 0 wins, 1 draws and 4 losses for Salernitana - and 1 wins, 4 draws and 0 losses for Frosinone in the 5 last played matches.

Points from the draw means that Salernitana now has gotten 1 points out of possible in their 5 latest matches. Frosinone has scored a total of 7 points in the same number of matches.

Statistics for Salernitana - Frosinone

In home matches this season, Salernitana has scored 16 goals in Serie A, meaning that Salernitana has an average of 0,89 per match. Salernitana has conceded a total of 36 goals on home ground during this season of Serie A. In the 18 matches played on home ground Salernitana has an average of 2,00 conceded goals per match.

In the 36 matches Salernitana has played in Serie A this season, the team has scored a total of 28 goals, with an average of 1,56 goals per match. During this season, Salernitana has conceded a total of 76 goals in the 36 matches in the league. In average, Salernitana has conceded a total of 4,22 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Frosinone has scored a total of 16 goals in the 19 away matches they've played this season of Serie A. The away team, Frosinone, has an average of 1,95 conceded goals per match in Serie A.

Frosinone have in this season of Serie A scored a total of 44 goals. In the 37 matches that Frosinone have played this season, an average of 2,32 goals has been scored per match. Salernitana has during this season conceded a total of 76 goals in the 36 matches that has been played in the league.