Schalke 04 – Arminia Bielefeld 19/12, odds and results

VELTINS-Arena 0 - 119-12-2020 14:30Bundesliga Round 13 Stad: Gelsenkirchen Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 62271
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Odds for Schalke 04 - Arminia Bielefeld
Game facts and information

Schalke 04 - Arminia Bielefeld in Bundesliga

Schalke 04 and Arminia Bielefeld faced each other on 19-12-2020 with kick-off at 14:30 in Bundesliga.

Arminia Bielefeld won the match against Schalke 04

The match between Schalke 04 and Arminia Bielefeld eventually ended with a 1 - 0 win for Arminia Bielefeld. The win means that are given Arminia Bielefeld new points in the table for Bundesliga. For Schalke 04 on the other hand, there will be no new points in this round.

The best odds for Schalke 04 - Arminia Bielefeld

Before the match between Schalke 04 and Arminia Bielefeld in Bundesliga, were favourites to win according to the odds. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. In average, the bookmakers in our list gave the odds for to take an unexpected win.

Before the game, you could bet on a draw between Schalke 04 and Arminia Bielefeld to the best odds of at . In average, the bookmakers we compared gave an odds of for a draw between Schalke 04 - Arminia Bielefeld.

Point record Schalke 04

Schalke 04 has an averige so far in Bundesliga of 0 scored points per home match. In the 17 home matches played, Schalke 04 now has an average of 0 points per match.

This season, Schalke 04 has scored 4 points in 17 away matches played.  In Bundesliga, Schalke 04 does in other words have an average of 0,24 scored points per away match.

In 34 played matches, Schalke 04 has scored 4 points in Bundesliga.  This means that Schalke 04 has an average of 0,24 points per match.

Point record Arminia Bielefeld

In 17 matches in Bundesliga, Arminia Bielefeld has now scored a total of 0 points. This means that Schalke 04 scores an average of 0 points per home match.

Arminia Bielefeld has a score of 15 points in Bundesliga in 17 played away matches. This means that Schalke 04 has an average of 0,88 points per match in their away matches.

In the total of 34 matches Arminia Bielefeld has played this season, they have scored 15 points. With that, Arminia Bielefeld has scored an average of 0,88 points per played game.

Bundesliga 2020/21
Regular season5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Bayern Munich 17134064-214317112435-233534246499-4478
2RB Leipzig 17114229-13371784531-192834198760-3265
3Borussia Dortmund 17112440-20351792635-2629342041075-4664
4Wolfsburg 17104332-16341776429-2127341710761-3761
5Eintracht Frankfurt 17107037-20371765632-3323341612669-5360
6Bayer Leverkusen 1785434-22291765619-17233414101053-3952
7Union Berlin 1788132-18321746718-2518341214850-4350
8Mönchengladbach 1784532-19281756632-37213413101164-5649
9Stuttgart 1756627-26211773729-2924341291356-5545
10Freiburg 1776433-23271753919-2918341291352-5245
11Hoffenheim 1783632-24271737720-30163411101352-5443
12FSV Mainz 05 1744916-26161765623-3023341091539-5639
13FC Augsburg 1764721-252217421115-2914341061836-5436
14Hertha Berlin 1755721-26201736820-2615348111541-5235
15Arminia Bielefeld 1762913-23201736813-291534981726-5235
16FC Köln 1735920-31141754814-291934891734-6033
17Werder Bremen 1735916-28141745820-2917347101736-5731
18Schalke 04 17331114-341217041311-52434372425-8616
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
20/4 2021
Bundesliga - Grundserie
1 - 0
19/12 2020
Bundesliga - Grundserie
0 - 1
3/4 2009
Bundesliga - Grundserie
0 - 2
25/10 2008
Bundesliga - Grundserie
0 - 0
Teams stats in Bundesliga
Schalke 04HomeAwayTotal
Games played171734
Games won303
Games drawn347
Games lost111324
Goals for141125
Goals for per game0,820,651,47
Goals against345286
Goals against per game2,003,065,06
Goals against and for per game2,823,713,26
Arminia BielefeldHomeAwayTotal
Games played171734
Games won639
Games drawn268
Games lost9817
Goals for131326
Goals for per game0,760,761,53
Goals against232952
Goals against per game1,351,713,06
Goals against and for per game2,122,472,29

Point statistics for Schalke 04 - Arminia Bielefeld

Arminia Bielefeld has now won 1, ties 3 and lost 1 of their 5 latest vinsten. The loss for Schalke 04 means that in the 5 last matches they have collected 0, wins, 0 draws, and 5 losses.

The new points from the face-off against Schalke 04 means that Arminia Bielefeld has collected 6 points of the possible in ther 5 latest matches. Schalke 04 doesn't get any new points because of their loss, and have now collected 0 in their 5 latest matches.

Goal stats for Schalke 04 and Arminia Bielefeld

In the 17 matches played on home ground this season of Bundesliga, Schalke 04 has scored a total of 14 goals, which gives an average of 0,82 goals scored per match. Schalke 04 has conceded a total of 34 goals on home ground during this season of Bundesliga. In the 17 matches played on home ground Schalke 04 has an average of 2,00 conceded goals per match.

In the 34 matches Schalke 04 has played in Bundesliga this season, the team has scored a total of 25 goals, with an average of 1,47 goals per match. During this season, Schalke 04 has conceded a total of 86 goals in the 34 matches in the league. In average, Schalke 04 has conceded a total of 5,06 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Arminia Bielefeld has scored 13 goals in 17 matches. Arminia Bielefeld has in the 17 away matches played during this season of Bundesliga conceded a total of 29 goals, and has an average of 1,71 conceded goals per match.

Arminia Bielefeld have in this season of Bundesliga scored a total of 26 goals. In the 34 matches that Arminia Bielefeld have played this season, an average of 1,53 goals has been scored per match. Looking at the number of goals this season - Arminia Bielefeld have conceded an average of 3,06 goals per match in the league, in the 34 matches that has been played.