Sampdoria – Cremonese 8/4, odds and results

2 - 308-04-2023 15:30Serie A Round 29
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Sampdoria - Cremonese
Game facts and information

How Sampdoria - Cremonese was played

Sampdoria and Cremonese faced each other on 08-04-2023 with kick-off at 15:30 in Serie A.

Cremonese came out with a win against Sampdoria

The match ended in a victory for Cremonese, who won with 3 goals against 2. The win means that are given Cremonese new points in the table for Serie A. For Sampdoria on the other hand, there will be no new points in this round.

The best odds for Sampdoria - Cremonese

The odds before the match in Serie A between Sampdoria and Cremonese favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

offered the best odds for to win, at 0/0 times your wager. In average, you could place a bet on to win to the odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

The best odds for a tie between Sampdoria and Cremonese was available at - at . In average, the bookmakers we compared gave an odds of for a draw between Sampdoria - Cremonese.

Point record Sampdoria

Sampdoria home score this far in Serie A is 0 points in 19 matches. This gives Sampdoria an average of 0 scored points per home match.

In away matches, Sampdoria has during this season scored a total of 9 points in 19 away matches. In Serie A, Sampdoria does in other words have an average of 0,47 scored points per away match.

In the 38 matches Sampdoria during this season of Serie A, the team has scored a total of 9 points. With an average of 0,47 points per match.

Point record Cremonese

Cremonese has a home score in Serie A of 19 played matches and 0 points. Cremonese has a score of 0 points per home match in average.

Cremonese has in their away matches this season scores 11 points in Serie A in 19 matches. Cremonese does in other words score 0,58 points in average for each away match.

In Serie A this season, Cremonese have scored 11 points in the 38 played matches. Per match, Cremonese has an average point of 0,58.

Serie A 2022/23
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Napoli 19143240-154519143237-134538286477-2890
2Lazio 19114432-183719114428-123738228860-3074
3Inter 19140537-14421993734-2830382331271-4272
4Milan 19134241-20431976623-2327382010864-4370
5Atalanta 19103638-26331994628-2231381971266-4864
6Roma 19113528-15361976622-2327381891150-3863
7Juventus 19133338-15371993718-1825382261056-3362
8Fiorentina 1996430-22331965823-21233815111253-4356
9Bologna 1979324-14301973929-35243814121253-4954
10Torino 1957715-19221994627-22313814111342-4153
11Monza 1975725-22261975723-30263814101448-5252
12Udinese 1969430-202719541017-28193811131447-4846
13Sassuolo 1984724-232819451023-3817381291747-6145
14Empoli 1984722-23281929815-26153810131537-4943
15Salernitana 1976630-26271929818-3615389151448-6242
16Lecce 1938818-241719541015-2219388121833-4636
17Hellas Verona 19631020-322119171111-2710387102131-5931
18Spezia 1948718-302019251213-3211386131931-6231
19Cremonese 19441115-311619181021-3811385122136-6927
20Sampdoria 19171112-281019231412-439383102524-7119
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
8/4 2023
Serie A - Grundserie
2 - 3
24/10 2022
Serie A - Grundserie
0 - 1
Teams stats in Serie A
Games played191938
Games won123
Games drawn7310
Games lost111425
Goals for121224
Goals for per game0,630,631,26
Goals against284371
Goals against per game1,472,263,74
Goals against and for per game2,112,892,50
Games played191938
Games won415
Games drawn4812
Games lost111021
Goals for152136
Goals for per game0,791,111,89
Goals against313869
Goals against per game1,632,003,63
Goals against and for per game2,423,112,76

Point statistics for Sampdoria - Cremonese

Winning the match means that Cremonese now has won 1, played 1 draws and lost 3 of ther 5 latest matches. Sampdoria have won 0, tied in 1 and lost 4 of their 5 latest matches after losing this match to Cremonese.

The win means new points for Cremonese, who has secured 4 points out of possible in the 5 last rounds. A point loss for Sampdoria means a record of 1 points in their 5 latest matches.

Statistics for Sampdoria - Cremonese

In home matches this season, Sampdoria has scored 12 goals in Serie A, meaning that Sampdoria has an average of 0,63 per match. Sampdoria has conceded a total of 28 goals on home ground during this season of Serie A. In the 19 matches played on home ground Sampdoria has an average of 1,47 conceded goals per match.

In the 38 matches Sampdoria has played in Serie A this season, the team has scored a total of 24 goals, with an average of 1,26 goals per match. During this season, Sampdoria has conceded a total of 71 goals in the 38 matches in the league. In average, Sampdoria has conceded a total of 3,74 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Cremonese has scored a total of 21 goals in the 19 away matches they've played this season of Serie A. Cremonese does on the other hand have a record of 38 conceded goals during this season of Serie A.

Cremonese has scored an average of 1,89 goals per match in Serie A in the 38 matches played during the season. During the past season, Cremonese has conceded a total of 69 goals. This means that Cremonese has conceded an average of 3,63 goals in the 38 matches that has been played in Serie A.