Atalanta – Monza 2/9, odds and results

3 - 002-09-2023 19:45Serie A Round 3
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Atalanta - Monza
Game facts and information

Match information Atalanta – Monza on 2 september

On 02-09-2023 the match between Atalanta - Monza in Serie A was played, with kick-off at 19:45.

Atalanta came out with a win against Monza

The match ended in a victory for Atalanta, who won with 3 goals against 0. The win means that Atalanta gets new points. Monza lost, and will leave this round of Serie Aemty handed.

The best odds for Atalanta - Monza

The odds before the match in Serie A between Atalanta and Monza favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. In our odds comparison, the betting companies offered the average odds of for to win.

were underdogs against , and the highest odds for a win was found at , to 0/0 times your wager. The bookmakers in our odds comparison gave the average odds for winning the match.

The best bet for a draw between Atalanta and Monza was found at to the odds of . The betting companies you can see in the odds comparison above, gave an average odds of for a draw.

Point record Atalanta

During this season of Serie A, Atalanta has scored a total of 0 points in the 17 matches played at home. In home matches, Atalanta has an average of 0 points per match.

This season, Atalanta has scored 28 points in 19 away matches played.  This means that Atalanta has an average score in away matches of 1,47 points per match.

28 points is what Atalanta has scored this far during season of Serie A, in 36 played matches. In each match, the team has scored an average of 1,47.

Point record Monza

Monza has played 18 home matches in Serie A this season, with 0 collected points. This means that Monza has a home average of 0 points per match.

Monza has a score of 21 points in Serie A in 18 played away matches. In away matches, Monza has scored an average of 1,17 points per match this season.

Monza has in Serie A scored 21 points in 36 played matches this season. Monza has an average of 1,17 points per match.

Serie A 2023/24
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Inter 18143143-104518152143-94736295286-1992
2Milan 18123335-143919105438-323537228773-4674
3Bologna 18124230-9401869321-1827361813551-2767
4Juventus 18107124-11371886425-1730361813549-2867
5Atalanta 17122337-13381984730-2628362061067-3966
6Roma 18114337-19371865726-2523361791063-4460
7Lazio 18103522-13331882825-2426361851347-3759
8Fiorentina 19105437-22351754818-2019361591255-4254
9Torino 1989218-9331855818-24203713141036-3353
10Napoli 1866624-27241977531-21283713131155-4852
11Genoa 1876525-22271847718-22193611131243-4446
12Monza 1866623-25241856716-23213611121339-4845
13Lecce 1966717-27241827915-2713378131632-5437
14Cagliari 1867526-292519251214-3611378121740-6536
15Hellas Verona 1865721-242318251113-2411368101834-4834
16Udinese 18110720-28131848615-2420365181335-5233
17Frosinone 1874728-312518071115-377367111843-6832
18Empoli 1845913-221718431113-301536882026-5232
19Sassuolo 1955923-342018231319-40937782242-7429
20Salernitana 18151216-36818151212-408362102428-7616
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
20:45 21/4
Serie A - Grundserie
1 - 2
2/9 2023
Serie A - Grundserie
3 - 0
4/6 2023
Serie A - Grundserie
5 - 2
5/9 2022
Serie A - Grundserie
0 - 2
Teams stats in Serie A
Games played171936
Games won12820
Games drawn246
Games lost3710
Goals for373067
Goals for per game2,181,583,53
Goals against132639
Goals against per game0,761,372,05
Goals against and for per game2,942,952,94
Games played181836
Games won6511
Games drawn6612
Games lost6713
Goals for231639
Goals for per game1,280,892,17
Goals against252348
Goals against per game1,391,282,67
Goals against and for per game2,672,172,42

Point statistics for Atalanta - Monza

The win against Monza means that Atalanta has a record of 4 wins, 1 losses and 0 draws in their last 5 matches. Monza has 1 wins, 2 losses and 2 ties in their 5 last matches after losing against Atalanta.

After winning against Monza, Atalanta has collected12 points of possible in their 5 latets matches. Monza has on the other hand collected in their 5 latest.

Statistics for Atalanta - Monza

Atalanta has scored 37 goals in home matches during this season of Serie A, an average of 2,18 goals scored per match. In Serie A, Atalanta has conceaded 13 goals on home ground this season.

Atalanta has scored an average of 3,53 goals per match in the 36 matches played in Serie A this season. During this season, Atalanta has conceded a total of 39 goals in the 36 matches in the league. In average, Atalanta has conceded a total of 2,05 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Monza has scored a total of 16 goals in the 18 away matches they've played this season of Serie A. The away team, Monza, has an average of 1,28 conceded goals per match in Serie A.

Monza have in this season of Serie A scored a total of 39 goals. In the 36 matches that Monza have played this season, an average of 2,17 goals has been scored per match. Monza has played a total of 36 matches this season, and during those 36 matches the team has conceded a total of 48 goals giving them an average of 2,67 conceded goals per match.