Frosinone – Lecce 3/3, odds and results

Stadio Benito Stirpe 1 - 103-03-2024 14:00Serie A Round 27 Domare: M. Guida Stad: Frosinone Underlag: Gräs Kapacitet: 16310
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Frosinone - Lecce
Game facts and information

Frosinone faced Lecce on 03-03-2024

The match was played in Serie A between Frosinone and Lecce. The match started at 14:00 on 3 mars.

Draw between Frosinone - Lecce

The match between Frosinone and Lecce ended in a tie with the scores 1 - 1. Frosinone and Lecce will both get points for the match that ended in a draw.

1X2 odds for Frosinone - Lecce

The odds before the match in Serie A between Frosinone and Lecce favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. In average, the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the odds for a win.

The bookies didn't believe in a win for against . offered the best odds for a win, 0/0. In average, you could place a bet on to win to the odds of at the betting companies in our odds comparison.

A draw between Frosinone and Lecce gave the highest odds of at . Before kick-off between Frosinone - Lecce, a bet on a draw gave an average odds of .

Point record Frosinone

The home team Frosinone has in 17 home matches scored a total of 0 points. A record that means an average of 0 scored points per home match.

This season, Frosinone has scored 6 points in 17 away matches played.  This far in the season, Frosinone has an average of 0,35 points scored per match on away grounds.

Frosinone has secured 6 points in Serie A, in the 34 matches played. This means that Frosinone has an average of 0,35 points per match.

Point record Lecce

On home grounds, Lecce has scored 0 points in Serie A this season, in 17 home matches. At home, Lecce has an average of 0 scored points per match.

Lecce has a score of 12 points in Serie A in 17 played away matches. This far in the season, Lecce has an away average of 0,71 points per match.

In 34 played matches, Lecce has scored 12 points in Serie A. With that, Lecce has scored an average of 0,71 points per played game.

Serie A 2023/24
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Inter 18143143-104516142038-84434285181-1889
2Milan 16112327-103518105337-293534217664-3970
3Juventus 17106123-10361785424-1629341811547-2665
4Bologna 18124230-9401658319-1823341712549-2763
5Roma 17113336-18361765625-232334178961-4159
6Atalanta 16112335-12351764726-2522331761061-3757
7Lazio 1793520-13301781823-2225341741343-3555
8Fiorentina 1794433-19311654717-1819331481150-3750
9Napoli 1766524-25241775528-18263413111052-4350
10Torino 1778215-8291745816-23173411131031-3146
11Monza 1765621-23231756615-21213411111236-4444
12Genoa 1766523-21241746715-19183410121238-4042
13Lecce 1766517-23241726914-2612348121431-4936
14Cagliari 1766525-282417151111-318347111636-5932
15Hellas Verona 1655618-212018251113-2411347101731-4531
16Frosinone 1774628-262517061115-376347101743-6331
17Empoli 1744913-221617431013-281534871926-5031
18Udinese 1719719-27121738613-2417344171332-5129
19Sassuolo 1745822-321717231218-38934682040-7026
20Salernitana 17151115-34817141211-39734292326-7315
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
15:00 3/3
Serie A - Grundserie
1 - 1
16/12 2023
Serie A - Grundserie
2 - 1
Teams stats in Serie A
Games played171734
Games won707
Games drawn4610
Games lost61117
Goals for281543
Goals for per game1,650,882,53
Goals against263763
Goals against per game1,532,183,71
Goals against and for per game3,183,063,12
Games played171734
Games won628
Games drawn6612
Games lost5914
Goals for171431
Goals for per game1,000,821,82
Goals against232649
Goals against per game1,351,532,88
Goals against and for per game2,352,352,35

Points statistics for Frosinone - Lecce

The draw means that Frosinone has a record of 0 wins, 3 draws and 2 losses over their last 5 matches. Lecce has 2 wins, 1 draws and 2 losses in the same amount of matches.

Both teams were awarded with points in Serie A after the draw. During the last five matches, which means a total of possible points, Frosinone has collected 3 poins ? and Lecce has secured 7.

Goal stats for Frosinone and Lecce

Frosinone has scored 28 goals in home matches during this season of Serie A, an average of 1,65 goals scored per match. In Serie A, Frosinone has conceaded 26 goals on home ground this season.

During this season of Serie A, Frosinone has scored a total of 43 goals in the 34 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 2,53 goals scored per match. During this season, Frosinone has conceded a total of 63 goals in the 34 matches in the league. In average, Frosinone has conceded a total of 3,71 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Lecce has scored a total of 14 goals in the 17 away matches they've played this season of Serie A. Lecce has conceded a total of 26 goals in away matches during this season of Serie A. In the 17 away matches that Lecce has played, there has been an average of 1,53 conceded goals per match.

Lecce has produced an average of 1,82 goals per match in the 34 played in Serie A. Frosinone has during this season conceded a total of 63 goals in the 34 matches that has been played in the league.