Salernitana – Torino 18/9, odds and results

0 - 318-09-2023 17:30Serie A Round 4
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Salernitana - Torino
Game facts and information

How Salernitana - Torino played out on 18/9

On 18-09-2023 the match between Salernitana - Torino in Serie A was played, with kick-off at 17:30.

Torino came out with a win against Salernitana

The match ended in a victory for Torino, who won with 3 goals against 0. Torino gets another new points to the table after defeating Salernitana. The losing team will on the other hand leave this round of Serie A empty handed.

Odds for Salernitana - Torino

Ahead of the game between Salernitana and Torino in Serie A, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds. Average odds for favourite , at the betting companies was .

gave the best odds for a som win, to the odds of 0/0 times your wager. The average odds for to win was before kick-off.

Before the game, you could bet on a draw between Salernitana and Torino to the best odds of at . The average odds for a draw offered by the betting companies we compared odds from was .

Point record Salernitana

Salernitana has on home ground in Serie A played 18 matches and scored 0 points. In home matches, Salernitana has an average of 0 points per match.

7 points is the record for Salernitana in the 17 home games played in in %event%. So the team has an average of 0,41 points per away match.

Salernitana has a record this far in Serie A of 7 points in the 35 matches played during the season. Salernitana does because of this have an average of 0,41 points scored per match.

Point record Torino

On home grounds, Torino has scored 0 points in Serie A this season, in 18 home matches. Over 18 matches played on home ground in this season of Serie A, Torino has scored an average of 0 points per match.

Torino has a score of 17 points in Serie A in 17 played away matches. Torino does in other words score 1,00 points in average for each away match.

Torino in Serie A have scored 17 points in a total of 35 matches. The result means that Torino has an average of 1,00 scored points per match.

Serie A 2023/24
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Inter 18143143-104517142138-94435285281-1989
2Milan 17113330-133618105337-293535218667-4271
3Juventus 17106123-10361886425-1730351812548-2766
4Bologna 18124230-9401759319-1824351713549-2764
5Atalanta 16112335-12351874728-2625341861063-3860
6Roma 18114337-19371765625-232335179962-4260
7Lazio 1793520-13301882825-2426351751345-3756
8Napoli 1766524-25241876529-19273513121053-4451
9Fiorentina 1794433-19311754818-2019341481251-3950
10Torino 1879215-8301745816-23173511141031-3147
11Monza 1866623-25241756615-21213511121238-4645
12Genoa 1766523-21241847718-22193510131241-4343
13Lecce 1766517-23241827915-2713358131432-5037
14Hellas Verona 1765620-222318251113-2411358101733-4634
15Cagliari 1867526-292517151111-318357121637-6033
16Frosinone 1774628-262518071115-377357111743-6332
17Empoli 1845913-221717431013-281535881926-5032
18Udinese 18110720-28131738613-2417354181333-5230
19Sassuolo 1855823-322017231218-38935782041-7029
20Salernitana 18151216-36817141211-39735292427-7515
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
12:30 4/2
Serie A - Grundserie
0 - 0
18/9 2023
Serie A - Grundserie
0 - 3
16/4 2023
Serie A - Grundserie
1 - 1
8/1 2023
Serie A - Grundserie
1 - 1
2/4 2022
Serie A - Grundserie
0 - 1
12/9 2021
Serie A - Grundserie
4 - 0
Teams stats in Serie A
Games played181735
Games won112
Games drawn549
Games lost121224
Goals for161127
Goals for per game0,890,651,59
Goals against363975
Goals against per game2,002,294,41
Goals against and for per game2,892,942,91
Games played181735
Games won7411
Games drawn9514
Games lost2810
Goals for151631
Goals for per game0,830,941,82
Goals against82331
Goals against per game0,441,351,82
Goals against and for per game1,282,291,77

Point statistics for Salernitana - Torino

1 wins, 3 losses and 1 draws is the result of the last 5 matches for Torino after winning against Salernitana. For Salernitana, the loss means a total of 0 wins, 4 losses and 1 draws over the last 5 rounds of Serie A.

The win for Torino means new points, and they have secured 4 of the possible during the last five rounds. Fot Salernitana on the other hand, the loss means zero points and they have a record of 1 points in total over the last 5 rounds.

Goal stats for Salernitana and Torino

Calculating the total amounts of goals scored per match on home ground this season of Serie A, Salernitana has scored an average of 0,89 per match in 18 matches. During this season, Salernitana has conceded a total of 36 goals in 18 games played on home grounds in Serie A. That means that Salernitana has conceded an average of 2,00 goals per match.

In the 35 matches Salernitana has played in Serie A this season, the team has scored a total of 27 goals, with an average of 1,59 goals per match. During this season, Salernitana has conceded a total of 75 goals in the 35 matches in the league. In average, Salernitana has conceded a total of 4,41 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Torino has scored a total of 16 goals in the 17 away matches they've played this season of Serie A. Torino has in the 17 away matches played during this season of Serie A conceded a total of 23 goals, and has an average of 1,35 conceded goals per match.

Torino have in this season of Serie A scored a total of 31 goals. In the 35 matches that Torino have played this season, an average of 1,82 goals has been scored per match. During this season of the league, Torino, has in the 35 matches played conceded an average of 1,82 goals per match.